

This was published 10 months ago

Reform laws and amend attitudes to staunch violence

For 20 years, I worked in the criminal justice system in metropolitan, regional and remote NSW. My work was with victims, offenders, courts, police, lawyers and health and the welfare agencies providing assistance to victims (“Premier orders crisis meeting”, April 26). The causal factors of violence against women and children are well known. Little is new other than cyberstalking and surveillance as tools of abuse. The long-standing problem of agencies competing for inadequate resources does not assist victims or aid in violence reduction. Executive government needs to undertake effective law reform and provide adequate funding for first-class services. Perhaps it is time to contact your local MP and politely remind them this will significantly inform how you next vote. Murray Patchett, Kentucky

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese attends a rally to a call for action to end violence against women, in Canberra on Sunday

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese attends a rally to a call for action to end violence against women, in Canberra on SundayCredit: AAP

This is a societal problem, which to a considerable extent has its origins in early family life when young minds are taught moral values that include respect for other members of society. Parents cannot escape this responsibility and hope to pass the duty on to the rest of society. Controlling domestic violence is a crime prevention project and should start in the home; by the time government, law enforcement and the judiciary are involved it has already failed. Sadly, there is no quick fix. Societal change takes generations, but these generations must first be willing to recognise their contribution to the problem and be prepared to take their share of responsibility for fixing it.
David MacKintosh, Berkeley Vale

Yes, a royal commission into gendered violence and domestic violence is an absolute necessity. The light must shine in on this historic dark stain on the Australian landscape. Draw back the curtains; lift the blinds and boldly explore this human catastrophe. No longer can these horrific outcomes be treated with sadness and regret and apologies. All these responses unwittingly contain an element of acceptance that nothing can be done. Something must be done and a national royal commission – to have the nation examining the issues in public, talk about the issues in public and develop recommendations that the government makes mandatory – is the only way out of this deepening quagmire of individual, family and community destruction and suffering. Warren Marks, Hill Top

Talking about respect and equal rights, then expressing shock at the amount of violence, are not direct and clear enough. Keep it simple: the message needs to be “don’t hit, don’t intimidate”. And it’s not just about violence against women. We are too accepting of all forms of violence. There are still those who want to “bring back the biff” in various footy codes. What they don’t see is that if you encourage violence in one arena, young kids and teenagers can struggle to draw boundaries about where and when it’s ok. We make heroes out of violent sportsmen such as boxers and UFC fighters. The problem they create is that if it’s OK for them to injure opponents, why can’t an angry young man use violence?

And we excuse “heat of the moment” even though there is plenty of evidence that it can be controlled. Watch AFL and NRL. Plenty of moments where players could punch another, it used to often happen in the past. But the rules and penalties have stopped it. Receive an elbow to the face and in the heat of the moment, do nothing because of the penalties that would apply. So, as well as messaging “don’t hit, don’t intimidate”, let’s apply some serious penalties to violence. Football has proved it works. Steven Lee, Faulconbridge

I am sure that I am not the only woman who read this story with sad recognition (“I was raped and didn’t speak up. Thanks to Justice Lee, these days I might”, April 26). The growing number of women being killed and the others who are assaulted daily is a shocking problem for our community to properly address. In primary school, a man exposed himself to me and tried to lure me into a car. In high school in the ’70s there was regular creep on the western Sydney train line who would surreptitiously expose himself to young women. At high school parties, young men would ply young women with alcohol and take advantage of their vulnerable state. At university, similar behaviour was celebrated as per the writer’s story and women were shamed into not reporting. In workplaces, powerful men treated women like slaves and sex objects. Need I go on?

There is a fundamental issue here about power and control. We have all known this for decades and, while we are seeing positive change in some areas, there is significant regression in others such as access to violent and degrading pornography through the insidious reach of the internet, and social media sites that negatively influence attitudes and behaviours towards women. Like others I was silenced in the past by fear, by patriarchal systems and structures that did not support women speaking up – it is hard to believe that we marched in the ’70s to stop violence against women and we are still marching 50 years later for the same reasons. Women do not feel safe and this is a national tragedy. Clare McNamara, Springwood

We really shouldn’t be that surprised at the violence perpetrated against women. It was just about a dozen years ago when we had a prominent radio shock jock state that Julia Gillard should be thrown out to sea in a chaff bag. We later had Tony Abbott and other conservative politicians at a rally against Gillard with placards waved behind them stating “Ditch the Witch” and “Bob Brown’s Bitch” and few people seemed concerned about it when reported in the media, thinking it was a bit of fun. Peter Dutton, when a minister, called a female journalist a “mad f---ing witch”. How can such language against women not be considered provocative and dangerous? Fighting words can lead to harmful and deadly consequences. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

Male physical and psychological abuse of women is anchored in how we raise our young men. We are certainly getting better at this, but there are still many cultural influences steering our young men towards an unreasonable imperative to dominate. The principle of “headship” in many of our religions has long had its day. Julia Baird has written very astutely on this. Abusive men have tried to use their belief in headship as a mitigating circumstance in their abusive behaviour. Headship has long been defended as requiring “benevolence” and “inclusiveness” in its implementation, but at its core it tells our young men that they have a right, or even a responsibility, to control women. Many religious leaders do a wonderful job in serving social justice. Surely, however, it’s time to not just ignore or rationalise headship, but to actively denounce it. John McNeill, Brisbane (Qld)


Belief underwrote doubt Morrison felt while PM

James Massola writes about Scott Morrison’s new book, quoting Morrison saying he largely kept his faith private during his years in office (“The ‘real’ Scott Morrison: former PM says Australians didn’t know who he was”, April 26). This contrasts with the account provided by his colleagues and recounted in Niki Savva’s book Bulldozed. They said that the PM regularly held prayer meetings in his office and asked colleagues to pray with him before meetings. Morrison did admit to waves of anxiety and a “debilitating and agonising” battle with severe mental health issues. As someone interested in research about the effectiveness of prayer, I wonder if the two things are connected. The evidence is that prayer does not work. Combine that with overwhelming faith and it is easy to see how this could lead to doubt and uncertainty. Alan Russell, Unley (SA)

Former prime minister Scott Morrison

Former prime minister Scott MorrisonCredit: Alex Ellinghausen

The avid religious fervour of a PM should not be treated lightly. In the current social climate in which we are concerned with expressions of overt religious ideology, the extreme beliefs of Australia’s leader should not be dismissed. Perhaps we are fortunate that Morrison was removed from government before further damage could be done. Let this be a lesson to the electorate against making a mistake such as this again. Patricia Farrar, Concord

So if God “helped and informed” Scott Morrison in making crucial decisions, does that mean He should also shoulder some of the blame for the shambles known as the Morrison government?
Grant Heaton, Port Macquarie

The only question I have for the “real Scott Morrison” is how he reconciled robo-debt with his Christian faith. Is this discussed in his book? Elizabeth Darton, Lane Cove West

Ah! So that’s where robo-debt came from - it was God’s idea! Scotty, I think you should have a chat with God about the advice he gave you; after all, it resulted in you leading the Liberal Party to their worst defeat in years. Michael McMullan, Avoca Beach

Scott finds it outrageous that people accuse him of peddling his faith. Might I suggest that the more pertinent accusation should be that such a man of faith can be so at odds with basic Christian values. His lack of empathy for the needy (robo-debt), duplicity (secret portfolios) and his two-faced support of Malcolm Turnbull come to mind. Steve Fortey, Avoca Beach

I venture to suggest that had Malcolm Turnbull known “the real Scott Morrison”, he would not have reacted so gratefully when Morrison put his arm around his shoulder and proclaimed “this is my leader”. Joan Brown, Orange

“The former prime minister says Australians didn’t know who he was”. That would be Scotty from Marketing? Wendy Kelly, Sanctuary Point

I didn’t buy Morrison’s leadership, so why would I buy his book? Christo Curtis, Beaconsfield

The dual dilemmas in housing

Whilst many Australians, including politicians and commentators, are wringing their hands at the massive increases in insurance premiums, the same group are well-pleased at their new-found wealth obtained by the value of their house or houses increasing by double-digit figures annually (Letters, April 27). One side effect is the increase in insurance premiums by at least this figure just to cover the cost of repairing or replacing houses. If the annual increase in the value of houses dropped to CPI or less, then the cost of insurance would drop. The cost of housing and both residential and commercial rentals has a massive impact on CPI and inflation, governments need to be bold and tackle the difficult political issues in providing more housing and the tax policies that help drive up the cost of housing. Geoff Lindsay, Thurgoona

Private schools and special needs

Your correspondent has a view of independent schools that belongs in the 1960s if she believes children from “disadvantaged backgrounds, with disabilities, trauma affected and with behavioural issues … are not catered for within the private system”, (Letters, April 27).

For the record, 22 per cent of students in independent schools have a disability (compared with 25 per cent in government schools). Most of these children are in mainstream independent schools. However, around one-fifth of NSW’s 563 independent schools exist solely for children with special needs, including those with a disability and those with behavioural issues who were previously in government and other non-government schools. Margery Evans, Association of Independent Schools of NSW

Don’t lose the net benefit

Once again, the periodic issue of permanent removal of shark nets is being raised (Editorial, April 27). Understandably, many of us are concerned about the indiscriminate by-catch. The complicating factor is that, for reasons which are not clear, shark nets have worked. Everywhere they have been deployed in Australia and South Africa, there has been an immediate marked and
enduring reduction in attacks and fatalities. It is hard to know how significant the impact of shark nets is on individual species when compared to the threats from other activities, such as commercial and recreational fishing, but nobody can be comfortable with the number of non-target and vulnerable species perishing each year in the nets. Once again, it all boils down to how much additional risk we are prepared to accept if we permanently remove the nets. Of course, the answer to that question depends on how frequently we are exposed to that risk. It’s easier to accept the
greater risk if you are rarely exposed to it - so let’s hope dedicated surfers have some say in the final decision. Col Nicholson, Hawks Nest

Protest threatens university freedom

As a Sydney University alumnus, I was horrified to read that the pro-Palestine supporters have occupied the front lawn (“‘Our university is scared’: Sydney Uni students join wave of US college encampments”, April 25). From there, they chant their anti-Israel slogans in a loud and aggressive manner. They refuse to allow anyone related to Israel in any way the right to speak at the university. Where is the freedom of speech and right to debate the university once stood for? Anyone who is opposed to any of their views is shouted down and, in fact, intimidated by their shouting. Jewish students are frightened to appear on campus. Why would anyone consider attending university if this is allowed to continue? Who will be targeted next? Kea Icklow, St Ives

University of Sydney’s pro-Palestinian encampment.

University of Sydney’s pro-Palestinian encampment.Credit: Edwina Pickles

The University of Sydney seems to be responding to the student protests against Israel’s overreaction to Hamas terrorism with restraint. Half a century ago, an on-campus protest against Australian involvement in America’s war with North Vietnam provoked an armed University Regiment to march (literally) over the protesters sitting on the road in front of Fisher Library. Earlier, on May 4, 1970, at Kent State University, the National Guard shot thirteen students, killing four, for protesting the USA’s unjustified war against North Vietnam. It’s to be hoped that Australian universities support their students’ right to peaceful protest on campus as the Middle East conflict continues and that they avoid the violent reactions of their American counterparts. Philip Bell, Bronte

Historic duty of care

I wish to acknowledge the magnificent commitment of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to the service and memory of four airmen who were reported missing, believed killed on September 5, 1943 (Letters, April 27). In 2022, aircraft wreckage and remains of two crew members were located in the depths of Gasmata Harbour, Bougainville. Their Beaufort bomber was one of three Australian aircraft shot down by Japanese defenders on that day, with no survivors. Last Friday, next of kin for the four young airmen attended a special memorial service at RAAF Amberley in Queensland. Among them were two children of one of the airmen, now in their 80s. The RAAF’s work in identifying the aircraft and crew and its search for and informing of next of kin has been exemplary. The exacting and sensitive execution of a deeply emotional memorial service and committal 81 years on is emblematic of the Commonwealth’s dedication to those who have died in the service of their nation and to their families. Mark Carter, Roseville

Jail Musk calls ‘ludicrous’

I heartily congratulate Elon Musk for standing up to bully boy (and girl) Australian politicians and defending commonsense and common law (“Musk fails eSafety belt moment”, April 27). No one country should be allowed to dictate to the rest of the world what it wants you to know or see. Musk has voluntarily geo-blocked Australian X users from viewing the offending videos, and that is all you can reasonably expect.

Politicians’ demands that Musk act worldwide are legally ludicrous. The Federal Court has no jurisdiction overseas and cannot enforce its orders, hence Musk has no legal requirement to abide by them. The utterly ludicrous calls for Musk to be incarcerated are so loopy that it defies belief they are even put to air. However, for all the supporters of this Australian culture of bullying, I look forward to you supporting other countries with extremist governments demanding a worldwide ban on the “offensive videos” of women driving cars or going to school. Ralph Hahnheuser, Noosa Heads (QLD)

Codes should cover head trauma costs

After reading The Fitz Files I am wondering why the federal government is expected to stump up $18m for care and research into CTE (“Three extraordinary events signal the end of ‘she’ll be right’ era”, April 27). Surely the three main affected codes should be expected to find these funds just as they have benefited financially from the inadvertent sacrifice made by so many of their players.
Neil Reckord, Gordon ACT

Height of fashion

I wonder if the Fairburns could perhaps have caught a short glimpse of the conductor and soloists at their Messiah performance if the lofty Gough and Margaret had decided imperiously not to follow the royal tradition of standing up for the Hallelujah chorus (Letters, April 27)? Evan Bailey, Glebe

Margaret and Gough Whitlam in 1972.

Margaret and Gough Whitlam in 1972.Credit: K. Berry

Trump in deed

Regarding Bill Wyman’s amusing article mentioning Donald Trump’s courtroom flatulence, might I helpfully suggest that the Oaf of Office refrain from simultaneously gaslighting, as this may only inflame the situation (Letters, April 27). Dick Westera, West Wollongong

Puppy payout

Oh, the suffering (“Celebrity cavoodle case ends with $150,000 payout”, April 27). $150,000 payout? That should be recuperative. Transfer that scenario to the cash-strapped with a similar problem: “A cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie-down, folks”. Kathleen Hollins, Northmead

Truth be Tull-ed

Well, I waited until 1977 to see Jethro Tull – at the famous Hordern Pavilion (Letters, April 27). It remains one of my favourite concerts. I was with, among others, my 14-year-old sister. We had both seen ABBA earlier that year – I don’t think too many would’ve been at both gigs!
Mark Morgan, Palmwoods (Qld)

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