Napoleonic adventures
THE National Gallery of Victoria’s Napoleon exhibition comes to Australia in the anniversary year of the emperor’s fateful decision to invade Russia.
THE National Gallery of Victoria’s Napoleon exhibition comes to Australia in the anniversary year of the emperor’s fateful decision to invade Russia.
JUST as we ignore the spin of politicians, we learn to discount the cliches with which art is marketed.
THE Australian collection at the Art Gallery of NSW has been rehung, with only one or two questionable placements.
THE title of Berlinde de Bruyckere’s exhibition at Melbourne’s Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, We are All Flesh, is deliberately ambiguous.
THE thinking of another time can be hard to understand, but the tone and sensibility that make ideas possible is even more mysterious.
THE selection of Joseph Beuys’s work on display at the University of Sydney Art Gallery shows his unerring instinct for marketing.
THERE is something missing from the Modern Woman exhibition, which appears to be a poorer cousin of a similarly named Canadian offering.
STEPHEN Scheding’s exhibition is displayed across two levels at the National Maritime Museum in Sydney.
BUILDINGS are the most tangible monuments of a civilisation.
ROY Lichtenstein’s work illustrates the assumption that if a work lends itself to commentary, it must of necessity have substance.
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