This was published 2 years ago
She’s a safe pair of hands, but Greens leader needs her ‘Google it, mate’ moment
If, as some analysts predict, there is a minority Andrews government after November 26, Samantha Ratnam could become a significant player in Victorian politics. But who is she?
By Melissa Fyfe
Greens leader Samantha Ratnam at home in East Brunswick with her husband Colin Jacobs and daughter Malala.Credit: Justin McManus
Two six-year-old identical twin girls in a car. Mandy and Sammy. Their aunties, in the front, crying. The twins have rarely seen adults upset. They’re freaked out. But out the window, something much worse: Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, is on fire. Rioters. Kerosene-doused saris flung into cars. Reaching their parents was unsafe, the aunties told the girls, so the twins would have to stay with them.
It was July 1983. Tamil rebels had killed Sinhalese soldiers in the north and now the Sinhalese were killing Tamils and burning their homes in Colombo. Mandy and Sammy, from a Tamil family, went into hiding, separated from their brother Dilip and parents Pari and Tuline. In 1987 the family would eventually flee as skilled migrants to Canada and then Melbourne, but this murderous rampage, dubbed Black July, was the first time they’d felt true fear.
Thirty-nine years on Amanda Junkeer recalls that night and the response of her twin, Victorian Greens leader Samantha Ratnam.
“She didn’t freak out. She knew that I needed help,” says Junkeer, a workplace relations lawyer.
The girls and their aunties had no mobile phones and there were few landlines. No way of checking if the twins’ parents were safe. Junkeer cried non-stop. Ratnam did not. “That kind of composure and calm is what she exudes now,” Junkeer says. ”And that’s who she is: she has a stable base and will be mature and look after people, even as a little kid.“
Ratnam, 45, was the councillor with the reputation as the best-prepared during her five years on Moreland Council, now called Merri-bek. In her current role, no box is left unticked, no brief unread, no earnest contribution left unsaid. She’s also upbeat and relentlessly positive. “It’s like Californian weather – she’s always bright and sunny,” says colleague Tim Read, the Greens MP for Brunswick. “I don’t know what she’s on, but it works.”
With a PhD on young people and global citizenship, she’s no intellectual slouch and, even her enemies agree, she’s kind (perhaps too kind for the transactional nature of politics, some Greens worry). During her university years, Ratnam split her time between studying and volunteering on the Collingwood soup van. “She’s a good, safe pair of hands,” says Victorian Greens senator Janet Rice.
But despite being the Greens leader since 2017, she’s still somewhat unknown. She hasn’t cut through in a Bob Brown sort of way. Or even a “Google it, mate”, Adam Bandt sort of way. This election campaign she has been releasing policies regularly but has been unable to grab much of the spotlight. With some analysts predicting a minority Andrews government after November 26, she could become a significant player. But who is Samantha Ratnam?
Outside Ratnam’s townhouse on a quiet street in East Brunswick, her husband Colin Jacobs is on the footpath with their two-year-old daughter Malala, named after the Pakistani education activist Malala Yousafzai. After years of trying, the couple had resigned themselves to being childless and were considering foster care, when Ratnam found out she was pregnant at 42. “We’re very, very lucky to have Malala. So lucky,” she says.
Samantha Ratnam on the steps of parliament in October 2017 after she became leader of the Victorian Greens.Credit: Darrian Traynor
Inside, Jacobs jokes that as this is a Greens home, only kale and camel milk is on offer. Ratnam, buoyant, bustles outside with a red pram, making sure her mother Pari has everything she needs for a trip to the park with Malala. After Jacobs disappears upstairs, Ratnam explains that they met about 11 years ago, as Greens volunteers. Soon after, Jacobs started working for former federal Greens leader Richard Di Natale, but is now a postdoctoral astrophysicist at Swinburne University. “So every few years, Colin has a new title. It keeps everything very interesting. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” Ratnam folds her legs up onto the couch and unleashes her laugh, a sort of melodic staccato. He’s looking, she says, at galaxies far, far away, but don’t ask her to explain much more than that. “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”
Several experiences in Ratnam’s life turned her political. After the Black July riots the family talked constantly about politics. “I learnt that the decisions politicians make can keep you alive or not.” When the Ratnams arrived in Melbourne in 1989 – in time for the twins to start high school – they lived in Keysborough, Noble Park, Nunawading and Doncaster East. Some places felt isolated, others had better social infrastructure. “It felt like a five-star hotel life in Australia … but even little things – like access to a library – you realise how they shape your life.” This interested her: how are those decisions made? How do some communities have resources for young kids to thrive and create social connections, yet others don’t? Later, at high school, she loved studying politics. But she never thought she’d be a politician. “They are not the conversations people have with little girls from Sri Lanka.”
Money was tight growing up and Ratnam recalls the weight of her parents’ expectation that she succeed academically and enter one of the four Tamil-approved professions: doctor, lawyer, engineer or accountant. While Junkeer became a lawyer and her brother a gastroenterologist, Ratnam risked disappointing her parents when – tapping an early passion for social justice and inequality – she chose social work. “It took a little while to reassure them,” she says.
After graduating with arts and social work degrees with honours, Ratnam took her first job at Odyssey House’s residential program, counselling people with long-term drug and alcohol addictions.
“You really have to bring yourself as a person with all your care and compassion and have very strong boundaries,” says Odyssey House chief executive Stefan Gruenert, Ratnam’s early-career mentor. After a year as a counsellor, Ratnam joined Gruenert on the Nobody’s Client project, which created an award-winning model for supporting parents with addiction and their children. In 2004, at 27, Ratnam felt “the pull” of Sri Lanka during a ceasefire in its 30-year civil war. She lived for three months in Tamil-held territory, training counsellors who were helping the deeply traumatised and displaced. She left Sri Lanka in 2005, as the ceasefire started to break down. The tears come as she talks about the counsellors she trained. “I don’t know who survived,” she says.
Colombo residents try to flee the violence that erupted in the city in July 1983.Credit: AP
Back in Australia, Ratnam worked for Plan International and completed her doctorate. About 2007 she grew increasingly concerned about climate change and decided to get politically active. She didn’t like Labor’s policies on refugees or climate change, so on New Year’s Eve 2008, she joined the Greens. “I felt I’d found my people.” Ratnam held various secretary and convenor roles and in 2012 her Moreland branch encouraged her to run for council. Initially, that little girl from Sri Lanka inside her thought the idea crazy. “But I also knew this was the project: this is about changing not only the types of decisions we make, but who makes those decisions.”
She won the council spot, became mayor in 2015, and in 2016 ran unsuccessfully for the federal seat of Wills. Later that year Ratnam ran for a second council term and became one of the state’s most electorally popular councillors, winning 55 per cent of the vote in her ward. Before his fall from grace, Labor’s former local government minister Adem Somyurek even described her in parliament as “a rock star in the city of Moreland”. It was perhaps not surprising then that in 2017, while working as a client services manager at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Ratnam was preselected to succeed former Greens leader Greg Barber in the Northern Metropolitan upper house region.
This was the start of the strangest episode of Ratnam’s career so far, and even the Greens involved at the time privately admit it was “odd” and “fraught”. In September 2017, Barber made an earlier-than-expected exit from parliament after about 30 Greens MPs and party officials were informed that a female member of his staff had been paid $56,000 after levelling bullying and sex discrimination allegations against him. Barber denied the allegations but contributed $9000 on the condition there would be no apology to the woman.
Ratnam, already preselected to replace Barber, says she found out about this situation only after the former leader had resigned, even though the Greens’ senior ranks – including Jacobs, then party co-convenor – had known about it for days. “I didn’t want … the fact that he [Jacobs] was a co-convener to be seen as giving me an advantage,” she says. “So we made really strong boundaries around information.“
Despite leaving parliament, Barber lobbied heavily for Ratnam to be given the leadership, even though she had no parliamentary experience. Di Natale, among others, also championed her. This upset several of the seven serving MPs, some of whom thought they should be contenders.
‘I don’t know what she’s on, but it works.’
Tim Read, Greens MP for Brunswick
Eventually, the MPs agreed and chose Ratnam as leader, but the party room atmosphere was tense. Some MPs acknowledged she was in a difficult position, yet thought she failed to listen. “She’s got that terrible affliction that many Greens have in thinking that she’s the smartest person in the room, which is not always true,” says one, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Fast forward to 2022 and Read describes her leadership style as “the opposite of my way or the highway”.
It’s mid-September and parliament’s last sitting day before the election. Amid the upper house’s velvety-red surrounds, no one is really paying attention. The deputy president scrolls through his phone, Somyurek leans on the desk of a Liberal for a jovial tete-a-tete and Labor’s Harriet Shing is doing an impressive job of filibustering so that Ratnam’s allotted time – of which she gets little – is squeezed even more.
Ratnam is wearing a mustard yellow dress, black jacket and a scarf knitted by climate change activists, each stripe marking 100 years of global average temperatures hikes. She’s furiously live tweeting Shing’s speech and the whole scene is a tableau of the broader struggle between Labor and the Greens. Labor – battling the Greens in this election in seats such as Richmond, Northcote and Albert Park – paints the minor party as impotent. One suspects Premier Daniel Andrews would rather give a Liberal a cuddle than give the Greens credit for anything (an effective strategy, some Greens privately admit). Meanwhile, Ratnam tries to wedge Labor further to the left.
Shing is responding to Ratnam’s bill to end coal and gas in Victoria by 2030, which was pretty much dead-on-arrival as neither major party was ever going to support it. But the doomed bill delivers Ratnam a platform to claim Labor is against real action on climate. Ratnam is also waiting for Shing to finish so she can rebuke Labor for wanting to change Maroondah Hospital’s name to the rather less Indigenous-inspired Queen Elizabeth II Hospital. This sort of we’re-more-progressive-than-you posturing irritates Labor. Hence the filibustering.
And the Liberals? They interrupt Ratnam’s motion on Maroondah to say that referring to the Queen as representing colonisation is “disorderly”.
There’s a whiff of futility hanging over this upper house session. The institution seems out-of-touch, something Ratnam found when she walked in the door in 2017. “Oh I found it very stuffy. I felt like I’d walked back in time,” she says. Ratnam now sees the place as somewhat of a colonial monument. “And the wood is logged from native forests!” she says, back in her parliamentary office, pointing to her door in the new parliamentary annexe. Minor parties get little respect and the hours are not family-friendly. The upper house’s voting system – which helps obscure candidates with canny preference deals leapfrog into parliament on barely any votes – means MPs are unaccountable, she says. The group ticket voting system, ditched in all other Australian jurisdictions, is one reason why the Greens lost three of its upper house spots in the 2018 election. Andrews has refused calls to reform it.
As a woman of colour in a leadership role, Ratnam certainly cops “overtly, horribly racist and sexist abuse” outside of parliament, including rape threats. “GO BACK TO SRI LANKA – YOU’RE WRECKING MELBOURNE, BITCH,” was one email from last November. Along with upper house crossbenchers Fiona Patten and Andy Meddick, Ratnam became the target of the anti-lockdown, anti-Daniel Andrews groups who attack her relentlessly on social media for backing the government’s pandemic legislation. She’s a sell-out, they say, a traitor and Labor stooge.
Samantha Ratnam in the upper house last year with fellow crossbenchers Andy Meddick and Fiona Patten (in white) and Labor minister Jaclyn Symes.Credit: Joe Armao
Ratnam has copped abuse inside parliament too, such as a 2018 episode when Liberal MP Inga Peulich called her a “pig”. And when the Liberal MPs would bang their desks and chant “Bring Barber back! Bring Barber back!” “Samantha is a very radical individual and much more radical than Greg Barber,” says the Liberal’s upper house leader David Davis.
Is she radical? As far as Greens go, probably not. “She’s about as moderate as we can offer,” says one senior Green, who declines to be named. “Even on council she took a very managerial approach, quite a conservative approach.” Radical or not, the reality is she’s not been able to do much as she doesn’t hold the balance of power. The government has needed her vote in the unruly upper house, but it does not need the votes of her lower house colleagues, Read, Melbourne’s Ellen Sandell and Prahran’s Sam Hibbins.
Her achievements last term? Ratnam cites the Greens-initiated inquiries into the state’s ecosystem decline, far-right extremism, waste and recycling and renewable energy. She also cites the doomed coal and gas bill – “We know that ideas shift government policy” – and the bill she introduced to end homelessness by 2030. It also got nowhere but, she says, was a vision steeped in evidence and underpinned by international examples. “It was a really proud moment.”
One of Ratnam’s biggest leadership tests has been dealing with internal party issues. She says the party now has better dispute resolution processes after a discontented bloc in the Darebin branch derailed Alex Bhathal’s 2018 bid for the seat of Batman. It was also a bad look when ex-MPs Samantha Dunn and Nina Springle, who served under Ratnam for 13 months, quit the party in 2019 after losing their upper house seats at the 2018 election. Both MPs wrote public resignations blaming cultural issues in the party. Says Ratnam: “I was really disappointed that they left in the way that they decided to leave the party. But, you know, that was their prerogative.”
But the biggest internal dispute Ratnam faces – which comedian and Greens supporter Tom Ballard describes as a “pretty live, very touchy issue within the party” – is how to debate, if at all, trans rights. Earlier this year some Greens accused Victorian convenor Linda Gale of being transphobic over a three-year-old policy paper she wrote raising concerns about the impacts of pro-trans Green’s policies on non-trans women in prisons, domestic violence shelters, sport and intimate medical procedures.
Ratnam intervened and Gale’s election as convenor was overturned. Gale decided not to stand again. Afterwards Ratnam said she would not brook any debate from Greens officials or MPs about trans rights because, as she says now, sitting on her couch at home, “the very notion that there are two sets of rights for a group that identify similarly is the point of contention”. And the debate must have limits because public conversations can be harmful to trans people.
Some Greens are furious at Ratnam and see her as censoring debate. People on both sides have left the party over the issue. Others feel optimistic that what they see as niche policy elements of the trans debate can be discussed with sensitivity at some point, and under Ratnam’s solid leadership the party will see a way through the current crisis. Said one long-standing Greens member: “There’s a planet to save and she’s 110 per cent on board for that.”
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