
Victoria’s Agenda

Labor and the Coalition want to create the impression that tough decisions are being taken, but a closer look shows they’re both taking a buy-now-pay-later approach to budget management.

Parties talk tough on budget plans, but there’s no magic pudding

Labor and the Coalition want to create the impression that tough decisions are being taken, but a closer look shows they’re both taking a buy-now-pay-later approach to budget management.

  • Josh Gordon


This election presents a difficult choice for voters.

The arrogant or the unprepared? Not an easy choice

There are dangers in returning Labor for a third term, but the Coalition is simply not ready to govern.

  • The Age's View
David Davis earlier this month.

Libs to partially privatise the sewerage system and drain the Future Fund

Both Labor and the Coalition would raid Victoria’s rainy-day fund to scrape together a budget surplus in the next term of government.

  • Rachel Eddie and Josh Gordon
It is a crime to breach a secrecy notice by telling anyone except a lawyer that you are under an IBAC cloud.

Rollercoaster election campaign has highlighted importance of integrity

Over the course of the campaign there have been donation scandals, a court injunction, questions about cash for political allies and accusations of political interference.

  • Josh Gordon and Paul Sakkal
Anti-corruption agencies are only part of the response to dealing with unacceptable behaviour.

Integrity reform necessary to restore trust in government

The politicisation of integrity processes means Victorians have no real confidence that power is being exercised in their interest.

  • Catherine Williams
Labor needs to do better in boosting the powers of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission.

Only one side of politics is pledging to improve state’s political integrity

Voters have a clear desire for greater accountability in politics, but Labor appears to have missed the message.

  • The Age's View
Victorian Socialists candidate Roz Ward.

‘It’s not easy being a socialist’: Door-knocking with Richmond candidate Roz Ward

Despite being a micro-party, the Victorian Socialists are campaigning with militant efficiency this state election.

  • Bianca Hall
Hoppers Crossing resident Richard King has fallen behind on his rent making him at risk of losing his home.

The worsening part of the housing crisis affecting hundreds of thousands

The number of older Victorians renting or paying off mortgages is rising rapidly and politicians aren’t offering a solution.

  • Cara Waters and Jewel Topsfield
Melton voters at an early voting centre housed in a disused Bunnings Warehouse on Tuesday.

ALP pulls in the big guns as Melton contest heats up

Labor is calling in big party names to help its candidate in Melton, as the powerful United Firefighters Union begins a mega offensive backing independent contender Dr Ian Birchall.

  • Rachael Dexter
Increases in what we pay for energy, food, fuel and housing are hitting people hard. 

Cost-of-living pledges poorly targeted to help most needy

Too many election promises haven’t made the distinction between helping those in acute need and helping those who are merely stressed and inconvenienced.

  • Emma King

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