

Donna Fitchett was found guilty of murdering her two sons - l to r - Matthew Fitchett (aged 9) and Thomas Fitchett (aged 11).

Woman who killed both sons dies weeks after being released from prison

Donna Fitchett was found dead on Monday night, after being released from prison for the murder of her two sons.

  • Alexander Darling


An Airport West man is led away by police on Monday.

Police arrest crew of alleged Hamad extortionists, money couriers

Police have charged 10 people, including a member of the Mongols Outlaw Motorcycle Club and a 16-year-old, with extortion offences.

  • Marta Pascual Juanola
Premier Jacinta Allan and Police Chief Commissioner Rick Nugent on Thursday.

Just 1 per cent of ‘designated area’ searches find illicit items

The Allan government wants to expand the usage of “designated areas”, allowing Victoria Police to declare them for up to six months at a time.

  • Rachel Eddie
Police at the scene of a stabbing out a Lyndhurst shopping centre.

Man dies after ‘targeted’ machete attack by group in Melbourne’s south-east

A man in his 20s has died following a fight in a shopping centre car park in Melbourne’s south-east on Friday.

  • Ashleigh McMillan

From Bondi’s Icebergs to Melbourne fine dining: Son of Terzini empire accused of sexual attacks and violence

Diners think of the ocean, sand and trendy Italo-Australian cuisine. Alleged victims think of a powerful father wrestling with his son’s dark secrets.

  • Clare Sibthorpe and Eryk Bagshaw

It seemed like a good idea at the time: The top 10 worst ideas in law enforcement

While Premier Jacinta Allan admitted to making a mistake with the bail laws, no one ever took responsibility for these questionable decisions.

  • John Silvester
Police Minister Anthony Carbines, Premier Jacinta Allan and Attorney-General Sonya Kilkenny announce changes to Victoria’s bail laws.

Allan’s cartoonishly titled bail bill reveals the depths of bad government

These changes to the law have been cobbled together with reckless haste.

  • Chip Le Grand
Michael and Pauline Hodder lost their 24 year-old daughter Elise who was killed by a driver who was intoxicated and driving without a licence at the time of the crash. Elise’s friend was also seriously injured. The driver was immediately bailed after the incident. They are now for law reform in Victoria which would allow victims of crime to have a greater voice in the justice system.

Two days after Elise’s car crash death, her parents were dealt another devastating blow

The hours after Elise Hodder’s death are forever etched in her parents’ mind. But Michael and Pauline Hodder weren’t given a chance to have their say in court.

  • Melissa Cunningham
Premier Jacinta Allan.

Victorian bail overhaul to treat accused children like adults in serious cases

Community safety will become the “overarching principle” in bail decisions, says Premier Jacinta Allan, in response to youth crime surge.

  • Kieran Rooney and Chip Le Grand
Lino Atem was attacked in a park in January.

‘I’ve lost two sons’: Father of Wyndham Vale stabbing victim fears for family’s safety

Thirteen people have been arrested over Lino Atem’s death as the 25-year-old’s father struggles to accept a police theory that the attack was likely a case of mistaken identity.

  • Cassandra Morgan and Alexander Darling

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