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Want to turn unwanted leftovers into ‘garden gold’? This is how to do it

By Evelyn Lewin
This story is part of the September 17 edition of Sunday Life.See all 14 stories.

Kate Flood loves getting her hands dirty. She’s especially happy when teaching others about composting (or making “garden gold”, as she calls it). That’s how she earned the nickname “Compostable Kate” and what spurred her on to pen her new book, The Compost Coach.

By composting, you can create beautifully rich soil teeming with healthy microbes.

By composting, you can create beautifully rich soil teeming with healthy microbes.Credit: STOCKSY

Flood credits her mum for introducing her to the practice as a child – and it’s something she wants everyone to do. One of its main benefits, she says, is that it stops unwanted food scraps from heading to landfill, where it gets trapped under piles of garbage and releases methane, a dangerous greenhouse gas that’s much more potent than carbon dioxide. “And carbon dioxide is what’s released when we burn fossil fuels.”

Composting, on the other hand, prevents the release of methane. “So it’s a really important string in our bow for saving our planet,” she says.

So how does one turn unwanted leftovers into “garden gold”? Flood says compost needs four essential ingredients. One is carbon-rich scraps – things like dry autumn leaves, wood chips and paper products such as cardboard or newspaper. “That needs to be balanced with nitrogen-rich scraps, such as food waste, coffee grounds, manure, seaweed and grass clippings,” says Flood. “Then we need to turn our compost to incorporate air – that’s the third ingredient. The fourth is water.”

Flood says if you simply keep chucking nitrogen-rich food scraps into your compost and forget to balance it with carbon, you’ll end up with a “really stinky, fly-ridden” backyard. “But if you balance the carbon and nitrogen, aerate it regularly and monitor the moisture, it’s going to turn into beautiful compost.”


Don’t have a backyard? Flood recommends hopping on the free global composting app ShareWaste, which connects people who have unwanted food scraps (“compost donors”) with those with compost bins (“compost hosts”). You could also make your own in-ground worm farm, popping it next to your regular bins outdoors. Or compost indoors using a Bokashi bin, “a Japanese style of pre-composting”.

But if you do have a garden and are ready to get your hands dirty, then it’s time to start looking for a compost bin. Flood says the simplest system uses a bottomless recycled plastic bin that sits on the surface of the soil. Because it’s lidded, it “keeps the unwanted critters out”. It’s also free-draining, meaning the compost doesn’t get too soggy.

You’re bound to have successes and failures, but if you persevere, Flood says, you’ll reap the benefits. Those include helping to alleviate eco-anxiety; rather than feeling despair for the future of our planet, Flood prefers to “get active”, reminding herself that what she does in her own backyard has a positive impact on the planet. The high school teacher and mother of three says, “Once you start composting, you see the world through ‘compost-coloured glasses’. You’re like, ‘Ooh that café food waste, I want that!’ ‘Those autumn leaves on the street, I want those!’ ”

Flood sends no compostable waste to landfill. Instead, by composting it, she creates beautifully rich soil teeming with healthy microbes. This well-composted soil then nourishes her plants, so she never needs to grab store-bought fertiliser, making the whole exercise a wonderful “closed loop” system. Flood hopes we can all think twice about our choices when it comes to waste and embrace the joys of composting instead.

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