

This was published 5 months ago

When will Australia finally stand up on domestic violence?

Will this, finally, be the moment Australia stands up and says enough is enough when it comes to domestic violence (“Bold action, not pathetic platitudes needed on DV crisis”, April 29)? Many wondered if the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary would be that moment with guns in the US. Sadly, it was not. The words we saw on the weekend from many of our leaders will either be the start of this country saying enough. Or it will be our Sandy Hook where we did nothing. Our country came together after Port Arthur. For the most part we came together during the pandemic. We are capable. However we saw what happened when a prime minister didn’t hold a hose. I just hope we don’t end up in a situation where this prime minister says he doesn’t hold an AVO. Andrew Krisenthal, Blaxland

Anthony Albanese called an urgent meeting of national cabinet for Wednesday.

Anthony Albanese called an urgent meeting of national cabinet for Wednesday.Credit: Nine News

What seems to be missing from the debate about violence against women are effective steps to reduce it. It’s highly likely that unbridled access to violent porn is doing harm to young men’s thinking. Plus, the Andrew Tates of the world, who encourage followers to pimp women, need to be shut down. The justice system needs an overhaul and prisons used to heal and reprogram offenders rather than improving their connections and criminal skills. Perhaps prisons be rewarded for reducing recidivism, rather than simply increased funding for larger numbers. We need greater understanding of how to change attitudes and improve relationships, and how to constructively deal with break-ups. Teaching greater resilience when things go wrong would go a long way to reducing the carnage. Anne Matheson, Gordon

I urge the premiers and the prime minister to find space at the table for Jess Hill, journalist and coercive control educator and UNSW’s Professor Michael Salter, who have been collaborating on a white paper called Rethinking Primary Prevention. I also request that our elected leaders not to overlook the massive number of women who have been coercively controlled by their partners, some for decades. Men, who probably due to their sociopathy have not laid a hand on their partner, yet can be violent and controlling of every aspect of their partner’s life and often that of their children. These women are another cohort who are so often the silent victims of domestic violence and must be given a voice too. Rhonda Seymour, Castle Hill

Domestic violence starts in families, at kindergarten, at the local kiddies’ rugby league team, on teenage boys’ screens. Take a look at the first scene in the ABC’s brilliant new TV series After the Party, where a straight-talking female teacher describes to her class of teenage boys, the soul-destroying effects of porn. Governments can’t fix this diabolical cancer alone - it’s already in every home! When did you last pull up someone who was disrespecting a girl - or anybody else? Sue Young, Bensville

From my observations there are not enough men speaking about female abuse and deaths. Let’s hear more men speaking and demonstrating on this major issue. Graham Russell, Clovelly

Lead letters are spot on (Letters, April 29). David and Clare hit the spot: education begins in the home. Behaviour is learnt from a very young age. Our families teach us how to behave. Parents, maybe, are the ones who need guidance. Schools then continue by re-enforcing satisfactory modes of behaviour. All mammoth areas with which to work. Alison Stewart, Waitara


I am not averse to the royal commissions your editorial argues for. However, the timescale for them and the possibility they won’t reveal much more than we have long known makes imperative that they should be accompanied by more immediate action of the kind advocated by Rosalind Dixon. The major problem is the malign attitude of far too many men who perceive women as inferior – their chattels, servants, underlings. I have experienced examples of this national scourge and call upon men who do not share this damaging, ego-driven mentality to confront the perpetrators. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

Band-aids on Band-aids is all we’ve been getting for the gaping wound that is domestic violence. While a royal commission would highlight the problem and air possible solutions, existing and proposed, it would be a long and expensive process. But it would also highlight the fact that our elected representatives have no idea what to do about the issue. Throwing large amounts of public money at piecemeal solutions has not been the answer and cannot be while everything is seen through an economic prism that largely ignores human costs. The problem has been created by economic policies that pay lip service to the human being while serving the money-making machine. Economic policy needs to be refocused or we’ll simply get more and more Band-aids. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

There is suddenly enormous momentum for change in Australia about the important issues of mental health and violence against women, which we would have to think are not unrelated. All the politicians and the public in all states are demanding urgent action to stop violence against women. No doubt they will come up with some short-term fixes. For example, tougher AVOs, bail and parole conditions but, on past performance, they will be floundering when it comes to fixing the real, underlying problems. There does exist an evidence-based, long-term solution to this mess, based on ground-breaking clinical research on secure attachment between the young infant and primary caregiver and good parenting for early hard-wiring of the very young brain for all future relationships. Close attention to early-stage parenting offers huge long-term social and economic benefits for the community. In 2020 my wife – a retired psychotherapist – and I made a submission along these lines to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health. Our recommendation was a radical, new paradigm for parenting babies and young children, in order to provide the foundation for good mental health across Australia. It should include parental leave along the lines of Norway, i.e. 46 weeks of parental leave at 100 per cent of pay, and the father can take up to 14 weeks of this leave. With this enlightened, new government program, participating parents would be assured no loss of salary, benefits or seniority. A key condition for receiving these benefits would be mandatory participation in evidence-based, good-parenting education. Rob Firth, Red Hill (ACT)

Anti-Israel protests a form of abuse

The shameful anti-Israel demonstrations occurring at the University of Sydney had the tone of the 1998 waterfront disputes, with its employing of unwitting children at the protesting frontline (“Young children chant anti-Israel slogans at Sydney university protest”, April 29). Surely forcing infants or minors to screech threats of loathing and uprising against the Jewish people into a microphone constitutes a form of child abuse? I cannot understand how council members can simply allow their university lawns to resemble tent cities in LA and become soaked in vile antisemitic sentiments. If the activists are truly committed to justice then ideally they should direct their hostility at Hamas, which, after 16 years of wretched governance in Gaza, has brought little positive progress socially to the area and built next to zero infrastructure, save for a labyrinth of underground tunnels, whose sole purpose is to weaponise terrorists and bring misery into the region. How extraordinary that this supposedly tertiary-educated brigade of leftist advocates are so openly hostile to what is the only liberal, democratic and truly inclusive nation state in the Middle East. Where else in the region could you possibly have an LGBTQI+ parade celebrated except in Israel? Peter Waterhouse, Craigieburn (Vic)

Sydney Uni students at a pro-Palestinian encampment on the university quadrangle.

Sydney Uni students at a pro-Palestinian encampment on the university quadrangle. Credit: Steven Siewert

Just days after 14-year-olds were arrested, allegedly with videos of beheadings on their phones, I see on social media little children as young as five chanting “intifada” and “from the river to the sea” at the Sydney University Palestinian camp. Should we be surprised that some of our teenagers have been so radicalised that allegedly one has stabbed a Christian bishop while others were allegedly planning terrorist attacks? Morris Rapaport, Bondi Junction


What is next? Children acting out rape, burning and throwing bombs? The innocence of childhood is so short-lived. Can we adults not expose young children to the barbarism of war if at all possible? Social media has already stunted their childhood with early access to porn and violence. This grandmother is making a plea to the demonstrators to protect the children from the darkness of the modern world. Irene Nemes, Rose Bay

Dr Elizabeth Strakosch speaks of raising children “with a strong sense of values and what is right and wrong in the world.” Does she seriously think that indoctrinating children to chant slogans which they cannot possibly understand is teaching them a strong sense of values? Nina Bassat, Brighton (Vic)

No reasonable person would consider such behaviour acceptable. Macquarie University academic Randa Abdel-Fattah teaching kids a so-called lesson at a “kids excursion” is insulting and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Importing these overseas behaviours to Australia must not be tolerated. Riley Brown, Bondi Beach

I am sickened and shocked that children are openly and actively being taught to have a hatred for other Australians. This is racial and religious discrimination. Is this the new acceptable face of Australian values? Apparently, yes it is. Our leaders are not standing up against this erosion of our society. I am really disgusted and saddened to say goodbye to our old values of a fair go for all, peace and mateship. This new Australia is a nasty inhumane place. Pamela Shepherd, Balgowlah

Rabble of Scrabble rebels rule

Cherie Gilmour mentions “Dirty Scrabble” as an option (“Indignation over updated Scrabble is letter left unsaid”, April 29). My young grandson loves playing with his grandparents on our decades-old Scrabble set. He enjoys it immensely if we use words associated with bodily functions. Some things never change. Lyn Langtry, East Ryde

A Scrabble game

A Scrabble game Credit: AP


I, too, come from a Scrabble-playing family and we adapted the rules decades ago. Each player chooses eight tiles – the blank tile can be reused and if you’re next to play you can take the blank if you have the letter it represents. We have been known to help if a player can’t see a word to make out of their chosen tiles. Winning wasn’t the main reason for playing … it was to beat the highest total when you added up all players’ totals. Ann Eskens, Crows Nest

Golf clubbing

I’m both a participant and keen observer of golf and admit some of the rules and outdated traditions of the game would benefit from review, but the version served up by Greg Norman’s LIV Golf leaves me cold (“When strangers are doing shoeys at golf, it’s time to rein it in”, April 29). The sight of raucous crowds revelling in the “golf but louder” mantra by engaging in drinking from shoes and other assorted activities does nothing for the dignity of the game. By all means, encourage a good time, but please respect the time-honoured traditions that remain one of golf’s enduring attractions.
Max Redmayne, Drummoyne

The ‘real’ ScoMo, really?

Sean Kelly would have us believe Scott Morrison’s professed mental issues were a product of “our culture” and how politics is played in Australia (“Scott Morrison has broken an Australian taboo, and we should be grateful”, April 29). Somehow, it’s all our fault. But every politician is a volunteer. Their wounds are self-inflicted. Further, Kelly asserts that Morrison’s fake middle-class blokiness was critical to the Coalition’s win in the 2019 election. He forgets the Greens’ quixotic crusade against the Adani mine that lost Labor so many Queensland seats in that poll. It’s not a prime minister’s personality that secures power in Canberra, it’s the number of electorates their party can win. David Salter, Hunter’s Hill

Call me a cynic, but Scott Morrison’s book revealing, among other things, his “fragility” is more about self-justification and making money from his book. He showed this country that the sky was the limit in his effort to further his personal ambitions. We all have faults and failings but we should not try to whitewash our history by claiming mental health issues. Throughout his prime ministership he was quick to claim succour from religious values, but he demonstrated no evidence of adhering to the charitable notions associated with those values. I’m sorry, Scott, but I’m not buying your book. Kim Woo, Mascot

Scott Morrison

Scott MorrisonCredit: Getty


It is important that we respond appropriately to those with mental health problems, both prime ministers and those in any other job. It shouldn’t be taboo. And we shouldn’t be surprised that Morrison did what so many others wrongly do and present a different picture to the public. But the fact is that he did cover it up, and the Australian people are only finding out about the consequences after the event.

Should the Liberal Party have known that he wasn’t best placed for the job? Should Morrison, himself, have known this and stepped aside? If he had done so, would the Coalition have won the election? Yes, we should have known who Morrison really was. But for him, and all of us, we should have known then, not now. David Rush, Lawson

After reading the Letters page and then Sean Kelly, we get two versions of the same man. Is he “the tough welfare cop” who caused terrible anxiety and even suicide for the victims of Robo-debt or the victim of “a political pile-on” causing him anxiety that required medication? A person should be judged by the consequences of their actions, not by how it affects them. It is hard to feel sympathy for someone who has hurt other people. Chris Moe, Bensville

Morrison’s book seems to try to explain why people appear to have misunderstood him – i.e. to know the “real” Scott. Now that the book has been published, perhaps the public could have access to another taxpayer’s expensive unpublished work – the “sealed section” of the report into Robo-debt, although that may not be a component of Morrison’s Christian viewpoint. Clive Quick, Rous

Scott Morrison’s admission that whilst prime minister and under enormous pressure he sought medical help for his mental health and severe anxiety may in current circumstances win him some sympathy. No one would deny him a cry for help. However, as has been pointed out in these pages; his many failings and lack of empathy for the weak in society, his egotistical, almost pathological refusal to accept responsibility for his actions and his blatant lust for power will remain his political legacy. Perhaps, the toxic political culture in parliament notwithstanding, a wiser man may have realised he was way out of his depth and resigned. Donna Wiemann, Balmain

Sean Kelly is too generous to Morrison. Morrison hasn’t broken any taboo by revealing his mental health problems. MPs John Brogden, Geoff Gallop and Andrew Robb took time off when mental illness was diagnosed. What is missing in Morrison’s story is when did he find out about his mental health issues - when he was in opposition, when he was a minister or during his prime ministership? When words like “debilitating and agonising” are used, they are serious issues and anyone holding such a high position should at least take time off when running a country. Morrison didn’t take his mental illness seriously when he should have. Who knows how many decisions were taken that affected Australia during his anxieties - people with anxiety know how badly it can affect their decision-making. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Let’s not forget: “Not far from here, such marches, even now are being met with bullets”. Zuzu Burford, Heathcote


Exam statistics

Margery Evans is quick to claim that independent schools cater for 22 per cent of students with disabilities – a number that surprisingly expands, opportunistically, to achieve “special provisions” assistance at HSC time (Letters, April 29). Mark Berg, Caringbah South

Your correspondent from the Association of Independent Schools claims 22 per cent of students in independent schools have a disability. These schools mustn’t be doing a very good job with them, because by the time they reach the HSC, the figure for students needing “special provisions” jumps to around 40 per cent at some of these institutions. Nick Walker, Suffolk Park

Beautiful Japan

I recently visited Japan and, like most, loved it (“Peak rudeness: poor visitor manners lead to Fuji block”, April 29). The people are beautiful as is the place. I had a couple of opportunities to view Fujisan, from the bullet train and a cable car. Unfortunately, the weather meant that it was not possible. Next time I’ll visit Lawson’s. Hopefully, visitors can begin to demonstrate the respect shown by the Japanese locals – they would never leave rubbish or lie on a road. Lisa Williams, Dulwich Hill

A Lawson convenience store with Mount Fuji in the background.

A Lawson convenience store with Mount Fuji in the background.Credit: Alamy

Mathia is a must-see

Authentic, touching and inspiring overall is my humble take on Mandela Mathia’s performance (“One-man tale shows lust for life”, April 29). A must-see show to lift one’s spirit when despondent. No wonder there was a standing ovation at the session I attended. Edward Loong, Milsons Point

Words to live by

What an uplifting obituary of Baroness Trixie Gardner (Obituaries, April 29). Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all politicians embodied her belief that “politics should be about coming together to discuss how to make people’s lives better, not standing divided over polarised personal views”. An amazing mantra by which we could all live. Merilyn McClung, Forestville

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