South Western Australia
People ‘just picking up’ starving WA cockatoos as burglars target nests
At what point does a pet become a pest? Meanwhile, here’s why one of Perth’s foremost black cockatoo rehab figures is saying he’s ‘never seen anything like it’.
- Emma Young
War of words erupts over Western Australia’s prescribed burning program
As LA faces the mass destruction of multiple wildfires, dissent is building over the prescribed burning regime for the shrinking, drying forests of WA’s South West.
- Sarah Brookes
Teal independent to take on Liberals in WA’s South West
Western Australia’s second federal community independent candidate has been revealed as Bunbury urologist Dr Sue Chapman.
- Hamish Hastie
Cabin Fever: Your guide to the ultimate Margaret River party season
Cue footy season, umbrellas by the door – and Cabin Fever! From beer launches to free live music, this program is stacked with value-packed, accessible events.
- Max Veenhuyzen
- Opinion
- Biodiversity
Undermining the watchdog is against WA’s nature. We must defend our thin green line
WA has special natural resources – resources that have helped make our economy strong. But what makes us strong also needs protecting, and now is the time.
- Jess Beckerling
‘Long-term pain’: Scientists warn against WA’s prescribed burn regime
Is it time the government rethinks its prescribed burning practices? New research says it’s making forests more flammable, not less, but the state stands firm.
- Sarah Brookes
The power of a pie: South West baking success story starts new chapter
All killer, no filler: glorious hand-pressed pies are coming to the Margaret River township – now that the necessary equipment has cleared customs.
- Max Veenhuyzen
Summer’s over – but new warning shows WA fires have only just begun
There is no end in sight for an already “long and challenging in fire season” which a new outlook shows will double in length as hot dry weather continues.
- Emma Young
What’s Leavers like in 2023? A Perth nurse-to-be lifts the lid
Anyone with memories of drunken, depraved leavers weeks will be either impressed or horrified by the 2023 version: a utopian fantasy complete with The Zone.
- Emma Young
Alcoa’s mining in WA one step closer to detailed independent review
WA’s environmental watchdog has invited public comment on whether it should undertake a detailed independent review of Alcoa’s mining in WA’s jarrah forests.
- Peter Milne
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