

Samantha’s kids were in a Genius childcare, they’ve just pulled their kids out because it is not opening as the management aren’t paying staff.

‘Crumbling’ childcare chain leaves parents in the lurch, staff unpaid

Creditors are circling national chain Genius Childcare as educators refuse to show up and parents are left stranded without care.

  • Nicole Precel and Noel Towell


Some parents have no option but a childcare centre.

To win parents’ votes, put their kids first – with childcare that hits home

There’s evidence that children aged under three are more stressed in childcare centres than at home. Working parents need options.

  • Parnell Palme McGuinness

The Duttons’ empty trust fund could have cut their tax bill. Here’s how it worked

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has revealed his family’s trust holds no assets after being used for years in property transactions.

  • James Massola and Penry Buckley
NSW childcare under scrutiny.

‘Kids dragged along floors’: Minister announces childcare review

Education Minister Prue Car has announced a review to assess the rise in reportable conduct in NSW daycare centres and how they are handled by the regulator.

  • Christopher Harris
The study found women were less likely to have children if their mothers had not reached pension age, but the timing of their father’s retirement had no impact on starting a family.

The grandma penalty: Women delay families when their mothers keep working

Government leg-ups help, but the high cost of formal childcare in Australia meant the availability of family members to babysit was still important.

  • Millie Muroi
Children play in a place at Woodlands Early Learning Centre.

Yoga, robotics, pottery: The three-year-olds getting better perks than you

Competition between childcare centres and parents’ appetite for “holistic advancement” for their children is driving offerings upmarket at daycare facilities.

  • Nicole Precel
The PC’s childcare report has raised questions about funding.

The WA families living in ‘childcare deserts’

Families across the state are struggling to enrol their children in childcare, with just one spot at most available for every three who need it in the worst impacted areas.

  • Holly Thompson
A dctor injecting a young child with a vaccination

Anti-vax parents share tips online on how to flout no jab, no play childcare laws

Experts have raised the alarm about anti-vaccine networks sharing tactics for skirting Victoria’s no jab, no play laws, while immunisation rates among children continue to decline.

  • Nicole Precel and Henrietta Cook
Erin Erceg’s Little Grots kindy was going to mesh learning with the onsite farm.

Kindy stoush upsets hundreds of families in Perth’s south-east

Hundreds of families on the waitlist for a kindergarten in one of Perth’s fastest-growing areas have been left devastated after its owners were forced to abandon the venture.

  • Hamish Hastie
Children who go missing from residential care are often targeted

Blue Cards in spotlight after ‘horrendous breach of trust’ in childcare rapist case

The premier slammed the Blue Card system, which allows people to work with children, as “broken”.

  • Cloe Read

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