

This was published 1 year ago

Fight for home ownership will fail without bigger changes


Credit: Matt Golding

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Once again (“Social housing urged for prime Kew site”, 25/3) another politician, Amelia Hamer states that she would “fight to put home ownership back on the agenda for young Australians by tackling housing affordability and the cost-of-living pressures”. While this is a worthy aim, this is yet another politician who seems to avoid the mention of genuine and thorough tax reform which this country desperately needs. It seems all politicians within the two major parties dare not raise the issue of true tax reform for fear perhaps of being accused of seeking to raise taxes.
This country desperately needs to enter a bipartisan review of tax reform based, I would suggest, on the principles of fairness for the largest number of Australians, efficiency to boost simplicity and also to make tax evasion more difficult and finally to boost economic growth.
If we continue to delay the process of tax reform, this country will only see an increase in the gaps between rich and poor, growing difficulties for governments to fund essential services and greater inter-generational disadvantage.
Terry Brooks, Montmorency

Wind back concessions
It is good to see the Liberal Party preselect a woman, Amelia Hamer, to contest the seat of Kooyong. Reportedly she is interested in running on housing affordability for the young. Alan Kohler, in his quarterly essay The Great Divide, concludes that removing tax concessions on house ownership must be part of the mix in dealing with the housing affordability crisis. Hamer’s position would appear to put her at odds with her leader, Peter Dutton, who has profited handsomely from years of buying and selling properties and has up to now fought to retain these very tax concessions.
Jan Downing, Hawthorn East

Need only growing
Your article (“NAB boss rings alarm on housing crisis”, 25/3) rightly states that we do not have the tradies to build the 1.2 million homes to house our supercharged population growth. The situation is even worse than stated. I have never seen any supply projection take into consideration the renewal of our housing stock. Housing has a finite life. The climate change emergency has made this worse as much of our existing housing is not of a sufficient standard to cope. I see a train wreck coming.
Barry Lizmore, Ocean Grove

Keep building
Let me get this straight. We are desperately short of housing in this country and it has been suggested that we need to bring lots of building tradespeople in from overseas. The problem is that any building tradesperson from overseas would need to build their own house. They would also need to build houses for the many non-tradies such as IT workers who are also coming into this country. How would this solve the housing problem?
Don Owen, Hawthorn

Wider issues
Sean Kelly (“Unstoppable electoral waves are approaching, but who will be washed away?” 25/3) writes that our housing crisis is undermining social mobility and entrenching inequality. As it is our massive immigration levels that have largely contributed to this disaster, we need to reassess the supposed economic benefits of such growth, not take it for granted, and actually look at the wider issues involved.
Jennie Epstein, Little River

Decades of warning
Twenty years ago when my youngest son was 18 I attended a breakfast at the Frankston Arts Centre. Bernard Salt was the guest speaker. He talked about the current crop of 18-year-olds and how their lives would not be as good as ours. He based this on the available data he had as a demographer at KPMG. So why is everyone so surprised at the current situation and why have our governments not tried to help alleviate many of the problems facing young people today.
Marilyn Hoban, Mornington



Pay it forward
Re “Family forced to sell two homes to pay for massive tyre pile clean-up” (The Age, 25/3), the dumping of car tyres is nothing new and invariably when perpetrators are caught they have no money to pay for proper disposal. Why can’t the government put a levy on new tyres that ensures a refund is available for recycling that would create a business around this current problem and ensure used tyres get delivered to recycling plants, or make retailers happy to have tyres in back sheds dropped off at retail premises to then go on to recycling.
Currently, tyre retailers charge a disposal fee so it would not make a difference to pricing, just bring the payment forward to the first set of new tyres.
Sandy Richards, Merricks Beach

Many shades
Altering the building code to enforce paler roof colours in an increasingly hot climate (“Crackdown on dark roofs in plan for growth suburbs”, 26/3) makes sense, however, where are the added values of deeper eaves, verandas, and smart design to encourage winter light for passive solar warming of rooms and summer shade in the housing code? We know these are effective strategies. Secondly, where are the trees to provide shade and cooling in the overall landscape requirements of new housing developments? There is clear evidence that increased greenery reduces ambient temperatures and therefore a lessened reliance on power for cooling in summer. Making roofs lighter is a quick nod in the right direction, but only a nod.
Lisa Dooley, South Melbourne

Model leader
Victoria owes a great debt to Deborah Glass for her fearless, capable but always courteous efforts to improve fairness, justice and transparency in this state. This magnificent woman showed how an ombudsman is supposed to act. It is to be hoped her successor maintains her courage and integrity. I wish you a happy and fulfilling retirement, Deborah.
Charlotte Brewer, Shepparton

Justice and integrity
I wish to pay tribute to our departing Ombudsman, Deborah Glass, and the immense body of work which she has steadfastly worked through over the past 10 years. She has been a remarkably dedicated and courageous person who has never strayed from her determination to uphold, and in fact, demand integrity across numerous government departments. Relentlessly, she has addressed legitimate complaints from Victorians who perceived that justice and honesty within our state was far too often very questionable. Whenever I read her completed reports I always noted the unquestionable reality that she was fearless and feisty in stating the truth; her ability to observe, research and painstakingly analyse vast sources of information ensured that her reports were indeed accurate, thus recommending and demanding action to address the issues that she had identified as failing to support the best interests of the taxpaying public, and obviously the use of taxpayer funding.
Janine Fletcher, Croydon North

Ideology a danger
The problems of James, a twin who revealed his struggle with sexuality to a Christian school, is all too common (“Bradley’s school years were great, for his twin James, they were hell”, 26/3). I sent my son to a Christian school because I thought his experience would be more caring than public schools. I accepted that several of his high school teachers were inexperienced and teaching out of their subject area. At the time I accepted the school’s religious education indoctrination because I was a committed Christian. I thought my son’s school experience would reinforce the Christianity that we, his parents, were demonstrating at home.
Do Christian schools realise or care that one in 20 of their students are born gay, and have no choice in their sexuality? Or is their world view based on their interpretation of the Bible? Do they say that their immutable God abhors gays? Do some schools still subject gay children, with parental permission, to secretive, dangerous and illegal anti-gay therapy?
My son and I have now rejected Christianity because of his Christian school’s unchristian treatment of its gay students. Many gay ex-students of Christian schools have life-long psychological damage and suicidal thoughts. A number have died by suicide.
Name withheld on request
Lifeline: 13 11 14

In need of help
Parents of current and future university students should read “Why the HELP system needs to be modernised” (25/3). Many think the HELP repayments will be easy because they are interest-free. But as the “loan” is indexed by inflation, it has created ballooning debt and financial stress. It’s unsurprising an increasing number of parents are assisting their offspring, particularly with home loans.
Sally Davis, Malvern East

Industrial revolution
Peter Hartcher misses the point (“China’s economy is in a terrible funk – just how Xi Jinping likes it”, 26/3) despite quoting the most important element, “For Xi, national strength emerges from technology, manufacturing, and the strategic dominance of Chinese firms in the global industrial layout”. In other words China is trying not to go down the path of finance capitalism by reining in real estate and other asset speculation. Chinese policy is to focus on industrial capitalism, which is what made the West rich and dominant. Finance capitalism is a dead end of killing the productive goose as Western nations are now experiencing with what we term cost-of-living crises. China is able to and prepared to wear short to medium-term pain to stay the course of productive industrial capitalism. This is a major problem for the West because we can’t or won’t do what is needed to compete on that level.
Mark Freeman, Macleod

Fanciful connection
It is disappointing that The Age should acknowledge Vladimir Putin’s attempt to link Ukraine to the assault on the Moscow Concert Hall in the headline “Putin says Kyiv aided in killers’ escape”. Chatham House, an international think tank, dismissed Putin’s attempt to link the attack to Ukraine and references to a “window” on the front line, saying that it would require Russian forces to let them through on their side of a heavily fortified and mined war zone. “It’s a fairy story,” they said. Washington agrees. National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said, “ISIS bears sole responsibility for the attack. There was no Ukrainian involvement whatsoever.” It has not gone unnoticed that Putin waited some 20 hours after the attack to address his country. When he did give a five-minute speech Putin did not mention ISIS, whose Afghan affiliate, ISIS-K, claimed responsibility for the assault, or refer to the failure of his intelligence services to prevent the assault or the security services to prevent it. Instead he suggested that Ukraine had aided the attackers by helping plan their failed escape. “They tried to hide and moved toward Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border.” Though not acknowledged by Putin, ISIS-K has long targeted Russia, partly because of Moscow’s role in Syria. People ask how a terror attack could succeed in Russia, which is a police state. Russia devotes its energy to combating fake threats. When a real threat emerges, the fake threats are emphasised. Predictably, Putin sought to blame Ukraine for Crocus City Hall.
George Jaworsky, Wollert

History of rendition
Everyone is so keen to get on the China-walloping train, they suddenly forget that our great ally, the US, did exactly what China is accused of doing in Fiji. The CIA “renditioned” from Pakistan to Egypt, Mamdouh Habib, an Egyptian Australian where he was tortured and interrogated, then held in Guantanamo for three years. He was released in 2005 with no charges. The same for David Hicks, tortured and abused in Guantanamo, finally freed after an American Navy lawyer stood up for him, not our government.
Chris Pettifer, Hughesdale

What you pay for
When will people realise that when they vote for “smaller government” and lower taxes, they’re voting for cuts to services they need to use? (“Government was warned of extreme triple-zero call volumes and delays before father’s death”, 26/3). Saving money and reducing taxes by employing fewer people means the work can’t be done, and “expected time frames” cannot possibly be met. You can’t reasonably expect to get what you don’t pay for.
Margaret Callinan, Hawthorn

Case for reimbursement
I’ve just returned to Melbourne from Dallas on Qantas. On recent Qantas flights, the meat option would be best described as chewy slop, so I avoided the “Irish stew” and instead chose the vegetable green curry. It had not a hint of taste, and the rice was dry and crisp. On arrival, I discovered the retractable handle of my suitcase had been sawn off (literally). I went to Qantas baggage services, expecting this was a clear case for reimbursement. They refused, saying my suitcase was still in operating order, despite there being two dangerously protruding metal spikes! I, like many Australians, will avoid flying with Qantas until its service returns to its once excellent level.
David Wood, Wheelers Hill

Always rains
Reading about the use of rain in Cirque du Soleil’s amazing show (26/3), I am reminded of Salvador Dali’s Rainy Taxi exhibited in Paris in 1938. A Fiat taxi contained two mannequins: the driver with a shark head, and a scantily dressed female passenger with live snails crawling over her body. But the most significant element was the rain. It was drenching both occupants because it was an internal storm, pouring in from the taxi roof.
Elizabeth Sprigg, Glen Iris



Credit: Matt Golding

On reflection
A dark roof in Melbourne probably saves more money with winter heating than it costs in summer for cooling. Perhaps more good would come from using white asphalt?
Mike Pantzopoulos, Ashburton

Crown Resorts has kept its licence to operate the Melbourne casino (“Win for Crown Resorts as its Melbourne casino keeps state licence”, 26/3). I would have bet my house it would have.
John Rawson, Mernda

Alleged links to human sex trafficking, drug dealing, money laundering and unethical behaviour. A good business model for Melbourne?
Denis Evans, Coburg

Speeding cop
Why the fuss over a top cop’s speeding fine? (“Top traffic policeman fined for speeding”, 26/3.) A very small mistake in the scheme of things. Embarrassing yes but “mortified”? Please.
Peter Randles, Pascoe Vale South

Like the rest of us, the assistant commissioner for road policing finds out the mobile speed camera takes no prisoners.
Paul Custance, Highett

On the road
With phone distraction so high these days and car drivers falling behind the car in front when traffic moves, everyone needs to know it is OK to honk. It is not rude to horn.
John Murray, Hawthorn East

Re Matt Golding’s cartoon (Q: “What if two Volvos had won?” A: “Then Hawthorn would’ve been going off”) it’s so last century. We shipped the Volvos to Balwyn, and now only drive late-model four-wheel-drives (it’s hilly and muddy here), Mercs and Beemers with the occasional monarchist ranger (that’s a Range Rover).
Richard Pentony, Hawthorn

Your correspondent (“Wider issues”, Letters, 26/3) states that “Israel has always tried to avoid civilian deaths”. Given the death toll to date this is extremely hard to believe and even if it were true, Israel isn’t very good at it, and should stop immediately.
George Stockman, Berwick

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