

This was published 5 months ago

Kate conspiracies shine light on chit-chat dangers


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

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Social media, fuelled by the unbridled licence of anonymity, is culpable for the incidental or wilful spread of dangerous, hurtful and vicious fantasies, and even journalists get caught up in the lies (“I’m ashamed I revelled in the ‘Katespiracy’,” 24/3). Good on Kerri Sackville for acknowledging shame at her involvement in this latest tsunami of nauseating fictions propagated by anonymous posters.
I fear for my grandchildren when anonymous opinion is increasingly read and propagated as subjective truth causing untold damage, from online school bullying to mad antivax conspiracies and political mudslinging to QAnon-level skulduggery.
I gave up all social media some years ago because so much is posted anonymously, giving licence to hateful, absurd and dangerous lies and conspiracy theories. Even online comments at The Age are largely published anonymously, though at least they are moderated.
For my grandchildren, I would appreciate media (social and newspaper) platforms that identified all authors of reports, opinions and comments. Other platforms will continue to thrive but at least access to such a platform would give parents a choice to offer kids a space where people own the opinions they post rather than hide behind cowardly pseudonyms.
Michael Langford, Ivanhoe

Spreading rumours
We all know the sad saga that befell the British press some years ago – their hunger for gossip column news that involved breaching people’s privacy, including royalty.
All these years on, it seems that the same press was upset that the royals wouldn’t disclose the personal details of Princess Catherine’s health. In other words, she was supposed to fill the void. For her sins of remaining silent, the rumour mill pretended to fill the void. Truth was an outcast. Every one of the rumour mongers must sit feeling numb. Even princesses are human and can catch the same horrible illnesses as their subjects. Like all people who have health problems, it is their decision to tell whom they want what their illness is.
John Rome, Mt Lawley, WA

Glee in the face of adversity
Re Kerri Sackville and her shame in revelling in the “Katespiracy”, gossip about celebrities is one thing but “pile ons” about someone who has experienced major surgery is something else. These days there is a societal sociopathy that apparently allows strangers to experience glee in the face of the adversity of famous people, even when that adversity is life-threatening.
David Fry, Moonee Ponds

A heavy burden
I note that the salacious bottom-feeders of the royal reporting industry (and their fellow travellers in the worldwide media) have backpedalled furiously following the revelation of the inconvenient truth that Princess Catherine is indeed unwell.
I suspect that the end of the monarchy will come not from the public abandonment of the outmoded institution, but rather from within. Why would one sign up one’s family to the destructive goldfish bowl that is the fate of the royal family? Or why would one choose to join the family firm by marriage, given the ample evidence that it comes with a terrible personal cost? The invasion of privacy generated by the insatiable public appetite for trivial titbits is never-ending.
I foresee that one day in the not too distant future the unmarried, lonely last monarch will hand the crown back to the people of the UK, ending the outmoded anachronism and freeing themselves from the stifling straitjacket it imposes on them.
Ken Richards, Elwood

Purveyors of misfortune
I don’t know whether to applaud your columnist’s honesty or shrink at her schadenfreude. Being amused, titillated even, by someone else’s misfortunes shows a fairly alarming lack of maturity. As the Great Regret follows the Great Conspiracy, Kerri Sackville got one thing right — she’ll forget it all and she’ll probably do it again.
Alison Fraser, Ascot Vale


Less than caring
Your story (“Bradley’s school years were the best of his life. For his twin, James, they were ‘hell’,” 25/3) struck a chord with me. In the late 1990s I was a student at one of the only northern Melbourne Catholic boys schools. This was a school that sold itself on the values of Edmund Rice in creating a “caring school community”.
The experience for some was anything but caring. I recall the merciless bullying that occurred to some of the more effeminate boys in my year level. The insults were daily and relentless. I have no doubt that the teachers and school leadership turned a blind eye to much of it.
This was the same school that invited George Pell (archbishop of Melbourne at the time) to a school assembly where he denounced homosexuality and encouraged the students in attendance to denounce it.
I left that school for other reasons and attended the state high school down the road where there was an LGBTQ club. On day one we as new students were explicitly told everybody in the school community deserved to be treated with respect. On the same day, I saw bullying occur to one of the boys of the LGBTQ club. The perpetrator was suspended the same day, and asked to prove why he should be welcomed back. He was gone by the end of the week.
James Kelly, Mountain Creek, QLD


Nuclear waste
Ted O’Brien joins 11 Coalition MPs to say “no thanks” to nuclear in his electorate despite being an architect of the Coalition’s nuclear policy (“Dozen Coalition MPs want nuclear, just not in their backyard”, 25/3). One suspects that O’Brien’s third criteria for nuclear site selection – acceptance from the community – drives this NIMBYism. Yet, Alan Finkel’s conclusions, that nuclear will not meet our energy needs in a timely or cost-effective manner (“Making sense of the nuclear option”, 25/3) must surely inform O’Brien’s remaining criteria of technical and financial feasibility as well. Given it is likely that all nuclear site selection criteria will fall short, one wonders if the Coalition’s push to nuclear is simply a waste of energy?
Karen Campbell, Geelong

Tired arguments
Anti-nuclear advocates continue to wheel out the examples of Chernobyl and Fukushima to support their arguments (Letters, 25/3). Chernobyl was constructed with classic 1970s Soviet-era technology, shoddy building and safety practices that would never be tolerated now, even in Russia. The Fukushima plant was built in a seismically active country and, even with superior Japanese technology and knowhow, would not be built today. Even nuclear waste is not a major problem for many countries, including geologically stable Australia, once rigorous disposal protocols are in place.
Build lead times and cost, both construction and operating, should be the only considerations when considering whether nuclear should be added to Australia’s energy mix, and the jury is still out on both.
Greg Hardy, Upper Ferntree Gully

A NIMBY build
As a proud NIMBY in Kew, I read with interest a proposal for yet another high-rise development in my suburb (“Social housing urged for prime Kew site”, 25/3). I am against the densification of Melbourne’s established suburbs. It is leading to further loss of our backyards and leafy, low-rise streetscapes. It is increasing noise, traffic congestion and competition for services and open space. We should instead be questioning the projected growth in population, which is forcing this dystopian future upon us.
But I support this proposed development. The number of homeless people in our wealthy city is a disgrace. Providing them with shelter should be a human right, and the proposed site is ideal. But let’s ensure the development fits within the existing building envelope, is entirely for social housing, is well serviced with green areas, parking, etc, and meets the highest environment standards. It could be a showcase of how we overcome the homelessness crisis.
Ian Penrose, Kew

Think laterally
Monique Ryan is absolutely correct in calling for the former VicRoads buildings in Kew to be redeveloped for housing rather than torn down. There is a precedent: the former VicRoads building in Princes Street, Carlton, was turned into residential accommodation more than 20 years ago. The office block was reconfigured rather than demolished and rebuilt, a significant saving in time and resources.
We need to be proactive and think laterally to ameliorate the housing crisis, and reworking empty office space for housing is one part of the solution.
Louise Kloot, Doncaster

Acknowledge the gap
The imminent shortfall in the domestic housing targets in Australia are a slow-motion train wreck due to short-term politics aimed at winning votes. The overdue infrastructure build cannot be compromised, it is sorely needed and an integral part of our aim to lift productivity across the economy.
Yet there remains the simplistic idea that we could pause this infrastructure build and transfer our commercial construction workforce into the domestic market. The skills, though allied, are not the same and the pay gap is vast. You would be asking workers to take a pay cut in the tens of thousands of dollars in a time of rising cost-of-living pressures.
Also, the idea that we can train our emerging workforce to tackle this conundrum is not achievable in a realistic time frame. Since the 2012 Baillieu government decimation of this sector, the TAFEs have never recovered. Add to that the widespread disruption caused by COVID, an ageing workforce and a massive deficit of teaching staff. Nor could we just import a “skilled” workforce to do this for us. These workers will need up-skilling into one of the world’s most highly regulated construction sectors.
We need to rethink housing as a basic human right and should adjust our taxation system, government interventions, industry and innovations to reflect the seriousness of the problem. We need bold governments looking at long-term decisions so Australia remains a great place to live.
Duncan McKimm, Croydon North

The medium wall
Increased high-density housing in Frankston can be achieved without building the “Great Wall”, which would lead to a multitude of problems, as Rachael Dexter’s excellent analysis demonstrates (“How rising sea levels could sink a grand plan to transform Frankston”, 25/3).
Any development along the Long Island and Nepean Highway corridor must take into account rising sea levels, potential flooding and other environmental damage. In addition, a sensible height limit of, say, four storeys should be enforced.
There are plenty of areas further away from the beach where high-density housing, both public and private, could be constructed. However, even in these places, there should be appropriate high-rise restrictions. Frankston shouldn’t become a local version of the Gold Coast.
While I acknowledge the council’s wish to rejuvenate Frankston’s CBD, this must be undertaken in a sensible, planned fashion.
James Young, Mt Eliza

A drop in the bucket
Despite your correspondent’s concerns (“Hydrogen is not the answer”, Letters, 25/3), burning hydrogen will not have much impact on the water vapour content of the atmosphere. Suppose all petrol burnt in Australia was replaced by hydrogen: that would amount to about 14 million kilograms of hydrogen per day, which when reacted with oxygen would produce 128,000 tonnes of water.
If you distribute this over the more populated parts of Australia, say Victoria and NSW for argument’s sake, 1 million square kilometres, this amounts to the equivalent of 0.047 mm of rain per year. Not even a piddling amount. There are other more serious reasons why hydrogen is not the solution to our transport emissions problem.
Sandy Dance, North Melbourne

Wider issues
Waleed Aly’s article re UNRWA in Gaza (Comment, 22/3) is a prime example of “setting up a strawman”. As Penny Wong has done, he states that the UNRWA is not “a terrorist organisation” – but no one is claiming that it is. However, there is a mountain of evidence that the UNRWA is closely linked to Hamas, and aids and abets the terrorists in many ways – from its staff supporting and conducting attacks on Israelis, weapons storage and shared facilities with Hamas, and importantly the indoctrination of the young to become hate-filled jihadis.
Aly casts doubt on the evidence that Israel and others have repeatedly shown about the UNRWA, especially as more has come to light since the Hamas massacres of October 7. He concludes by claiming that the only options for Gaza are the UNRWA or starvation. Israel has always tried to avoid civilian deaths and would be happy to work with other world food aid organisations.
Mary Werther, Armadale

Starting a conversation
Regarding recent letters regarding the Melbourne Theatre Company (“MTC costs too much”, Letters, 24/3), while the very best seats in the theatre are priced at $118, there are also great seats for $50, $26 concession tickets and under 30s get 50 per cent off full price.
Sometimes audiences perceive new Australian work as a riskier purchase and are less likely to spend the same as they would on more familiar work. We’re interested in the conversation about how we, as a society, build a greater cultural value for home-grown art and really appreciate you bringing it forward.
Sally Noonan, executive director & co-CEO, Melbourne Theatre Company, Southbank



Credit: Matt Golding

Putin refers to the terrible deaths at the Moscow concert as “a bloody, barbaric terrorist act”. Given his track record in Ukraine he is definitely an expert on bloody, barbaric terrorist acts.
Luigi Soccio, Daylesford

I love the Pinocchio nose on Putin (Badiucao, 25/3). The longer he reigns, the longer his nose will grow.
Jane Ross, San Remo

Royal family
With the recent disclosure of the true nature of Princess Catherine’s illness it should follow that the hideous trolling directed at her will cease. It appears Harry was on the right track to remove his family from this royal fishbowl.
Dorothy Galloway, Mentone

Kerri Sackville’s reflection on her shame over Kate tells us what a complex, weird organ the brain is. It can trick us into anything.
Anne Flanagan, Box Hill North

Kerri Sackville, what a wonderful piece on humility you have written. You have captured the spirit of Palm Sunday.
Patricia Rivett, Ferntree Gully

AFL concussion
The AFL cites “duty of care” during cases such as Peter Wright, but the “duty” is always on the player left standing. Surely a player running into a dangerous situation to intercept the ball also has a duty to protect themselves.
Gary Sayer, Warrnambool

Instead of trying to assess culpability for a collision that leaves a player concussed, why not suspend both players for the same recovery period? It would simplify the process and highlights the risk of injury to both players involved.
Tom Danby, Coburg North

So Barnaby Joyce doesn’t accept the science of climate change but is happy to have a nuclear reactor in his electorate to reduce emissions anyway?
Michael Brinkman, Ventnor

Hermes allegedly demanding customers purchase unwanted items before having a chance for the coveted handbags (The Age, 25/3) is strikingly similar to the Foxtel business model.
Peter McGill, Lancefield

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