

This was published 6 years ago

We can have a local route to 5G security

About 120 kilometres north of London, in the Oxfordshire town of Banbury, sits a building that tells us a great deal about the West's relationship with China.

The Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre – also known as "The Cell" – was established in 2010, and inside its walls employees of the Chinese telco work to ensure security concerns regarding Huawei products across Britain are addressed, with oversight from the United Kingdom's intelligence agencies.

The question of Australian reliance on Chinese communications technology has grown more pressing.

The question of Australian reliance on Chinese communications technology has grown more pressing.Credit: Reuters

This year came the fourth annual update to the British government on the centre's work, and for the first time the report card was blemished. Depending on who you asked, this was either a sign that the oversight system was working exactly as it should or that the fox had entered the henhouse.

Even as Malcolm Turnbull seeks to assure us that Australia's diplomatic relationship with Beijing is on a sound footing, the question of Australian reliance on Chinese communications technology grows more pressing, with The Age revealing this week the extent of Chinese Communist Party involvement with those companies bidding to supply Australia's 5G network.

Will Australia end up with its own equivalent to The Cell? Or do we attempt to introduce a cordon sanitaire around the telecommunications sector, while bracing for the attendant economic and diplomatic fallout?

The government will point to the powers of its new Critical Infrastructure Centre and legislation it has introduced to give the attorney-general and home affairs minister the right to instruct companies based on advice from security agencies. But questions are bound to remain over the capacity and responsiveness of such an approach.


At the beginning of this year, it emerged that the Trump administration was considering a nationalised 5G network to counter the Chinese threat. This approach was widely rejected, with the White House reminded that it was free markets that had delivered US technological leadership. However as Elsa Kania, an expert in Chinese military technology, told The Age in May, government support for research and development was also a key part of the American success story in such places as Silicon Valley.

Perhaps the answer to the 5G conundrum rests not only in a renewed commitment to this kind of investment but in an internationalised vision that takes us back to another five - our Five Eyes intelligence alliance with the US, Britain, New Zealand and Canada.


When a Huawei representative argued recently that a Chinese role in supplying communications infrastructure was inevitable, there was a chilling echo of pronouncements made in other spheres by Chinese officials or representatives.

At such moments, it is worth recalling our own proud history of innovation - and that it was on these shores that key developments in wireless technology were first made. Confidence in our abilities, our alliances and our social and political model is surely a better path to security than banning or constantly looking over the shoulders of those we fear.

  • A note from the editor – Subscribers can get Age editor Alex Lavelle's exclusive weekly newsletter delivered to their inbox by signing up here:

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