

This was published 6 years ago

In bid to stop infiltration by China, White House mulls 5G takeover

Washington: The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and some in the wireless industry have come out against a proposal for the government to build the next generation wireless network.

The Trump Administration is reportedly considering such a nationwide initiative as a way to prevent infiltration by China. Senior administration officials were recently presented the proposal by a senior National Security Council official, according to news site Axios, which obtained a copy of the presentation.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai Credit: AP

5G wireless networks, which will provide internet connections ten to 100 times faster than current networks, are expected to improve connectivity for smartphones and tablets, and home broadband networks, as well as self-driving cars and an endless lineup of other devices.


A centralised, secure national 5G network could be built within three years and represent "the 21st century equivalent of the Eisenhower National Highway System," according to a memo, which is part of the presentation first acquired by Axios.

But US wireless providers including Verizon and AT&T already have 5G trials operating, with initial deployment beginning this year and continuing in the months ahead.

"The wireless industry agrees that winning the race to 5G is a national priority," Meredith Attwell Baker, president and CEO of CTIA, a wireless industry trade group, said in a statement. "The government should pursue the free market policies that enabled the U.S. wireless industry to win the race to 4G."

Huawei Technologies Co.

Huawei Technologies Co.Credit: Bloomberg

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said that he opposed any federal proposal to run a national 5G network, instead recommending that government support the ongoing industry projects.


"The main lesson to draw from the wireless sector's development over the past three decades--including American leadership in 4G--is that the market, not government, is best positioned to drive innovation and investment," he said. "Any federal effort to construct a nationalised 5G network would be a costly and counterproductive distraction from the policies we need to help the United States win the 5G future."

About 9 per cent of smartphones globally will support 5G in 2019, with the US and South Korea leading in deployment, estimates tech research firm Gartner.

The Trump administration proposal, however, suggests the need for a centralized national 5G network within three years. The plan offers an alternative in which wireless carriers continue deploying networks, but with government oversight. That alternative would take longer, be more costly and would not likely as secure, according to the proposal.

If the US does not build a government-run secure 5G network, the country will be at "a permanent disadvantage to China in the information domain," according to a memo, which is part of the presentation.

Concerns have been growing about the potential for Chinese technology deployed in the US to monitor and spy on the American public.

Earlier this month, AT&T had been expected to announce it would make available Chinese-based phone maker Huawei's flagship Mate 10 Pro smartphone in the US, but the plan was scrapped supposedly because of the Trump administration's hard line on Chinese investment here. A concern: Huawei's artificial intelligence chips within the phone could pose a threat to the security of the nation's telecommunication system.

Another deal, And the $US1.2 billion sale of money-transfer service Moneygram to Ant Financial, an affiliate of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, was nixed by the government, too.

And three weeks ago, US Representative Mike Conaway introduced "The Defending U.S. Government Communications Act," proposed legislation to prohibit the US government from purchasing or leasing telecommunications equipment and/or services from Huawei and another Chinese firm ZTE. Conway told saidthat the Chinese have a long-term goal of inroads into US networks. "They're smart, they're aggressive, and they're not to be underestimated," he said. "I think all of us need to be concerned about the influences of the Chinese government on all those businesses."

The reasoning behind a government-sponsored initiative: to spur development of needed telecommunications equipment and make it easier to deploy the networks across cities and states, according to the proposal.

AT&T, which recently announced plans to begin offering mobile 5G service in a dozen markets later this year, said in a statement that the industry is "already well down the road" to 5G. "Industry standards have been set (and) trials have been underway since 2016. We have no doubt that America will lead the 5G revolution."

FCC commissioners of both parties criticized the proposal, too. Commissioner Brendan Carr, a Republican, called the suggestion "a non-starter." And Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat, while noting that other nation are racing against the US to deploy 5G, "the remedy proposed here really misses the mark."

If the leaked proposal is an attempt at a trial balloon, it's a failed one, said FCC Commissioner Michael O'Rielly, who in a statement, also said the options being considered, if accurate, "are nonsensical and do not recognise the current marketplace."

"Instead, US commercial wireless companies are the envy of the world and are already rushing ahead to lead in 5G," O'Rielly said. "I plan to do everything in my power to provide the necessary resources, including allocating additional spectrum and preempting barriers to deployment, to allow this private sector success to continue."


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