This was published 1 year ago
How many countries have you visited? When a ‘visit’ doesn’t count
Katrina Lobley
Travel writerMany travellers keep count of the countries they’ve visited. Yet the more I travel, the more I realise how tricky it is compiling such a list. What, for instance, counts as a visit?
If I’m in transit and don’t exit the airport, that country definitely doesn’t make my list. But what if you’re on a layover, say for 10 hours, and you swing around on a sightseeing tour and see a little of the destination? Maybe it’s enough – but I also want to feel something.
That might mean eating the eats, drinking the drinks, pounding the pavements, inhaling the scents, buying a trinket, dodging a flower seller, falling into conversation, smiling at a kindness or being bowled over by the beauty. When I look at my “countries visited” list, I want to be taken back there, to whichever place my eye happens to fall upon, to unfurl a tangible memory.
Sometimes, I admit, those memories aren’t fabulous. I see “Cuba” and recall being mugged on day one (after a tug of war in broad daylight where every minute seemed like an hour, I retained my daypack and the would-be thief fled). The country is strongly imprinted (and I’d return in a heartbeat).
“Jordan” reminds me of standing in bewilderment on Amman’s tangled streets, trying to read a map, before an old man shooed away other potential helpers and led us to the restaurant we were trying to find, seeking nothing in return. Keeping a list of countries might seem frivolous, but it’s the Reader’s Digest super-condensed novella of my entire travelling life.
The next difficulty is defining what exactly is a country. The United Nations comprises 193 member states, along with the Holy See/Vatican City and Palestine as two observer states. Like the UN, I count the United Kingdom as a single country (even though I’ve travelled around England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).
I’ve been to Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, but it’s lumped in with France. Similarly, Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan are bundled up with China. I’m yet to make it to Antarctica but, if and when I do, I bet I’ll feel a little robbed that it doesn’t qualify for my list.
So, how long is my list exactly? This year – prompted by the lost pandemic years - I felt compelled to add to it. Lebanon and Cyprus have now pushed my country count to 61, which surely places me on the travel-rich list.
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