

This was published 7 months ago


Garish glitz? Rubbish. The critics are wrong – Prahran Square is paradise over a parking lot

By Carey Lyon

As one of the designers of Prahran Square, I read the architectural review of the square by Norman Day on Monday with a mixture of horror and amusement. Horror that The Age’s reviewer could stray so far from some basic project facts as to seem in a parallel universe, and amusement at the so-called “critical” language.

What architect or designer would not be energised by their creative work being described as having “blistered into a nightmarish expression of over decoration, garishness, zing and glitz”. We welcome diverse perspectives, however, this is surely more the rant of a cranky old critic than a solid critical assessment.

At the centre of the critique is that the new square is “compressed and cluttered” and “reaches new heights of lavish prodigality”. This calls to mind the comment apocryphally attributed to composer Antonio Salieri, that Mozart’s music had too many notes. Instead, Day argues in favour of a simple park of lawn with trees and “maybe a fountain”, and with a cafe or two to add a vibe. This is essentially arguing for a 19th century model of a public park, developed when the industrial revolution created denser cities and prompted a need for breathing space for the workers and burgeoning middle class.

I suggest The Age’s critic joins the 21st century, with all its change, complexities, and diverse communities (lots and lots of notes) prompting the need for a different contemporary model. Prahran Square represents a carefully considered approach to transforming a previous space for cars into a demonstrably successful public space for this local community. The design is based on exemplary contemporary urban design principles that emphasise human amenity, inclusivity, walkability, flexibility, and sustainability. It is definitively not “the opposite of a welcoming communal space” as suggested by Day.

On the question of lawn and soft green space, a significant area has indeed been provided, but lawn wears out in high-use, inner-urban public spaces. Hard robust surfaces are essential and a tried-and-tested idea (think Italian piazzas). This led to a flexible central space (with a “maybe a fountain” fountain) that accommodates a wide variety of activities, events and pop-ups, and is surrounded by four uniquely landscaped edges that encourage exploration.


Day wrote that there are not enough trees in the square – in fact there are dozens of trees throughout, all rooted in deep soil above the subterranean car park. Over time the canopies of these trees will continue enlarging and provide ever deeper shade for the square’s community. It is outside the design team’s power to accelerate this natural process.

Day’s suggestion of providing more cafes within the square needs to be considered within a current debate about commercialising or commodifying public space. The square’s design deliberately pushes the commercial retail frontages out of the square and onto the surrounding streets to further invigorate these frontages. This is the opposite of the design being like a “suburban shopping mall” as suggested by Day.

The flipside of our approach is to create a square which is distinctly not cluttered by retail, and instead acts a community space for retreat from the world of commerce (specifically Chapel and Greville streets) where people can enjoy solo quiet time, as well as be a place for hosting large community events. Isn’t this a foundational concept for the culture of public spaces?


Lastly, Day rips into Stonnington Council for funding such an “ostentatious” model. On the contrary, like any city that cares about public spaces and good design. We can only praise the council for taking a small risk on behalf of their community. That the risk is paying off in spades when it comes to Prahran Square, as demonstrated by its heavy use by locals.

Ultimately, it is difficult to interpret the review as anything other than the musings of a curmudgeonly critic having an off day in the city. Norman, we appreciate your decades-long contribution to this town’s design discourse but invite you to join us under the shade of one of the square’s gum trees to watch the 21st century go by.

Carey Lyon is one of the founding directors of Melbourne-based architectural practice Lyons.

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