

These ochre hand stencils in a Nullarbor cave indicate the traditional ownership of the Mirning Peoples who used the cave system for shelter, ceremony, creative expression and a source of water and flint for tools.

Scientists warn $100 billion ‘green’ project will destroy WA heritage

A plan to build 3000 wind turbines and six million solar panels in WA to make hydrogen and ammonia is in an area experts call “an irreplaceable global treasure”.

  • Emma Young


bufo marinus

Here’s a simple solution to the cane toad invasion. And it costs just 66¢ a hectare

A narrow patch of land stands between the invasive species and the Pilbara – 27 million hectares where native species thrive. A new program taking aim at the cane toads’ Achilles heel.

  • Julie Power
Environmental Minister Tanya Plibersek.

‘The only option’: Environment minister sued by Wilderness Society

The environmentalist group is taking legal action over allegations that the environment minister failed in her duty to protect threatened wildlife.

  • Mike Foley and Bianca Hall
GIF of illegal land clearing in Melbourne’s west.

From grasslands to ‘moonscape’: Dismay, anger over illegal clearing in Melbourne’s west

Private landowners are under investigation for destroying 40 hectares of land earmarked as a grasslands reserve for critically endangered plants and animals.

  • Adam Carey
Mosquito treatment of wetlands along the Swan River.

Swan River cities plead for help as they lose fight with mosquitos

The cities of Bayswater, Swan, Bassendean and Belmont released a statement Tuesday urging the Department of Health – which coordinates the state’s response to mosquitos – to step up in their fight against mosquitos.

  • Hamish Hastie
Police are searching for multiple offenders after 10 wombats were discovered killed in Venus Bay.

‘Carnage’: Killers on the loose after wombats deliberately mown down

Residents in Victoria’s south-east were horrified to wake to the sight of wombats strewn on the roadside, with at least 10 killed within a few hundred metres.

  • Bianca Hall
A documentary directed and produced by award-winning local filmmaker Bruce Walters about a campaign to save two trees in Ruskin Rowe, Avalon.

The smashed Mercedes and a community fight over two trees

Residents have put “a stake in the ground” to save two towering 60-year-old gums in a majestic tree-lined street on Sydney’s northern beaches.

  • Michaela Whitbourn
Leonardo DiCaprio

New frog species named after Leonardo DiCaprio

Scientists chose to honour the 50-year-old actor for his dedication to environmental causes.

  • Michael Murphy

Snipers, recorders – and secrets: Saving the Aussie parrot called ‘birdwatching’s Holy Grail’

For almost 80 years, the night parrot was believed to be extinct. Now: the race to protect a tiny population.

  • Nick O'Malley
Fiona Bell, president of the Protectors of Public Lands Victoria, is worried about plans to add more sporting grounds to Royal Park.

Melbourne’s largest park is dark and wild, but a new plan will add sports grounds, paving and lighting

The new masterplan for Royal Park has angered residents and community and environmental groups, who fear a loss of open space and harm to flora and fauna.

  • Cara Waters

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