

This was published 5 months ago

Crackdown on dark roofs in plan for growth suburbs

By Adam Carey

Dark roofs would be restricted on new homes in Victoria’s growth suburbs in a move aimed at reducing energy consumption and cooling the local climate on hot days.

The proposed crackdown is part of a looming overhaul of the state’s housing code for residential growth areas that seeks to introduce more environmentally sustainable design standards for new homes.

Dark roofs dominate a housing estate in the growth area suburb of Tarneit, in Melbourne’s west.

Dark roofs dominate a housing estate in the growth area suburb of Tarneit, in Melbourne’s west.Credit: Paul Jeffers

The updated code, which awaits sign-off from Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny, would mandate light-coloured roofs on new homes on small lots in Melbourne’s growth suburbs and in new estates in Geelong, Ballarat and the Latrobe Valley.

Homes that comply with the small lot housing code are exempt from a planning permit. Builders wanting to put dark roofs on houses would have to apply for a planning permit, which is a longer and costlier process.

The tougher standard has been welcomed by local councils but is being resisted by the housing industry, and has been questioned by one leading expert on energy-efficient homes, who argued dark roofs have energy benefits in winter.

The updated code would stipulate that “roofs must be finished with a colour or material with a light reflective value greater than 50”. A roof with a reflective value of zero would be pitch black and absorb all light, while a value of 100 reflects all light. Therefore, only lighter-coloured roofs would comply with the code.

The code will apply to new homes built on small lots in the Melbourne local government areas of Cardinia, Casey, Hume, Melton, Whittlesea and Wyndham and the regional shires of Ballarat, Baw Baw, Geelong, Latrobe, and Mitchell.

Victorian Planning Authority chief executive Stuart Moseley said the updated code would “make sure that the homes are built to improve streetscape and design outcomes for families, including proposed additions to require reflective roofs and setting aside areas for planting to address the heat island effect”.


The Municipal Association of Victoria, an umbrella group for all local councils, has backed the new standard, arguing it will make new homes more environmentally sustainable.

“Most new homes constructed in the growth areas have not been designed for resilience to a warmer climate, let alone for emissions reduction,” the association said in its submission to the Victorian Planning Authority.


Growth-area councils have backed the change. The City of Hume, in Melbourne’s north, supported the inclusion of a new standard banning dark roofs on new smaller homes but called for it to be extended to homes on larger lots as well.

The City of Wyndham in Melbourne’s outer south-west, has already taken its own steps to discourage dark roofs. The council’s 2040 plan, published late last year, includes “design guidance” for new housing that will, among other measures, “discourage dark roofs and encourage the use of light-coloured roofs to dwellings”.

Professor Joe Hurley, of RMIT University’s Centre for Urban Research, said there was a strong trend towards darker roofs in greenfield developments, and good documented evidence that the trend is contributing towards the “heat island effect”, in which urban areas are several degrees hotter than outlying areas.

“I think this is a good step,” Hurley said. “Minimising the amount of heat absorption through roofs and its readmission into homes or urban environments, is a beneficial thing for liveability in these suburbs.”


Melbourne’s outer-suburban growth corridors are among the hottest in the city, according to analysis commissioned by the Victorian Council of Social Service and published this year. Growth area municipalities including Melton, Casey, Whittlesea, Hume and Wyndham are among the city’s hottest, more than 9 degrees warmer than the temperature in outlying areas on hot days, the analysis found.

But the Housing Industry Association rejected the idea of mandating specific building products and said restricting dark roofs could make it more difficult for some homes to achieve a high energy-efficiency rating.

Dr Timothy O’Leary, a lecturer at the University of Melbourne’s School of Architecture, Building and Planning, said a roof’s colour had a marginal overall effect on a home’s energy efficiency.

Some Melbourne suburbs can be up to 9 degrees hotter than outlying areas, and black roofs are believed to contribute to this “heat island effect”.

Some Melbourne suburbs can be up to 9 degrees hotter than outlying areas, and black roofs are believed to contribute to this “heat island effect”.Credit: Matt Davidson

Factors such as a home’s orientation to the sun, double glazing and insulation were more influential, he said.

“I see this happening in a context of governments wanting to be doing something that is green and clean, but the science behind this is not definitive,” O’Leary said.

“Solar absorbance can be a positive thing in winter, and it can be a negative thing in summer. Certainly in Victoria, we live in a heating-dominated climate still, and so absorbing heat can be a positive.”

According to Sustainability Victoria, heating accounts for 43 per cent of the running costs of an average Victorian home, and cooling accounts for 4 per cent.

Henley Homes, one of Melbourne’s largest home builders, has argued strongly that dark-coloured roofs are an environmental asset “in cool climate zones like Melbourne”, where much more energy consumption goes towards heating homes than cooling them.

“In the cooler Melbourne climate, up to 90 per cent of energy we use to condition our homes goes towards heating,” the company said.

“By heating external surfaces of the home, by use of darker colours, the insulating layers can operate more efficiently, which means they are simply more effective in preventing the intrusion of cold, ensuring enhanced efficiency.”

The proportion of houses in Melbourne’s growth areas built on small lots – which are less than 300 square metres – grew from 5.8 per cent to 34.7 per cent in the decade between 2011 and 2021, according to government data.

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