

This was published 1 year ago


The stigma of antidepressants made me hide for years. But now I feel free

Young Australians reveal how they got through their darkest moments.See all 29 stories.

When I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in 2014, my psychiatrist recommended taking medication, explaining it would help soften the edges around the internal chaos I had experienced for years.

I had battled with panic attacks and waves of anxiousness for most of my life. When I spiralled, I was consumed by intrusive thoughts and waves of gripping fear. Still, the idea of being on medication felt like failure and something I fundamentally should not need.

“I can’t begin to explain what it’s like to feel in control of my thoughts again.”

“I can’t begin to explain what it’s like to feel in control of my thoughts again.”

There was a sense of shame around antidepressant use, as though it’s a band-aid rather than a solution and that by turning to medication, I just wasn’t trying hard enough. If you did admit defeat, it had to be seen as an interim solution, something to help while you worked towards getting off.

When eventually I did “give in” and begin to take a common selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant, I had some mild side effects to begin with – a slight increase in anxiety and some nausea. But by the eight-week mark, my brain felt clear. The anxiety was still there, but less overwhelming; almost muted. I was suddenly able to apply reason to navigate things instead of falling into the pit of panic.

For years, I kept all of this under wraps. I was convinced people would judge me or consider me weak for needing a pill to help keep me even-keeled. But something shifted during COVID as more people were diagnosed with mental health disorders and, in turn, began taking medication. We talked more openly about mental health.

Even with these progressive and positive changes, though, I still saw the end-goal of antidepressants to be not needing them anymore. So, I bided my time, waiting for a moment when my ducks were in a row, and I could taper off. When I’m settled in this job, I told myself. When I’m comfortable in this new relationship.

By January 2023, I had adjusted to freelance work, had a supportive partner, and had spent years in therapy developing coping mechanisms. This was my moment, I decided.

Working with my doctor, the tapering off worked really well initially. I had the same nausea from when I went on and felt exhausted for a few weeks, but mood-wise, nothing changed. I avoided most of the common side effects I had been warned about.

It was when I was off the medication entirely, though, that things changed. I didn’t see it at first, but looking back, my sister and my partner clearly saw signs that I wasn’t coping. I kept insisting to them that it was all part of the experience and that if I could just ride it out, things would get better.


But my anxiety crept back in, masking itself as rational thinking. Yes, that friend is angry at you for what you said in that text. Yes, you do need to worry about having children.


I had forgotten how my brain operated when left to its own devices. And when that full-blown anxiety returned, I found myself completely overwhelmed again. Still, I persisted because I was convinced that managing without intervention would make me some kind of gold-star being; an example others could live up to.

Then I started waking up every day with a sense of doom. A thunderous cloud loomed over me, attaching itself to every aspect of my life. Trying to work felt like dragging my feet through sludge, leaving the house felt like an insurmountable challenge. Most days involved full-body sobbing, followed by exhaustion.

Listening to the words I told my psychologist during this time made me eventually realise no amount of white knuckling would see me ride this wave out.

With her help and a GP I was diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and prescribed another SSRI medication designed to specifically help with OCD.

And so, the process began all over again. The temporary side effects came back, but just like the last time, one day I woke up and realised that my mind felt clear. The dark cloud had gone. I was again in control of my thoughts again.

I still have difficult periods, but being able to think rationally makes it more manageable, and the tools I’ve learned through therapy means I can avoid spiralling. This time, life honestly feels like bliss.

There is a sense of pressure that is both internal and external when you’re on antidepressants. As if you should preface a disclosure of using medication with an acknowledgement that it’s not ideal, that you know it’s not a forever solution.

Countless studies prove the efficacy and safety of antidepressants when used correctly. There is no medical reason why we shouldn’t be taking them if needed. As a friend said during my in-between period, if you’re diagnosed with a heart condition, it is undisputed that you would be on medication. But when it comes to our minds, it’s seen as a weakness.

I can’t begin to explain what it’s like to feel in control of my thoughts again after feeling so lost at sea. It took me going off medication to realise how much help it gives me. And while I don’t regret going off because it’s allowed me to receive a more accurate diagnosis and begin taking more suitable medication for my experience.


Antidepressants aren’t the solution, in that they are not absolute. But they’re not a band-aid, either. Rather, they sit somewhere in between, working in unison with the other tools that help me find my own mental wellness. Maybe I am someone who will always need antidepressants, but that’s a prospect that no longer holds any shame.

Melissa Mason is a freelance writer.

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