

This was published 7 months ago

The urban bandicoot that could stop the bulldozers

By Adam Carey

New housing proposed to be built near the southern brown bandicoot’s last urban refuge is likely to push the marsupial closer to extinction by clearing bushland crucial to the endangered animal’s survival and reducing its gene pool.

Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is due to rule on the proposed housing project in Cranbourne in early March.

A southern brown bandicoot at the Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens.

A southern brown bandicoot at the Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens.Credit: John O’Neill

The plan to clear 3.1 hectares of native vegetation for housing has triggered the Albanese government’s involvement because of its potential to further endanger the southern brown bandicoot. The round-eared marsupial once roamed widely throughout Melbourne but has retreated to a small area on the city’s south-east fringe.

The undeveloped site is about one kilometre north of the Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens, which has become the animal’s last city oasis. An estimated 200 to 300 bandicoots live in the gardens, which are surrounded by a predator-proof fence.

Developer Brown Property Group first submitted the residential proposal for Cyril Beechey Lane in 2019. The company declined to answer The Age’s questions.

According to an ecology report prepared for the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water by consultancy Ecology and Heritage Partners, the action is likely to have a serious negative effect on the local bandicoot population’s long-term chances of survival.

Clearing the land will disrupt the bandicoots’ breeding cycle, result in invasive species establishing themselves in the area, and will likely destroy or decrease habitat to the extent that the species is likely to decline, the report found.

Plibersek has committed to preventing any new animal or plant extinctions in Australia in the next decade, and in January blocked the Victorian government’s plan to build an offshore wind turbine hub at the Port of Hastings.


Remote camera monitoring of the development site as part of the application resulted in 17 bandicoot sightings over 15 nights.

“The proposed development of the study area will result in the removal of important habitat for the species,” the report states. “Indeed in its current condition, the study area is likely to provide important breeding, foraging and dispersal habitat for southern brown bandicoots.”

The proposed development site, on Cyril Beechey Lane in Cranbourne, contains high-quality bandicoot habitat.

The proposed development site, on Cyril Beechey Lane in Cranbourne, contains high-quality bandicoot habitat.Credit: Nearmap

The bandicoots on the site are believed to be important to the survival of the population across Victoria, of which there is “a limited number”.

“This population is regarded as a key source population for breeding and dispersal, and a population which is necessary for maintaining genetic diversity,” the report states.

Victorian National Parks Association nature conservation campaigner Jordan Crook said the list of likely consequences should be a “red flag” for the development proposal.

“It’s a cliche, but this really is a death by a thousand cuts,” he said. “If we take another chunk of habitat away it’s one less place for them to live.”

Outreach officer Eilish Roberts says more action is needed to save Victoria’s endangered southern brown bandicoot.

Outreach officer Eilish Roberts says more action is needed to save Victoria’s endangered southern brown bandicoot.Credit: Eddie Jim

Southern brown bandicoots are “ecosystem engineers”, said Eilish Roberts, Victoria’s only outreach officer for the marsupial.

Each small animal turns over almost four metric tonnes of soil a year, cycling nutrients, allowing water and oxygen into the soil, and helping to break down organic matter.

“They’re incredibly ecologically beneficial,” Roberts said.


Her role includes educating Cranbourne residents to contain their cats, encouraging them to plant native vegetation in their gardens, and discouraging them from putting out rat bait in the mistaken belief that they are rodents.

Roberts, who is based at Cranbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens, said the 350-hectare reserve was the bandicoots’ last urban stronghold, but the gardens’ population will eventually need to branch out into surrounding areas to thrive.

“We are a little bit of an island surrounded by all of this development, so after a while the genetic health of the population would start to decline if we couldn’t mix in other genes,” she said.

Victoria’s southern brown bandicoot population is safeguarded by a program called the Melbourne Strategic Assessment, created when the urban growth boundary was expanded in 2008.

Directions in the program include banning cat ownership in new suburbs within the bandicoot management area, and building habitat corridors and dry culverts under roads.

But the bandicoot’s conservation status has deteriorated since the urban boundary was expanded, leading to its reassessment from vulnerable to the more serious endangered status in 2013.

Professor of wildlife and ecology at Deakin University Euan Ritchie said it was clear that Melbourne’s continuing sprawl was pushing the bandicoot closer to the brink.

“The southern brown bandicoot is an example of a species that is hanging on, but it used to be far more widespread, including on the Mornington Peninsula where we don’t think it exists any more,” he said.

“If we continue to sprawl, that comes at the cost of plants and animals that have already suffered substantial habitat destruction.”

A spokesperson for the federal Environment Department said the residential development proposal had been assessed, and a decision on whether the project can go ahead under national environment law is due shortly.

The Allan government was contacted for comment but did not respond.

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