

This was published 3 years ago

We need the COVID jab now

If Britain, America, Canada, Israel, Chile, Belgium, Argentina and many other countries are already rolling out vaccines for COVID-19, why is Australia sitting back and waiting (‘‘New entrant in vaccination race’’, January 1)? When are we going to see some proactive approaches implemented by our national cabinet and scrap leaving it all to individual state governments to deal with? It’s more than time that state governments either introduced vaccinations themselves or utilised the national cabinet to get the ball rolling. Other parts of the world will be vaccinated while Australia is still dithering. We want vaccines in Australia and we want them now. Perce Butterworth, Annandale

It’s become clear Australia’s COVID vaccine strategy is flawed. We need to start vaccinating sooner rather than later. COVID is inflicting large burdens on the physical and mental health of people, the health system, business and the unemployed. It is killing people. Vaccination should begin in February at the latest, starting with health workers. With better management than the US, we should be able to reach most of the population by mid-winter. By then, with luck, lockdowns and state border closures should be an unpleasant memory. Ronald Watts, Chatswood

My prediction for 2021 is that Scott Morrison is planning an election timed around the end of the COVID vaccination rollout so he can proclaim himself the man that saved Australia. And calls to speed up the vaccine rollout won’t be allowed to disrupt that timetable. Michael Berg, Randwick

Now that 2020 has come and gone, it is imperative that in 2021 every effort is made to ensure that each man, woman and child on Earth is vaccinated against COVID-19. Eric Palm, Gympie (Qld)

One and free in words but not yet deeds

The Prime Minister’s proposal is a facile, if welcome, one-word change to our national anthem (‘‘Nation ‘one and free’ as anthem lyrics rewritten’’, January 1). But what might now seem to us easier to sing cannot yet be proclaimed. Not until the original inhabitants of our land are recognised in our constitution and given a unique voice can we be ‘‘one and free’’. Anne Garvan, Chatswood West

Changing one word will make no difference; it will still be symbolic of a time in our history when progress and the great Australian dream reflected our optimism and confidence for the future. The world, and our place in it, is more complicated now and I doubt that any national song can reflect that. Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh

Gosh, we went to bed ‘‘young and free’’ and woke up ‘‘one and free’’. Any chance of waking to a republic on January 26? Peter Skinner, Beecroft

Now that we’re ‘‘one and free’’ can we work on putting into practice the bit about sharing our boundless plains with those who’ve come across the sea? Tony Ilott, East Hills

We won’t be ‘‘one and free’’, Mr Morrison, until you follow up on the Uluru Statement, provide dignity for all by ensuring JobSeeker payments are above poverty level and take action on climate change. Tinkering with words in the national anthem smacks of marketing spin. Martin Frohlich, Adamstown Heights


One word does not a journey make, Prime Minister. You are correct to say that as a nation we are more interested in actions than words. If you had any real interest, you would get on board with Aboriginal recognition and address the issues raised by the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Peter Breen, Bellingen

May Morrison be girt with praise for his change. Rod Tuck, Katoomba

Great. One and free but still girt. Keith Masnick, Woollahra

As if changing one word in the national anthem will realistically achieve anything. Scotty from marketing strikes again. Michele Rossetto, St Ives

No, Mr Morrison, we are not ‘‘one and free’’. There are two little girls and their parents incarcerated for their third Christmas on Christmas Island. Nicole Oldfield, Wahroonga

It says a lot about our PM’s priorities if he can take the time to write an article about changing a single word in our national anthem (‘‘Let’s recognise we’re ‘one and free’’’, January 1). Peter Nash, Fairlight

Back in black

I received a message from my bank this week which said ‘‘We’ve got your back because you’ve got ours’’. Does anybody, anywhere, know what that means? Brian Pymont, Frenchs Forest

Praise for prose

One was pretty pleased to see prose from Peter Pitt of Potts Point on the penultimate day of the passing year. Rose Panidis, Graceville (Qld)

Just desserts

Many thanks to George Hayes (Letters, December 30) for putting readers right about the incorrect use of this age-old pudding expression. Judith Moss, Pymble

Positive view

I have to give credit to my brother Thomas, who came up with what is the perfect motto for 2021: ‘‘Think positive, test negative.’’ Bernd Fichtner, North Haven

There were fireworks?

I heard someone at one of the fancy harbourside restaurants said the fireworks were rather nice. Can anybody confirm? Dave Watts, Avalon

Cradle to grave

Better than a death tax (Letters, January 1) is a birth tax. A win for the economy and the Earth. As for a wealth tax, we already have the most efficient system in the world: the wealthier you are, the more tax you can avoid. Alynn Pratt, Grenfell (Wiradjuri Country)

Howard and Anderson: the intergenerational thieves

The intergenerational theft was by John Howard and John Anderson (‘‘Anderson’s dire warnings over mounting debt’’, January 1). The social dislocation in their debt creation is their legacy, not the budget surplus. If intergenerational debt were so painful, we would be aware of how long it was before we paid off the World War II debt. Not very painful or memorable, it seems. Britain’s war debt was paid off in 2006. No complaints there. Obsession with debt caused Howard and Anderson to convert welfare payments into debt, and imposed the archaic work for the dole or debt slavery on recipients. Their coalition descendants invented robodebt, but justice prevailed. If Josh Frydenberg is developing fresh insight into debt and social justice, then he should be encouraged, not denigrated by John Anderson. Anne Eagar, Epping

Like a good businessman, John Anderson wants the government to return to surplus (profit), but this is not the aim of economic management on a national scale. The role of the government is to balance the economy, not to balance the budget. Balancing the economy means balancing the demand for goods and services with the capacity of the nation to provide those goods and services. That capacity is the full output of the nation, employing all available labour. Balancing the economy means minimal unemployment. And to achieve this, we might need to run a budget deficit and even to print money, but as long as that is controlled to avoid excessive inflation, no problem. George Rosier, Carlingford

The continuing mounting debt problem will not be solved until the Reserve Bank of Australia raises interest rates. There will eventually be the realisation that buy-now-pay-later is not the best option. Those of us who paid 13.5 per cent for mortgages know the difficulties of paying down modest debt. Continually printing money will only increase asset prices to the detriment of the younger generations. Unless the RBA has a change in its interest rate policy, then a 1890s-style depression is on the horizon. Prudent savers will survive. Those with massive debt will feel the heat of the repossession industry. Bruce Clydsdale, Bathurst

Sold down the river

In support of the rights of the residents of the Franklyn Street estate (Letters, January 1), no consideration has been given to the social impact on the residents for the loss of their community. The low-rise complex was designed by eminent architect Philip Cox and was purpose-built for families just 35 years ago. It is proposed to rezone the precinct to allow for tower construction and to provide 70 per cent for private development and new interconnecting roads. Once more, our land and assets being sold. Jan Wilson, Glebe

Driving forward

Many years ago, Sydney also had trackless trams, called trolleybuses, operated using electricity from overhead wires (Letters, December 31). Today, in many cities in Europe, America, Canada and elsewhere, there are modern trolleybuses still operating efficiently the same way, just like other buses, and they can pull into the kerb. Peter Kahn, Clovelly

Sage words

Locked down at home, an episode of Bonanza introduced me to Henry Thoreau. Here’s one for our Prime Minister and Treasurer in relation to their JobSeeker cuts and the two million Australians to be affected: ‘‘The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.’’ Let’s not forget the NSW Premier: ‘‘Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.’’ And for the rampant land clearers and habitat destroyers all around the world: ‘‘In wildness is the preservation of the world.’’ John Kingsmill, Fairlight

No friend here

Even the Herald editorial doesn’t get it (‘‘Australia must start talking to China again’’, January 1). Australia has made many overtures to China in order to get Beijing to sit at the negotiating table, but has been snubbed each time. It is up to China to heal the rift. Our government needs to ramp up the expansion of our export opportunities so we are not reliant in any way on China. China is not a friend. Shane Nunan, Finley

Bible studies

If Scott Morrison is looking for a section of the Bible to read as his government reduces JobSeeker payments (‘‘Lib MPs push for tweaks to viral support’’, December 31) to well below the poverty line, he need go no further than Proverbs 29:7: ‘‘The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.’’ Denise Woods, Orange East

Attitude needs a reset

Changing public attitudes towards mask-wearing would have benefits way beyond COVID-19 (‘‘How to get Sydney to adopt the mask life’’, January 1). We would expect to see a marked decrease in the transmission of all respiratory illnesses, including the annual flu epidemics. It’s not only our health that needs such changes but also the economy, which suffers from working hours lost from these scourges. Instituting the mandatory wearing of seat belts resulted in a complete change in attitudes. Likewise buoyancy vests. The same should be done for masks. Hans Knutzelius, Balmain

For more than six months, there have been letters and articles in this paper exhorting Gladys Berejiklian to mandate the wearing of masks on public transport and wherever social distancing is difficult. Still, she resists. John Lewis, Port Macquarie

Library rooftop restaurant plan is having a lend

The idea that a restaurant or bar on the roof of the Mitchell building at the State Library (as the government seems to want) (‘‘Rooftop small bar part of library’s next chapter’’, January 1) would make the library building ‘‘accessible to all’’ is no more plausible than the asserted aspiration of the Premier to ‘‘lure more visitors to the historic site’’ is worthwhile. It is a library, intended for research and study, not a place for touristic entertainment. The Mitchell is already ‘‘accessible’’ to everyone. I use it often and, apart from an emphasis on the importance of proper care of its irreplaceable resources and respect for my fellow users, I have never noticed or felt any impediment to my work or welcome. John Carmody, Roseville

Jargon hunters prepare to be as vigilant as ever in the new year, 2021 has already produced a new specimen to add to the grit in the language’s already irritated oyster. Amid news of the State Library’s plans for a rooftop bar we are told that the building will have improved communications and ‘‘wayfinding’’. How appropriate for an institution that collects written works in the English language. Phil Rodwell, Redfern

Progress is (very) slow

The first book I was unable to finish was Pilgrim’s Progress (Letters, January 1). Never did find out if the pilgrim got to heaven or maybe is still languishing in Purgatory, which is where I found myself when reading it. Pam Linnett, Twin Waters (Kabi Kabi Country, Qld)

John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is a lay-down misere. I pray no other child still living has been made to read the whole of it out loud. Graham Dewar, Lewisham

Anybody ever finish Ulysses? John Lees, Castlecrag

James Joyce. Ulysses. ’Nuff said. Alison Seymour, Russell Vale

I feel obliged to defend the artistry, genius and moral courage of George Eliot and Virginia Woolf. Middlemarch and A Room of One’s Own set these women apart as writers of the highest order and revolutionaries. John English, Turramurra

Wuthering Heights may have been grim but was never boring. For us innocent teenage girls at a same sex school in the early 1960s, Heathcliff’s obsession with Cathy was the epitome of romantic love. These days it is clear that the book was about domestic violence on many levels, but it’s still one of my favourite books. Toni Lorentzen, Fennell Bay

The school syllabus threw Patrick White’s Voss at me. It was like swimming upstream through treacle. Fortunately everything I’ve read since has been a breeze. Matt Petersen, Randwick

What about a rewrite of Proust’s In Search of Lost Time: ‘‘For a long time I thought of writing a lengthy meditation on life, but instead I always went to bed early.’’ Joseph Fernandez, Mosman

Those correspondents despairing over the ‘‘tedium’’ of Silas Marner, Moby Dick, or Wuthering Heights will be OK. Comic books are still available at the newsagent. Steve Ellis (retired English teacher), Hackett (ACT)


There was no slacking off on the letters page this week, despite the holiday season. A combination of lockdown and poor weather seemed to be the answer and the letters poured in like the rain – and were equally welcome, thank you.

The big deal is still the Premier and the fight against COVID-19. Masks, masks and "why aren't masks compulsory?" was the main thrust of the letters, with a back-up of why the cricket and why the fireworks. Many people wrote to suggest that, as we were supposed to watch the fireworks on TV anyway, why didn't the Premier save time, money and effort by just running a replay of last year's broadcast? There was no sympathy for people with harbour views, or deep pockets for harbourside restaurants, missing out on a display this year.

Economics also got a run, particularly with regard to the scaling down of the JobSeeker allowance. This was generally regarded as a bad thing as the money paid goes through the economy, making everyone better off – unlike, as was frequently pointed out by writers, trickle-down economics. No one had a good word for that.

On the light side, a lively discussion about the most boring book is proving popular. So far Silas Marner is winning, but coming up behind are Wuthering Heights, In Search of Lost Time and Moby Dick. At least Herald readers have a high calibre of hated books.

Still – as ever – there's no accounting for taste, and every book mentioned has its passionate defender, shocked that anyone could deny the brilliance of their beloved.

The Letters team wishes all readers – no matter their taste in literature – a happy new year.

Harriet Veitch, acting letters editor

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