

This was published 6 years ago

The wireless borders that Chinese telcos are determined to cross

By Jennifer Duke & David Wroe

Chinese telecommunications companies ZTE and Huawei are banned on national security grounds from receiving federal funding in the United States; ZTE has been guilty of systematic bribery and sanctions busting; and Huawei was prevented in 2012 from supplying Australia's National Broadband Network, also for security reasons.

And yet both Chinese companies are on Telstra's shortlist for the rollout of 5G, the next generation of Australia's mobile communications.

Optus is not yet at that stage in its 5G thinking, though it used Huawei in its 4G network, and Vodafone’s existing core network is being upgraded by Ericsson, with equipment and services provided by Huawei.

A man stands in the 5G tunnel at the Intel booth at CES International in Las Vegas

A man stands in the 5G tunnel at the Intel booth at CES International in Las VegasCredit: AP

But 5G is coming, and these two Chinese telecommunications giants are players. Meanwhile, both Australian and US governments are deeply suspicious of them on security grounds.

Elsa Kania, an expert in Chinese military technology at the Washington-based Centre for a New American Security, says they have good reason.

Huawei, now the largest telecommunications company in the world, is the Chinese government’s champion in its project to put itself at the forefront of the industry globally, and Kania says the


company has “some pretty broad, deep linkages” with the country’s defence establishment.

Huawei's director of corporate affairs in Australia, Jeremy Mitchell, insists the company poses "no security threat in any country," is "100 per cent employee-owned" and that "no government agency has ever tried to intervene in our operations or decisions".


But Kania says Huawei has been supported in developing 5G by the Chinese government’s 863 Program, which specialises in so-called dual use technologies – by which it means having civil or military purposes.

The ubiquity of the Chinese companies poses a dilemma for western governments which so far, they have not been able to answer.

The internet of everything

Soon your fridge will be internet enabled, as will the rest of your home.

Soon your fridge will be internet enabled, as will the rest of your home.Credit: Bloomberg

Concerns around security in Australia’s mobile networks have been around since 3G was rolled out, but the fifth generation mobile network is a different beast from its predecessors.

It will be much higher speed, and is tipped to boost the global economy by as much as $US12 trillion by 2035. But 5G will do much more than simply provide faster mobile services.

It will be a crucial component of the "internet of things," which will connect every appliance in our homes to the internet, and when our trucks, trains, cars and even possibly aircraft are robotised and driverless, the 5G network will carry the massive flows of data.

It could change the way we do healthcare, robotics and agriculture. The pumps on Sydney's and Melbourne's water networks will likely be hooked up to it, as will the switches on our power networks, say telco industry sources. The risks then become that someone intent on doing harm could knock out these networks entirely.

A self-driving car developed and outfitted by Google.

A self-driving car developed and outfitted by Google.

More obviously, a back-door into the system might allow details about communications to be sent offshore to an unfriendly power.

The "core" of a network – its “brain” – typically represents the biggest security risk. And 5G, insiders say, needs a much bigger core than existing networks. The delivery of blistering speeds means there is, potentially, a “blurring” between what makes up the core with other parts of the build.

"Chinese telecommunications companies are a real security concern and it's not just about the US not wanting competition. They are worried about Huawei equipment in the network," says ANU scholar Andrew Kennedy.

So why are the Chinese companies even be in the running for these major contracts? The two answers are technology and cost. Around these questions is another one for Australian governments: is it possible to keep up technologically without them?


A Chinese iFlyTek robot that uses artificial intelligence. China wants to become the world’s leader in artificial intelligence.

A Chinese iFlyTek robot that uses artificial intelligence. China wants to become the world’s leader in artificial intelligence.Credit: New York Times

China has embarked on a single-minded national effort spanning military and civilian sectors to lead the world in developing technologies. President Xi Jinping has set the goal of becoming a world power in science and technology by mid century, through programs such as Made in China 2025.

In the decade to 2016, Chinese companies including Huawei and China Mobile spent $US56 billion investing in foreign technology firms.

One Chinese city, Tianjin, this week announced it would spend $US15.7 billion ($20.8 billion), more than the entire EU, on a fund to seek to establish itself as a world centre for artificial intelligence development. China wants to be a world leader in AI by 2030.

Xi told a meeting last month of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, which he heads, that the nation needed to increase effort to make breakthroughs in “core technologies”.

Xinhua reported that “Xi urged military civilian integration in the field of cybersecurity and informatisation” and efforts to develop the digital economy and promote deep integration between the internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy.

Technology is regarded in China as a once-in-a-thousand year opportunity to develop, and to take its place again at the forefront of the world.

At an internet conference in China last year, despite the barriers of Chinese censorship and the Great Firewall which restrict their businesses in China, a who’s who of American technology company chiefs attended: Apple, Facebook, Google, Linked In, Microsoft. Microsoft said it was developing AI in China.


China has some natural advantages: it has 700 million smartphone users, and by December 2017, China had 77 unicorns – private start-ups valued at more than $US1 billion in internet industry, and 592 artificial intelligence companies. It also has a ruthless approach to reaping data from the users of technology, which is partly used in social control.

Artificial intelligence is improved by having huge access to integrated data because a machine learns by studying existing data.

“The more data [the Chinese] have access to, the more power they have in an age where data is sort of seen as the new fuel both for AI and just for business ... more broadly," says US security expert Kania.

Meanwhile, China’s top universities for technology research are linked to the PLA, the Chinese military, and this creates national security concerns for western countries in using the technologies that are later commercialised.


The new mobile networks will require multi-billion dollar outlays at a time when Australian telcos' margins are being squeezed and competition is causing major headwinds.

Chinese suppliers are sometimes willing to slash their prices and even accept loss-making deals to get into the market, sources say, which could be attractive to companies watching their spending.

“The prices they [the Chinese companies] set are mind blowing, you have to wonder how they make money,” said one industry insider.

Another said a contract with a company like Telstra “legitimises” a Chinese telco, so arguably could be even more likely to cut the price to get a deal across the line.

This might be tempting for a CEO trying to maximise shareholder value, though putting Chinese companies on a shortlist does not necessarily mean they’ll end up getting the business – it’s simply a standard practice to seek out a range of offers.

Apart from ZTE and Huawei, Telstra's shortlist also likely includes Nokia and long-term partner Ericsson. Telstra has not significantly used ZTE or Huawei in network builds to date, with industry sources saying Australia’s biggest telco would be a significant “get” for the Chinese suppliers.

A Telstra spokesman confirmed there had been “discussions with the major global 5G technology vendors” but would not comment on tenders.

“Cybersecurity is a top priority as we design, build and operate our networks. This is true today and will be when it comes to 5G too,” the spokesman said.

Many suspect Ericsson may be a frontrunner for the 5G contract.

Optus chief executive Allen Lew said he had been “in dialogue with government about what is required” to ensure security concerns are managed. Optus has used Huawei for its 4G network, and has a long-running relationship with Nokia.

“We haven’t chosen a partner yet but have been looking at different options,” he said.

“[Optus has] proven in the past we will work with government authorities to ensure it meets the needs of the consumer and the government.”

Optus vice-president of regulatory affairs Andrew Sheridan later confirmed relevant government agencies had made contact with the company, though said this didn’t include pressure to select a specific provider for the build.

A spokeswoman for Vodafone said the 5G universal standards are still being developed, with a “full review and examination process of potential partners” to take place in the future.

It’s understood Vodafone has had conversations with the government about 5G plans, though sources say this is “not unusual” when it comes to network builds


The Australian government has taken an active interest in the 5G network, and has been in touch with the major telcos.

It’s up in the air as to whether the Chinese firms will be allowed into Australia’s 5G network - and in particular whether are ways to have them involved safely by putting in place some kind of monitoring, as Britain has done with Huawei.

The Turnbull Government recently passed new laws to which will allow its new "Critical Infrastructure Centre" to work out whether new telecommunications network or other critical infrastructure pose a risk to national security.

The centre would then "provide this advice to industry on a case-by-case basis," a spokeswoman for Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said.

The centre is charged with conducting risk assessments and seeing through the ownership, offshoring, outsourcing and supply chain arrangements to check for risks under a regime that will put security obligations on telecommunications carriers.

Under current national security laws, and new laws being implemented soon,  the government can cite security concerns to stop carriers from implementing certain changes to their networks.

This seems to make it difficult for Huawei or ZTE, as insiders including former national security officials express serious concern about the prospect of their involvement.

“It’s a very difficult decision to say I can cut my throat on the cheap,” one seasoned observer said. “I would look very closely at the other, less threatening options.”

For its part, Huawei rejects any suggestion they are "threatening" in any way.


"Our products and solutions are trusted in more than 170 countries and regions. In 30 years, not a single operator has experienced a security issue with our equipment. This includes Australian operators," Mitchell says.

"To meet the real challenges of global cybersecurity, we need collaboration across the entire ecosystem. Hostility and closed doors never solved anything ... Huawei is now Australia’s leading supplier of mobile network infrastructure ... in fact, more than half the Australian population uses Huawei technology for their communication needs every day without incident."

ZTE was contacted for comment.

The future

5G is only one part of the technology picture. What’s to come is extraordinary, with China making strides in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics and autonomous vehicles.

“Imagine if China became the market leader for autonomous police or autonomous soldiers,” said Fergus Hanson, a cybersecurity expert at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Robocop, from the 1987 Hollywood movie.

Robocop, from the 1987 Hollywood movie.

“Are we then going to trust Chinese autonomous police to patrol our streets with Huawei chips? If we think 5G is big deal, that’s another order,” Fergus Hanson said.

The longer term question is whether the West needs a more strategic industrial policy so it doesn’t face a future in which it is entirely reliant on Chinese high-end technology? That is a huge question because it invokes the kind of government-driven effort that China does well but which the more market-oriented West balks at.

The Trump administration, for instance, faced ridicule when a leaked paper revealed it was considering a nationalised 5G network on par with the Eisenhower-era national highway project.

“Is it inevitable [China] will dominate the technology landscape or can the West do something to mitigate that?” ASPI’s Hanson asked.

“There is something the West can do. It is a big enough market to support dominant suppliers. Australia can’t do that on its own but is there co-operation to be had with other countries like the US and Europe?

“Those are diplomatic and political questions rather than a market question.”

That question could touch on issues such as free trade that are cherished by open economies such as Australia. But Kania says it might simply take much stronger support for research and development in key areas – the kind that was made decades ago in the US that helped give rise to Silicon Valley. And however great are the strides China has made, Silcon Valley remains the king in most technology fields.

“I’d argue for continued openness but running faster and taking targeted measures to push back,” Kania said. “It makes some amount of sense to me for the US and Australia to support, subsidise – call it what you will – provide governmental funding for greater R&D on a technology we all recognised is critical to future competitiveness.”

Power plays

Writing in the Oxford University journal International Affairs this month, ANU scholar Andrew Kennedy and Darren Lim outlined that technological innovation plays a key role in power transitions in geopolitics. A dominant state will try to maintain its technological lead by erecting export controls, and perceive that innovation by a rising state can cause a "significant impairment of its security environment".

This could be applied to the rise of China to challenge US technology dominance, the paper said.

"The broad technology rivalry between the US and China is not going away," Kennedy told Fairfax Media. "The Made in China 2025 program has targets not just for the domestic market share but internationally, for example to become one of the top five companies in the world."

Large Chinese tech companies are going out into the world, yet being protected and subsidised by government at home.

It's in this context that Trump has taken particular action against Chinese technology as part of his trade war, an approach that Kennedy says is probably wrong.

Rather than punishing China for its investment, he says, it is up to Western competitors to work together to "ensure it levels the playing field rather than shooting from the hip and acting unilaterally as the US has."

with Kirsty Needham

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