

This was published 3 years ago

NYE fireworks ignite only anger as pandemic prowls

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Gladys Berejiklian’s New Year’s Eve fireworks are a big ‘‘up yours’’ to the rest of the world suffering one of the worst pandemics in human history (‘‘Call off the fireworks – for good’’, December 29). Rick Johnston, Potts Point

Bravo, Jenna Price. Don Carter, Oyster Bay

NYE will not be a cracker night but a fizzer. Issue a free packet of sparklers to everyone. All citizens to stand on the driveway or balcony and ‘‘ignite for 2021’’. It should be OK to throw in some Tom Thumbs and Double Happys from the olden days. Ivan Head, Burradoo

Many millions of dollars to pay for fireworks entertainment for those rich enough to live by the harbour. For the rest of us, TV is good enough. Hardly what I call an egalitarian society. Geoffrey Anderson, Richmond

Jenna Price’s columns are not renowned for their light-hearted humour but her recent offerings seem to plumb the depths of despair. Recently she suggested that we should get rid of the sport of golf – not just from Moore Park but from the planet – while this week she opines that we need to divest ourselves of the fireworks, not just for this New Year’s Eve, but forever. I’m wondering what will be in her sights next in terms of what we need to live without? Ross MacPherson, Seaforth

The NYE fireworks must surely be based around a specially designed burst representing the coronavirus. Tom Lockley, Pyrmont

Innovation and imagination have delivered the human race thus far, qualities obviously lacking in the current administration. Fireworks in the middle of the worst fire season on record, fireworks during a pandemic. Fireworks as the world grapples with climate change, all because nobody could come up with any other better ways to celebrate new year. The annual fireworks display doesn’t work. It is a lazy luxury we can no longer afford and politicians need to come up with something better. Dorin Suciu, Eleebana

On New Year’s Eve, many of the people usually in the ‘‘green zone’’ will now be in smaller clusters in the ‘‘yellow zone’’. It won’t take a minute for this crafty, lurking virus to work that one out. Fortunately those with bookings in restaurants and hotels will be protected by their permits. Megan Brock, Summer Hill

The door to the lolly shop is open but we don’t want you to go in there because it’s not good for your health. You can watch the lollies on TV. Neil Reckord, Armidale


Jenna Price’s commentary is illogical as COVID prevention at the Fish Market has nothing to do with a permanent end to the Sydney fireworks. These fireworks have put Sydney and Australia on the tourism map at a tiny annual cost of $6 million. They are made by Foti Fireworks, a western Sydney company that did, and does, such a great job on NYE and at the 2000 Olympics that Foti are now used at most Olympics worldwide. Without the fireworks (and other attractions) Sydney would be just as unknown as cities like Antananarivo and Yaounde – both capital cities of countries with similar populations as Australia. Peter Pitt, Potts Point

PM’s ‘footy-scarf’ shtick no substitute for authenticity

Your correspondent claims that Scott Morrison donning a footy scarf has him at plain people level.(Letters, December 29). That is insulting to plain people like me. If he was fair dinkum, the JobSeeker payment would be permanently increased to a living standard and he would drop the platitudes and cliches. Where are the initiatives to address the urgency of climate change and unemployment? How good is Australia? The people are, the environment is, but politicians without integrity, honesty and plans let all of us down. Bea Hodgson, Gerringong

An idea or a plan is what usually drives an outstanding speech. Since the PM and his team are devoid of such, there is no prospect of a good speech in the wind and we certainly haven’t heard one from them. I don’t know about anyone else, but I wish our PM would waltz away with his footy scarf and let someone with drive and energy come to the fore. Stewart Copper, Maroubra

Who needs inspirational speeches when all it takes for success at the ballot box is to don a footy scarf and cheer on the Sharks? Down here in the ’gong, miles away from the elite inner city, we call it dumbing-down. Max Fischer, Wollongong

Paul Keating and Gough Whitlam have been mentioned as memorable speakers, but who can forget Julia Gillard and her misogyny speech? One of the best. Robyn Lewis, Raglan

If, as Marshall McLuhan surmised, the medium is the message, Scott Morrison is merely a 30-second sound-bite on commercial television, wedged between ads for fried chicken and discounted plumbing. John Bailey, Canterbury

Your correspondent suggests the education system to be responsible for the general demise in the oratory skills of our current crop of politicians. I can assure her that throughout my 35-year career as an English, history and drama teacher, the practise and assessment of speaking skills played a regular and important part in a student’s education. Particularly in the humanities, students are encouraged to ask questions and to verbalise their ideas and perceptions to demonstrate their understanding and processing of the subject material. All students are also required to participate in
debates. This pedagogy helps to develop the confidence to express one’s opinions.
If today’s politicians are lacking in oratory skills, it is of their own making and a fear of not wishing to stray too far from their own party line and agenda. Robert Hickey, Green Point

No winners in virus blame game

Why are royal commissions considered to be the solution to all our woes? (‘‘Leaders call for royal commission into pandemic’’, December 29). They cost millions, take years and very rarely produce genuine adherence to the hundreds of recommendations that are made. Surely our money and energies should be focused on ensuring that our systems are managing current events, rather than forensically analysing the past and apportioning blame? Lorraine Hickey, Green Point

The warnings from epidemiologists before this pandemic, which were ignored by politicians, is an elephant in the room that needs to be highlighted by a royal commission. Through the various national advisory bodies the federal and state health departments had been warned that the swine flu and poultry flu pandemics would be followed at some time by a respiratory virus from bats.
Governments chose to defund vaccine research and ignore the public health implications and they failed to plan for the bleeding obvious. The continuing dismissal of climate change warnings and disaster preparation are a similar and bleedingly obvious problem, which is leading us into a much worse catastrophe. Our politicians need a royal commission to make them concentrate on the big picture. Barry Laing, Castle Cove

The coronavirus pandemic is the most important event of our lifetime, we must learn from it. Our failure to prepare, as requested by WHO, has resulted in many avoidable deaths and incredible suffering, besides unparalleled economic destruction. After ignoring advice to prepare for a coming pandemic, our government then publicly demanded an inquiry on the origin of COVID-19.
It shows politicians’ extraordinary ‘‘pivot’’ ability when we need concrete recommendations on actions that must be taken to prepare for the next pandemic, not political spin. Alberto Bizcarra, Rozelle

Follow the science

The flood of letters in the Herald supporting compulsory mask wearing and critical of the Premier for her refusal to do so gives us an insight into her personality. While it is commendable for an individual to remain faithful to their beliefs despite criticism, we are not dealing with a question of moral virtue but one of science. It is impossible for the Premier to say she is ‘‘following the science’’; she is, instead, displaying a level of intransigence that is most certainly a character flaw rather than a strength. David MacKintosh, Berkeley Vale

Extended holiday

Your correspondent (Letters, December 29) asks why there are still backpackers in Australia. Many backpackers, wisely, didn’t leave Australia but travelled in their vans around the country, returning to stay in city hostels and go to the usual beach Christmas Day meet up. No change in routine, just fewer of them. Suzanne Wicks, Potts Point

Count yourself lucky

About 1500 crew members, some of whom have been at sea for two years, remain in limbo primarily because of Australia’s trade issue with China. Reportedly, and understandably, some of them are suicidal. They want to return to their families. Shipowners are prepared to change crew members, but China is apparently blocking that. For those who are complaining about the recent restrictions imposed on the northern beaches, including the mayor, please get some perspective. Tony Moo, North Sydney

A fair go for all

Anyone feeling a warm glow about how Australians have shown compassion and generosity in coping with the virus will have it dispelled by being reminded of cuts to welfare (‘‘Looming $50-a-week cut to hit millions’’, December 29). From New Year’s Day, people will be expected to live on $150 a fortnight. The Social Services Minister says any further decisions will be ‘‘after the end of March’’. Has someone decided that these people (15.4 per cent in Fairfield) are in this situation by choice? Should the Prime Minister have another sculpture made for his office – representing taking money from needy people (‘‘I stopped the fair go’’)? Judy Sherrington, Kensington

Out of mind

I suspect that the many recent Letters to the Editor imploring Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton to release the Biloela refugee family from Christmas Island are a waste of time, as it’s probable that hardly anyone in government, from the top down, spends even a nanosecond thinking about them. Lorna Denham, Cardiff Heights

I, too, share sympathy for the family in detention on Christmas Island and the disgust at our government’s treatment of them. However, let’s not forget the millions of refugees trapped in poor conditions in refugee camps around the world. (‘‘Migrants abandoned in frozen camp’’, December 28). We need to raise concern for their plight and pressure the federal government to increase our refugee intake. Therese Schier, Casino

A community service?

Why is the government planning another complex after the completion of the mega jail south of Grafton (‘‘Jail ‘would kill off Camellia rebirth’’’ December 29)? Sydney was established by convicts working for the community, most of whom became good citizens. Using prisoners in community services instead of jails may be a better solution, and not destroy another suburban area. Brian McDonald, Willoughby

Silas is golden

When it comes to Silas Marner, I recommend having a go (Letters, December 29). At 15, within two pages, I was utterly captivated and have never forgotten the enjoyment I got from its story of the gradual thawing of a misjudged and embittered man through the love of a child. Anne Ring, Coogee

Silas Marner is a bit slow but the most painfully boring book prize has to go to Virginia Woolf’s A Room Of One’s Own. Marianne Artis, West Bathurst

Pudding it right

May I correct the speakers who assert that ‘‘the proof is in the pudding’’. The age-old expression is: ‘‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating.’’ George Hayes, Russell Lea

Blanket drill

I reached for the second blanket last night. I certainly don’t want last year’s intense heat and smoke back, but a little bit of summer warmth would be nice. Michael Walsh, Croydon

Missed the boats

Has anyone missed the Sydney to Hobart race? Ewan McLean, Avalon Beach

2020 hindsight

I’m looking for a psychic, one who forecast our 2020. Any recommendations? Warwick Edman, Manly

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