
Fiona Patten

Tread carefully when it comes to rules on religious groups’ charitable status

Tread carefully when it comes to rules on religious groups’ charitable status

Rather than being seen to question the beliefs or existence of particular groups, we can evaluate their conduct.

  • The Age's View


Nick was told to ‘cast demons out’ because he was gay. Now he questions his old church’s charity status

Nick was told to ‘cast demons out’ because he was gay. Now he questions his old church’s charity status

Like many former members of the Potter’s House Christian Fellowship, Nick Iriks is frustrated that an organisation that has left him with significant trauma is a registered charity.

  • by Simone Fox Koob, Amelia Adams and Laura Sparkes
New Liberal MP uses first speech to slam equality ‘taken to extremes’

New Liberal MP uses first speech to slam equality ‘taken to extremes’

Moira Deeming used her first speech to parliament to slam left-wing school curriculums, decry the decriminalisation of sex work and take aim at the state government’s approach to gender-diverse young people.

  • by Broede Carmody
Andrews government sat on bail reform report for 11 months

Andrews government sat on bail reform report for 11 months

Nearly a year before a coroner blasted Victoria’s bail laws, a parliamentary report recommended sweeping changes, but the Andrews government never responded.

  • by Annika Smethurst
My delight in watching Scott Morrison held to account

My delight in watching Scott Morrison held to account

Readers discuss Scott Morrison’s performance at the robo-debt royal commission.

A mother’s son, Harry’s story is his to sell

A mother’s son, Harry’s story is his to sell

Readers discuss Harry and Meghan and their Netflix series; as well as the killing of police officers in Queensland.

Changemaker Fiona Patten leaves Victorian parliament with ‘unfinished business’

Changemaker Fiona Patten leaves Victorian parliament with ‘unfinished business’

The Reason Party leader has left state parliament after eight years as a driving force for social change. She says she has much more work to do.

  • by Annika Smethurst
Albanese must stand up to energy companies

Albanese must stand up to energy companies

Readers discuss the gas shortfall in Australia, and threats by suppliers over Albanese government caps.

Political pressure pushed robo-debt on vulnerable

Political pressure pushed robo-debt on vulnerable

Readers discuss whether Scott Morrison and the government, or public servants, were to blame for robo-debt.

Candidates’ wait goes on as Patten faces challenge from Somyurek

Candidates’ wait goes on as Patten faces challenge from Somyurek

Labor is ahead in five lower house seats that are still in doubt after the state election, while in the upper house the Reason Party’s Fiona Patten is at risk of losing her seat to ousted Labor MP Adem Somyurek.

  • by Rachel Eddie and Sumeyya Ilanbey
Who are the minor parties in Victoria’s upper house election?

Who are the minor parties in Victoria’s upper house election?

Here is a short guide to the record number of minor parties which could influence Victoria’s legislative agenda after this election.

  • by Lachlan Abbott

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