

This was published 7 months ago

Taylor Swift and Donald Trump’s gift for giving fans what they need

The orange era.

The orange era.Credit: Andrew Dyson

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Waleed Aly’s commentary (“Swift and Trump share something”, 23/2), offers real insights into “the astonishing attachment to the star player or coach” or pop singer evidenced in a Premier League or AFL contest or Taylor Swift concert, or even a Donald Trump rally.
Such solidarity and mass identification can undoubtedly be a positive and deeply fulfilling experience for an individual.
As a historic corrective, though, 1930s film footage of Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies shows happily besotted and weeping young Germans in the presence of a charismatic orator which resulted, as we know now, in deeply malign outcomes. Mass psychology is, as Aly demonstrates, an intriguingly complex phenomenon.
Jon McMillan, Mount Eliza

I know which idol I prefer
Waleed Aly might be right that Taylor Swift and Donald Trump both make people feel something. The difference, however, is that Trump is a convicted fraud, while Swift offers an intoxicating cocktail of authenticity, decency and grace. I know which one I’d prefer and encourage my grandkids to admire.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris

Swift even resists our tall poppy syndrome
Waleed Aly’s article answered my question on why the tall poppy syndrome doesn’t apply to Taylor Swift, particularly here in Australia where class sadly exists.
Swift’s extraordinary success is not afforded to many artists, and I only hope she uses her platform and privilege in the future to mentor and support struggling female artists with her own label one day.
Pam Papadopoulos, South Yarra

A hedonistic world adores idols
Kudos to Waleed Aly for frankly expressing the apparent conundrum that exists in our society. We have absolutely no love for billionaires like Bill Gates, but we idolise other billionaires who are entertainers and sports personalities.
They are our heroes, but our doctors, paramedics, cops and firefighters who save lives are lesser respected. We might find it difficult to make ends meet but still will pay enormous sums to buy a ticket to see these idols and our money makes them billionaires. What gives?
Aly attributes it to a camaraderie among the disciples, but I think this indicates that the foundation of our society is based on some good ideals, but also some bad ones.
Our society seems to promote the pursuit of raw pleasure by drinking, gambling, fornicating, dancing and singing, and we blindly follow this advice.
In an ideal society, samaritans should be more valued than idols, but in our world it is the opposite.
Religion can counteract this hedonism, but how many of us are religious? Modern society is so egoistic that it cannot accept a superior intelligence to human intelligence.
Dr Amir Ahamed, Noble Park


Idolising Brayshaw...
Angus Brayshaw of the Melbourne Demons has heeded expert medical advice and retired following a long concussion history. Heaping praise on the beloved star player colleagues said he was above all ″⁣a great human being″⁣. It made me think, Could that be said of Putin or Netanyahu? I believe there is no better way for a person to be described than that.
Rajend Naidu, Glenfield, NSW

...but not Allan
Politicians worry about their legacy and want to be remembered for vision and reform (″⁣Budget is Allan’s chance to carve a vision for the state″⁣, 23/2). Premier Jacinta Allan’s stubborn refusal to end the annual duck shooting season despite a 2023 parliamentary report to do so ensures her legacy will be devoid of any empathy and reform.
Tony Delaney, Warrnambool


Hail the bandicoot
When it comes to productivity, the endangered southern brown bandicoots are gold standard as ″⁣ecosystem engineers″⁣ (“Sprawl threatens marsupial’s urban refuge”, 23/2).
Once roaming Melbourne, but barely known to most of us, these bandicoots will be hanging on for dear life if one of their last refuges, the 3.1 hectares in Cranbourne, is cleared.
These animals do us all the favour of turning up to four metric tonnes of soil per year, cycling nutrients, allowing water and oxygen in, and helping to break down organic matter.
In the face of climate change and ensuing wildlife extinction threats, there must be a way for housing developments and vital indigenous species to coexist. We should return the favour southern brown bandicoots are doing us by prioritising and protecting their home.
Isabelle Henry, Ascot Vale

Buyers’ remorse
Prahran Square is a classic case of buyers’ remorse for Stonnington ratepayers. Any patrons of the dismal former car park would have welcomed its redevelopment to put cars underground and a park on top.
Norman Day’s critique (19/2) is all too accurate, and is supported by most who actually visit the space. Carey Lyon’s defence for the design team (22/2) seems to imply that the project should be judged by the extent to which it satisfies the designers’ aims rather than the end users’ needs.
The best public squares will develop organically over time, in response to changing local requirements; urban designers ignore this at their peril. Prahran Square has a long way to go.
Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale

Reveal Lay report
Re: “Calls for heroin treatment rethink” (23/2). Where, indeed, is the independent report by Ken Lay about the injecting drug harms in the City of Melbourne? It was handed to the minister for mental health in May last year. It involved extensive consultation with the community. At the heart of the process was the question of establishing a second supervised injecting room in the CBD.
It is important to remember that such a facility would offer many other services, including opportunities for recovery from drug addiction. Wastewater analysis shows Melbourne to be the heroin capital of Australia. That is nothing to boast about. It is time for Jacinta Allan to stop “considering” the Lay report and allow discussion and action.
Jennie Stuart, Balwyn

Justice system crisis
Deputy Police Commissioner Ross Guenther has highlighted the flaws in the justice system in an interview with John Silvester headed “A justice system in crisis, but does anybody really care?“, (23/2). Apparently not.
Robert Richter wrote an opinion piece “I’m a vaping barrister. Violent criminals have seized this market”, (14/2), explaining how banning vapes would create another black market. More firebombings? Richter explained the absolute futility of creating black markets and some of the associated costs. Eventually, we will accept that prohibition just doesn’t work.
Once we do, we can start looking at a better system, perhaps we need an inquiry or commission to start planning that.
Tony Jackson, Fitzroy

Wong’s diplomacy
Look no further, Australia has found a real leader for our country in Penny Wong (“Do China and the US need a red telephone to prevent war”, (23/2). Wong suggests Australia should play a more active role in helping to avert a conflict. At last, a suggestion that thinks beyond the limitations of war, which in the past has always been referred to as a last resort.
I think we should consider Wong’s approach. It seems preventing war by negotiation could be a good way of preventing hostility, heartache and death.

Sharon Hendon, Glen Iris

Whistleblower Assange
Those who dismiss Julian Assange as somehow lacking in moral fibre fail to appreciate that he exposed war crimes in Iraq.
He is a whistleblower, and we are dependent on such people to hold the powerful and corrupt to account.
Our own troops have committed war crimes in Afghanistan, and we should be made aware of any criminal behaviour by those in power.
Failing to defend Assange is a failure to defend the public interest and to be complicit in the continued incarceration of a man who has not been found guilty of any crime.
Di Cousens, Upwey

A road is not a road map
Reports that Israel is constructing a road across central Gaza (″⁣Israelis building new road to the sea″⁣, 23/2) suggest that failed policies of division, containment and control continue to hold sway.
It is time for Israel not only to heed the warnings issued by the United Nations and the United States, but to engage positively with proposals that accord with international law and human rights.
For a start that means formal recognition of Palestine and the admission that its West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements are illegal.
It’s clearing these roadblocks, not building a cross–Gaza roadway, that would open the pathway to peace for both Israel and Palestine.
Tom Knowles, Parkville

Predictable Dutton
Peter Dutton has predictably joined the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries in warning purchasers that proposed new emission standards will push up the price of popular cars – quelle horreur! (“Car lobby’s price hike figures exaggerated”, 23/2).
As usual, he insults voters by treating us as mugs. The debate on the impact of disgracefully overdue measures to address vehicle emissions will continue.
Most Australians know that we don’t live in some Disneyland where there are always costless solutions to past excesses.
Mr Dutton might also reflect on the Coalition’s record with the motor vehicle industry. When the dollar reached parity with the US dollar from 2010 to 2013, the Abbott government refused to support local manufacturers. Joe Hockey dared them to pull out, and they were all gone by 2017.
What a master stroke of industry policy.
Norman Huon, Port Melbourne

This flight is full
Wonderful story on Elizabeth Reid who was a TAA air hostess 1946-1949 (″⁣Ex air-hostess takes memory lane joy flight″⁣, 23/2). Her comment that she hated the Canberra to Melbourne flights “because they were late at night and half of them would be full [of alcohol] before they even got onto the aircraft. I’m talking about our politicians” shows that things haven’t changed over the years and reinforces the need that some firmer controls need to be put in place.
Rick Whitelaw, Anglesea

Don’t damn investors
Your correspondents (Letters, 23/2) are hell-bent on depleting the supply of rental properties by damning investment. Someone has to build them. You don’t get a big return immediately, and sometimes you are at a loss (bad tenants etc), but you are providing needed accommodation. The solution is bipartisan discussion.
Ian Anderson, Surrey Hills


Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding


Thanks Angus
As a non-Melbourne supporter, may I thank Angus Brayshaw for his footballing career and congratulate him on his courageous and correct decision to retire based on medical advice.
James Young, Mt Eliza

As a dedicated Demon, my heart breaks for Angus Brayshaw and his premature forced retirement, but his health must come first. A wonderful, unselfish player.
Marie Nash, Balwyn

Credit due
Bouquets to my bank for crediting my account just one hour after I reported unauthorised withdrawals. Well done ANZ.
Roger Farrer, Hampton

Flying from Adelaide to Melbourne at short notice and needing a wheelchair, Jetstar ground staff could not do enough for us. We were sat in forward seats and assisted to and from the plane. We were impressed and grateful.
Megan Peniston-Bird, Kew

Explicit learning (″⁣Catholic schools get explicit in teaching″⁣, 23/2). Showing the kids how to do something, then letting them try it. Sounds revolutionary to me.
Brian Moloney, Essendon

Many private training colleges and their peak body, complaining about revisions to granting student visas, are finally reaping what they sowed.
Brendan O’Farrell, Brunswick

A boatload of refugees make it to the remote coast. (How many don’t?) Peter Dutton rants about soft borders. All he sees is an illusory political opportunity.
Greg Champion, Montmorency

An electric vehicle can power your home and a make a weekend trip cheaper. No wonder the fossil fuel car lobby is agitated about the proposed emission standards.
Jenny Smithers, Ashburton

Time to end fly in fly out CEOs who depart our shores before expiration of their contracts with questions unanswered.
Ludi Servadei, Malvern East

Is there anyone left who doesn’t know X was formerly known as Twitter? Volgograd, formerly known as Stalingrad; London, formerly known as Londinium…
Tom Stafford, Wheelers Hill

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