

This was published 3 years ago

When making a decision, ignore the advice about trusting your gut

By Evelyn Lewin

We’re bombarded with the need to make a host of decisions every day. While some are a walk in the park, others require a fair degree of contemplation. Then there are those that stop you in your tracks.

But making decisions is a fact of life. It is estimated the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions every single day. Whether that’s true is difficult to verify, but it could be about right according to Jason Tangen, an associate professor at the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland who runs a course on decision-making. He says it’s common for people to struggle with this issue.

It’s important to remember that decisions made were likely the best at the time.

It’s important to remember that decisions made were likely the best at the time.Credit: Stocksy

Bella (not her real name) knows the frustration of indecision only too well. The 41-year-old finds shopping for clothes a nightmare. If she’s trying to decide between two jumpers in different colours, she seizes up. “My head goes a bit fuzzy, I don’t feel like I can think clearly … I get really stuck.”

She has a visceral reaction, becoming flustered, hot and “pins and needle-y”. The feeling is so strong that Bella sometimes abandons the decision-making process in a bid to feel better. “Often I’ll be like, ‘I don’t really need the jumper at all’ and I’ll just leave.”

Bigger decisions also floor her. She spent months agonising over whether to have a third baby, and is now trying to decide what school to send her children to.

Bella’s story is familiar to Tangen, but he says there are ways to become better at making decisions. First, he advises approaching the issue in a detached manner. “There’s a lot to be said for thinking about the problem like a scientist.”


Start by taking a step back and identifying the problem clearly. Then, ignore advice about simply going with your gut instinct. The problem with trusting your gut, he says, is that it’s hard to notice if something is missing from your list of deal-breakers. That means you may fall head over heels for an apartment, for example, before realising it has no laundry facilities.

Instead, spend time working on the problem to nut out all the important aspects. So if you’re making a decision about which apartment to rent, start with a checklist. Jot down how many bedrooms and bathrooms you want, whether you’re looking for a place with a car park, and so on. Then, flesh out your pros and cons list, articulating all key concerns.


The more information you can gather, the better, says Tangen, who recommends bringing in the big guns for advice. “It’s helpful to trust experts and independent agencies who do all the hard work so you don’t have to.”

Once you have all the information you need, take the time to consider how you feel deep down. In other words, Tangen says, now is the time to let your “gut instinct” have its say.


Of course, even if you approach decision-making like an expert, you can still be plagued by decision regret or buyer’s remorse. Tangen sometimes feels this, but he doesn’t let it gnaw at him. He reminds himself that he made the best decision he could with the information he had at the time.

Bella, too, tries to adopt this attitude. She has also changed the way she makes certain decisions, such as how she shops for clothes. Instead of buying them at the shops, where the options feel endless, she now prefers to hop on to Facebook marketplace. “Because then it’s a choice. Do you like this jumper? Yes or no. I find that really easy.”

This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale August 15. To read more from Sunday Life, visit The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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