Greens cash splash a ‘tone deaf contribution’ to education policy debate
A $10bn Greens cash splash to make public schools completely free is a ‘tone deaf contribution’ to the education policy debate.
A $10bn Greens cash splash to make public schools completely free is a ‘tone deaf contribution’ to the education policy debate.
Eddy Boas says the ABC’s decision to not be among 78 TV networks to send journalists to Poland for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was ‘a disgrace’.
Gillian Triggs has reflected on a tumultuous time at the top of the Australian Human Rights Commission as she received the nation’s highest honour for her human rights work.
Anthony Albanese told the National Press Club the federal government has secured new schools funding agreements with Victoria and South Australia, after months of stalled negotiations.
The vandalism attack has been condemned by the NSW Premier and Randwick councillors. While a Greens councillor says its ‘time to look at other options’.
The nation’s police chiefs have finally united to establish a cross-nation taskforce to fight anti-Semitism, as suspects involved in an attack on a Jewish deli allegedly refused to hand over phone passwords.
See the worst and best placed universities to manage the uncertainty.
NSW police have doubled the number of detectives on the hate crimes taskforce after ‘scumbags’ firebombed and vandalised a childcare centre in Sydney.
A new approach to preparing the nation’s part-time soldiers would be modelled on a program to train Ukrainian nationals to fight Russian forces, allowing the ADF reserves to ‘rapidly scale’ in the event of a ‘crisis’.
Two bodies have been recovered after a small plane crashed off the NSW North Coast.
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