This was published 2 years ago
Zoe Foster Blake says TGA code could reverse sunscreen health message
By Sarah Berry
Influencer and author Zoe Foster Blake has accused the medical regulator of potentially reversing years of public health efforts to get Australians to wear sunscreen in a scathing message about its new social media code.
Ahead of the launch of her new 50+ sunscreen today, Foster Blake hit out at the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s new code, which restricts influencers from publishing testimonials offering their personal experience or opinions, if they have been paid or gifted certain products or services for free.
“I believe elements of this code have the potential to reverse the momentum public health, cancer awareness groups, and skin specialists have been building for years to ensure Australians wear sunscreen daily,” the author and founder of Go-To skincare wrote in a newsletter to subscribers and to her 786,000 Instagram followers.
Zoe Foster Blake wants influencers on social media to be able to say what they want about sunscreen.Credit: James Brickwood
“I know we’re not curing cancer. But we are trying our very best to help prevent people from unnecessarily getting it.”
Using influencers on social media has become central to the marketing strategies of many companies. The TGA implemented the code in an attempt to rein in the wild west of health claims and some of the dubious information being spread to masses on various social media platforms.
Under the code, which came into effect on July 1, influencers were also ordered to remove historical testimonials that had been paid for, gifted or incentivised, or risk being penalised.
The code relates specifically to products that are advertised as being for therapeutic use – that’s treating an injury, treating illness or, preventing illness. Some products that do not have a therapeutic use, like sunscreen, tampons, and disinfectants, also fall under the ban.
“I understand the code exists to protect the consumer; to stop frivolous, dangerous, and disingenuous reviews of medical products,” Foster Blake wrote. “We back anything that helps consumers make safe, informed decisions about their products; at Go-To we put safety above all, and never more so than with sunscreen. But the code lacks critical nuance.”
She continued: “And this could be very detrimental for sunscreen usage in Australia, a country where melanoma is the #1 cancer for people aged 20-39.”
Urging the TGA to reconsider the “severe restrictions” and “breathtaking penalties”, she argued that people discover beauty products, including sunscreen, via word of mouth recommendations.
“Constraining personal opinions and testimonials – whether unpaid, paid or gifted – will create unnecessary friction for consumers who come to sunscreen reluctantly, even negatively, to begin with,” she said.
In response, a spokesperson from the TGA said:
“We do not agree that these measures have the potential to impact momentum in sunscreen usage. They are designed to ensure, as much as possible, that testimonials about therapeutic goods are genuine, use of sunscreens and other therapeutic goods is appropriate and not influenced by commercial interests or personal gain, while continuing to allow the promotion of the goods.”
They added: “These rules also ensure, for example, that paid influencers cannot inappropriately promote products with a primary purpose other than sun protection, such as sunbathing/tanning oils and skin moisturisers, as providing suitable protection from sun exposure.”
Suzy Madar, a partner at law firm King and Wood Mallesons, said that provided the person giving the testimonial has not been incentivised (i.e. it is a genuine, honest customer review), the testimonial is still allowed.
“However there remain some restrictions under the Code – for example, the testimonial cannot be given by a health practitioner and any references to health benefits must be typical of the benefit expected from the good when used correctly.” For example, people cannot suggest that the product is safe, without side effects, or somehow magical.
“Zoe’s post suggests that her team are taking a proactive approach to ensure compliance with the Code and it is a clever way to explain to her customers why their reviews for this product (which is a therapeutic good) will be treated differently to her cosmetic products,” Madar said. “It’s also a fairly savvy way to minimise the number of non-compliant reviews and reduce the workload of her team.”
Under the TGA code, Australian influencers can still endorse – or advertise – therapeutic products. They must simply disclose an advertisement with hashtags like #Ad or the words “paid partnership”.
Skin cancer accounts for the largest number of cancers diagnosed in Australia each year and two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime.
Exposure to ultra-violet (UV) radiation via sun exposure is estimated to cause around 95 per cent of melanoma cases in Australia, and excessive childhood sun exposure may impart a particularly high risk for developing melanoma.
SPF 30 sunscreens filter out about 97 per cent, while SPF 50 sunscreens about 98 per cent of UV rays.
The Cancer Council recommends daily sunscreen use along with wearing a hat, sunglasses and staying in the shade when the sun is hottest, in the middle of the day.
Dr Ian Musgrave, a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Adelaide, previously told this publication that strict rules are sadly necessary.
“While this may seem heavy-handed, advertising therapeutics, even ones as innocuous as sunscreen, requires high ethical standards,” he said.
With Lauren Ironmonger
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