

How to pick the right tour (in 10 easy steps)

By Brian Johnston

Thinking of joining a tour group but unsure how to get the best experience and value from it? Here’s how to make the most of an escorted journey.

Group tours aren’t what they used to be.

Group tours aren’t what they used to be.Credit: iStock

Yes, escorted tours have their downside. You’ll encounter inevitable regimentation and predictability, will have to stick to the schedule, and might not be interested in everything on offer.

But the upsides tip the balance. You have an upfront cost, a curated travel experience, sociability, and the safety and back-up plans of experienced operators. Everything has already been road tested. You get insight from guides and experts. Sometimes you get access to remote or very unfamiliar places that would be daunting to visit as a solo traveller.

You don’t have to consider any of travel’s annoying practicalities: group tourists are far more relaxed than go-it-alone travellers. They’re effortless and make efficient use of your time. All those hours you save on planning, finding your way around, parking and queuing for tickets can be spent on more enjoyable things.

No shame in letting someone else do the work for you. That hardly means you’re a timid traveller: many escorted journeys are active, adventurous and intelligent – and so are the people on them.

There’s no shame in letting someone else do the work for you – on tour with Insight Vacations at Vienna’s
Schonbrunn Palace Gardens.

There’s no shame in letting someone else do the work for you – on tour with Insight Vacations at Vienna’s Schonbrunn Palace Gardens.

Group tours have also changed enormously. Itineraries are more flexible and sightseeing is combined with immersive experiences and cultural activities. Luxury levels have risen, group sizes have fallen, destinations are more far-flung, and special-interest and themed tours have proliferated.

There’s a tour for every type of traveller. To pick the right one, don’t be a passive participant. Have your own plan and get involved to maximise the enjoyment of your well-earned holiday. Here’s how.

STEP ONE Follow the leader, mostly

The streets of Budapest – tour leaders will often bring fresh eyes and insight.

The streets of Budapest – tour leaders will often bring fresh eyes and insight.

A major benefit of group over individual touring is the tour leader or manager – and often local guides too – who deal with practicalities, resolve problems, and have in-depth knowledge of your destination’s history, culture and society. They often bring fresh eyes and insight, so escorted tours even in familiar places can be rewarding.

Take advantage – but up to a point. Remember tour leaders work long hours and you can’t expect constant one-on-one attention. If the museum tour is over and you’re given free time, ask which galleries they’d recommend. If a meal isn’t included, get restaurant advice. If you have an afternoon to yourself and aim to visit a specific sight, tour leaders will tell you how to get there.

Remember, however, that tour leaders have their own agendas, interests and range of knowledge. You don’t want your entire tour curated by a single individual unless you really click. And don’t expect them to know it all. If you have esoteric interests, do your own research.

STEP TWO Trust your driver for directions

Another source of knowledge is a much overlooked person: the coach driver. Don’t limit your interaction to hellos and thank-yous. Drivers do a lot of waiting around and are often happy to chat, although conversation can be halting as many aren’t fluent in English.

This isn’t just your chance to interact with locals of different backgrounds to your tour leader’s, but to harvest information. Drivers visit the same towns regularly and have opinions on where to find the best coffee or meals, often in cheap and cheerful local venues away from the tourist traps.

And while many aren’t necessarily familiar with big-name palaces and museums, they do know the best parks and piazzas for relaxation, and best places for a short walk. They can point you to neighbourhoods most visitors don’t see.

Other good people to talk to? Generally speaking, hotel concierges rarely think beyond the tourist trail. Chat to the doormen or porters instead, who’ll be familiar with public transport and nearby bars.

STEP THREE Keep your social battery charged

Chobe National Park in Botswana, Africa. A big myth about escorted tours is that they’re for unimaginative travellers.

Chobe National Park in Botswana, Africa. A big myth about escorted tours is that they’re for unimaginative travellers.Credit: iStock

Travelling in a group has big pluses. In unfamiliar environments, it helps to be surrounded by fellow travellers, and you’ll be more relaxed. Shared experiences heighten enthusiasm levels, and people on the same tour likely have common interests.

A big myth about escorted tours is that they’re for unimaginative travellers. Not so: many have decades of independent travel behind them, and lively minds. An enjoyable camaraderie can develop, and meals can be convivial. It isn’t uncommon to make friendships that last beyond tour’s end.

Enjoy it, but don’t spend your whole time in a social bubble, or constantly distracted by fellow foreigners. Politely manage your interactions so you can maintain some independence.

Feel free to swap a group meal for room service, or to set off on your own during free time. Don’t always get sucked into drinks at the hotel bar: sally forth to find an experience among the locals. Retreat into your earphones on the coach or train, and enjoy the scenery.

STEP FOUR Relax on the road

Don’t think of time spent in transit as wasted. It would be just as long and certainly more stressful to drive yourself. Freed from the steering wheel, navigation, road-rule worries and a partner’s shouted directions, you’ll find the journey relaxing.

Tour leaders will likely provide some commentary as you travel. Compared to a car, you’ll have a better, more elevated view from a coach or train onto passing scenery or streets rather than onto crash barriers and the backs of trucks.

You can take time out to rest, chat or – on luxury journeys – use the coach’s Wi-Fi to catch up on emails and social media.

Many coaches have good legroom, comfortable seats, large panoramic windows, mobile chargers and an on-board toilet. Seating is usually rotated by the tour leader, so everyone gets a go at the front and back.

If, however, you wish to minimise transits, do your research before booking. Most tour descriptions are coy about travel times, but Google Maps will let you know how long each day’s journey will be.

STEP FIVE Jetsetter not a pace-setter

On the move in Thailand.

On the move in Thailand.Credit: iStock

The stereotype that escorted journeys are for the elderly or frail is laughable. Jet lag, early morning starts, socialising, sightseeing, long days, constant hotel changes and unfamiliar beds can make tours exhausting.

If you don’t manage your pace, you could burn out, but sensible choices before and during your tour will ensure an agreeable time and leave you with ample energy reserves.

Consider the type of tour. Nothing wrong with six countries in 10 days if you have the stamina, but otherwise look for slower-paced journeys that feature fewer stopovers, a regional focus, regular free time, occasional late starts and double nights or more in the same hotel.

Many major tour companies now offer more laid-back touring, such as Collette’s Spotlight and Trafalgar’s Explorer city series, Globus’ Choice Touring and Insight Vacations’ Easy Pace options.

While on tour, take an early night or two. Skip the buffet breakfast for a lie-in: a coffee and croissant will do. And remind yourself that sitting in a cafe or dawdling along a waterfront beats relentless sightseeing.

STEP SIX Strike out on your own

Seek out the locals and venture away from the group to follow your own interests.

Seek out the locals and venture away from the group to follow your own interests.Credit: iStock

Most sensible tour itineraries don’t structure every hour and allow for periods of free time, including some evenings without organised meals. Don’t consider this a negative, or an added expense: if all meals were included, you’d be paying for them anyway.

What such tours give you is some flexibility to venture away from the group experience to relax or follow your own interests. Sometimes spontaneous exploration provides the most memorable moments, and certainly it gives you the opportunity to get away from tourist sights and flesh out your visit in local neighbourhoods, and in local eateries rather than just hotel restaurants.

Also, you aren’t on a school excursion, so feel free to duck out of anything on your itinerary, such as a sightseeing afternoon. Maybe you’d rather wander the streets than visit a particular museum, or visit an alternative museum more to your interest. Letting go of a sense of obligation – beyond informing the tour leader of your whereabouts – will greatly improve your experience.

STEP SEVEN Love the locals

Many of us are looking to explore local cultures in a more meaningful way and escorted tours are catering to the demand with meet-and-greet activities, immersive experiences and learning opportunities. Among examples is AAT King’s First National culture immersions, Contiki’s Local Experiences and Trafalgar’s Be My Guest program.

At their best, these events provide the opportunity to talk to wine and food producers, opera singers, behind-the-scenes museum experts or artists. You can participate, too, in activities such as pottery-making, dog sledding, sumo wrestling or cookery classes.

You’d be wise to pick a tour that offers such chances but, irrespective, get out and meet the locals yourself. If you’re a shy type, pick tour destinations where you’re bound to encounter chatty, friendly people: Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Samoa and the US.

If you have an itinerary-free afternoon, consider booking a cultural activity rather than frittering the time away in idle wandering. You’ll be all the more enlightened and entertained and often such encounters provide the most memorable moments after a castle or cathedral has been forgotten.

STEP EIGHT Hit the street food

Breaking bread with the locals in Armenia on a Bunnik Tour.

Breaking bread with the locals in Armenia on a Bunnik Tour.

Set meals are a relief, especially after a long day: you avoid the hassle of finding a restaurant and navigating an unfamiliar menu. Yet while it’s tempting to book a tour that covers all your meals, it isn’t the best option.

Ask yourself whether you really want to abandon sightseeing time for long lunches, always dine in a group and limit your food choices. Food is a big part of the cultural experience, so you ought to get out by yourself at least sometimes. Good tours give you that opportunity.

You’ll likely have limited time for lunch, but snacking sits among the best of eating experiences, whether you resort to a French patisserie, Mexican taco bar or Vietnamese street stall. Stray two or three streets from your drop-off point and you’ll likely be rewarded by a more authentic – and cheaper – experience.

For your free evenings, hunt online beforehand for reviews of restaurants near your hotel, or consult your tour leader. Aim for local cuisine – escorted tours tend towards more international or please-everyone fare, but that isn’t always the case: World Expeditions’ Culinary Tours and Bunnik’s Food Tours are examples.

STEP NINE Together but alone

The understandable habit of those in tour groups is to shuffle around in a close herd and politely listen to long explanations, even if they don’t find them interesting. But this isn’t the best way to make the most of your tour.

Feel free to wander away from the group. Step ahead into the next room of a palace if the current one doesn’t delight you. While the tour guide discusses one museum painting, you can always inspect another. Groups tend to move slowly: you can take in much more by zig-zagging around instead of simply standing.

Just don’t stray too far. If your commentary comes through an earpiece you’ll get far enough while still keeping track of the group. Don’t worry, guides are used to wanderers.

Get involved, as long as you don’t dominate the group. A well-placed question can steer explanations or conversation in a more interesting direction. Remember that guides are trying to please most people most of the time, but if you take an active interest in what they’re saying, you might be surprised at what you hear.

STEP 10 Don’t forget to tip

Be clear what’s included in your fare and what isn’t to avoid frustration and budget overrun. Depending on the small print, you might pay extra for airport transfers, occasional meals, drinks, and entrance fees. Some tours have add-on excursions which you’re free to decline if you’d rather do something else.

Allocate yourself daily pin money to spend on extras such as dining and shopping. This is a good way to control the overall spend, so you don’t end up with a maxed-out credit card.

Allow for gratuities, which are seldom included – APT is a notable exception – although most companies will tip hotel and restaurant staff on your behalf. Consider about $10 for your tour leader and $2 for your driver a day. Tip local guides depending on the length and quality of their efforts.

Rid yourself of the Australian notion that tipping is annoying or inappropriate. We wouldn’t dismiss other cultural habits just because they differ from our own. Lots of people have worked hard to make your holiday enjoyable, so finish your journey on a good note and a smile.

Know before you go

Before you set off or even book your tour, be sure you’ve worked out satisfactory answers to these questions.

Make sure you do your research.

Make sure you do your research.Credit: iStock

Do I understand the destination?
Just because you’re on an all-organised tour, that doesn’t mean you should neglect research. Background knowledge of your destination will enable you to pick a tour that matches whatever aspects of it pique your interest. Understanding practical details such as transit times will adjust your expectations. You’ll also be able to make the most of any free time, and the more informed you are about local history and culture, the richer the experience.

What do I know about the tour company?
Few tours are bad, but many can be a mismatch. Research the style, pace, focus, activity level, budget and inclusions of various companies carefully before you book. And don’t assume that because you’ve enjoyed company X in the Serengeti, the same is guaranteed in Singapore. Each tour company has its strengths and areas of expertise. Boutique or regional companies may be best if you’re after remote, themed, eco-friendly or in-depth visits.

What are my fitness levels?
Be realistic about your physical ability and overall energy, as many tours are fast-paced, with daily hotel changes and lots of walking over uneven national-park or old-town surfaces. Looking to push yourself? Don’t assume escorted tours are for the sedentary or unadventurous. For the fit, they offer safe and organised ways to hike, bike or sail in unusual regions, and take on challenges such as Nepal’s Annapurna Circuit or high-altitude Inca Trail in Peru.

Have I got my paperwork together?
A tour company only does so much. It’s up to you to ensure you have a passport valid for six months, appropriate visas, and tour and airline confirmations, which might be needed at customs. Make sure you have travel insurance and (where required) vaccination certificates. Unless an airport pickup is included, you’ll check into the first designated hotel yourself, so be sure to know where it is and how to get there.

What do I really need to pack?
You should have an idea of weather conditions and pack accordingly; in hot climates, you might still need an extra layer to counter coach and hotel air-conditioning. Tours often limit you to one suitcase and, unless porterage is included, you’ll be hauling it yourself, and maybe finding space for it in cramped European hotel rooms. Best pack small, light and layered, and ask yourself if heavy coats and boots are really necessary.

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