

Is your morning cup of coffee doing you more harm than good?

Calories from your morning coffee don’t count, right? Well, maybe they do – especially if you’re drinking a jumbo latte every day. Here’s how to enjoy your morning caffeine fix while also looking after your health.

Susie Burrell
Susie Burrell

Put your hand up if your morning coffee is literally your reason for living. For many of us, our morning brew is the highlight of the day – and there is no reason to feel guilty about that.

Coffee consumption in Australia is, however, fundamentally different from the quick espresso shots typically consumed each morning at the cafes in Europe. Our milky take on coffee does have implications for our calorie intake, appetite regulation and energy levels, which may be worth considering if you are making or ordering several milk-based coffees on an average day.

Black coffee tends to be much lower in calories than milky coffee.
Black coffee tends to be much lower in calories than milky coffee.iStock

Is coffee good for us?

The good news is that there is plenty of scientific research to show that in general, the health-related benefits of coffee consumption outweigh any negatives. Coffee, or specifically the espresso shot that contains active ingredients including caffeine and a number of antioxidants, contains few calories and its regular consumption is associated with a lower risk of developing a number of diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Specifically, the polyphenol antioxidants found in coffee help protect the body’s cells from damage, while the stimulatory effects of caffeine help improve blood flow and cognitive function.


When it comes to how much is too much, coffee recommendations are based on the amount of caffeine an individual can tolerate. For most people, that means consuming no more than 400mg of caffeine a day, the equivalent of a couple of double-shot espressos, to avoid the negative side effects of excessive consumption, which include insomnia, racing heart rate and dizziness.

If you opt for a milky coffee, make it a small one.
If you opt for a milky coffee, make it a small one. iStock

How do we drink coffee in Australia?

When we talk about the science of coffee consumption, we are not taking into account that much coffee in Australia is consumed with milk – not just a dash, but rather a lot of milk, as we devour lattes and flat whites in massive takeaway cups each day. The issue with this is that while you will be getting some of the health benefits associated with coffee consumption, you are also getting a truckload of milk, which contains calories. And if plant-based milk is your thing, natural and sometimes added sugars as well.

What does this mean nutritionally?


Milk is a highly nutritious food, and cow’s milk and fortified varieties of plant-based milk offer a range of essential nutrients, including calcium. But you cannot consume these in unlimited amounts. This means if you are enjoying a couple of large lattes each day, you are consuming up to 400-500ml of milk daily, which can add up from a calorie perspective.

If you are a big oat or almond milk fan, many baristas use varieties that have extra fats and sugars added to help improve the taste and texture of plant-based milks, calories you may not be accounting for. For example, a standard barista serve of oat milk latte contains close to 8 grams of fat, which is not insignificant when it is just a quick hot drink on the go.

Skipping breakfast for coffee might mean you reach for something sweet.
Skipping breakfast for coffee might mean you reach for something sweet. iStock

Is your coffee doing more harm than good?

Like all foods in our diet, ultimately getting your coffee balance right is about moderation and being aware that coffee made with a milk base contains roughly as many calories as a slice of bread.


One of the biggest issues with Australians’ coffee culture is that coffee often replaces a meal, especially when consumed first thing in the morning. It may satisfy your appetite somewhat, but from a nutrition and calorie perspective, you have not consumed a balanced meal. This can leave you feeling hungry by mid-morning and seeking sweet food, or another coffee to fuel you until lunchtime, and can mean your overall calorie intake is shifted towards the second half of the day.

How to fine-tune your coffee order

Keep in mind that coffee is not a meal, and you would be much better having a milk-based coffee with some food to ensure you are kept full and satisfied for three to four hours, until the next meal. If you love kick-starting the day with a coffee but are not hungry, opt for an espresso or piccolo so the milk in the coffee does not disrupt your natural appetite.

If you enjoy a number of milk-based coffees each day, keep an eye on your serving sizes and if you could do with consuming fewer calories each day, opt for small, three-quarter coffees or piccolos to cut down on the extra calories from milk and sweet flavours.

If your preference is for plant-based milks, seek out varieties that have calcium added, and contain no added sugars, and keep in mind that plant-based does not always mean “healthy”.


And finally, if the love of your life is a milky coffee to get you through the day, keep in mind the average milk-based coffee contains roughly 100 calories and needs to be considered as a decent snack or part of a meal. It is only black coffee or a skim milk piccolo that add an insignificant number of calories to the diet overall.

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