

This was published 3 years ago

New Year's Eve fireworks may spark new outbreaks

Vintage Matt Golding.

Vintage Matt Golding.Credit:

I'm surprised that Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks are going ahead. No matter what the permit system or how many police officers are on hand, it will not be possible to enforce any kind of social distancing around Sydney Harbour on New Year's Eve. Large crowds combined with alcohol are a certain recipe for a super-spreader event for which the whole of NSW will pay if we are forced into a Melbourne-style lockdown as a result. Our health experts are advising that we are on a knife-edge with infections, and it seems the height of irresponsibility to allow this kind of event to go ahead. The Premier's advice – “watch the fireworks from home on your TV” – effectively means that only those privileged to have a harbour view will be able to see live fireworks. Far better to cancel them entirely. - Virginia Judge, Newtown

The fireworks may work well for revellers and politicians who look to the world for approval and to prove how “normal” our situation is. Only it isn't. The forgoing of fireworks must show the world our contribution to stop the virus without the vaccinations in place. There is a need for singularity of intent among the city and beyond, and forgoing fireworks proves our ongoing resolve. - Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Illustration by Matt Golding.

Illustration by Matt Golding.Credit:

The government moves in mysterious ways. What on earth is the difference between mandating the wearing of seat belts and the wearing of masks? Or is Gladys Berejiklian somehow channelling Donald Trump, thereby appealing to voters who believe they should be “free” to wear a mask or not? (“How to stop a second Sydney wave”, December 28). You do wonder also about the government’s ability to communicate with all those highly paid media people they employ. Masks protect the wearer, as well as fellow citizens, so a combined pitch to self-interest and altruism, as in “Protect yourself and others”, along with mandating masks, would get the desired result. - David Catchlove, Newport

I feel so sorry for Mayor Regan, having to suffer a wedding anniversary in Dee Why (“Ease restrictions in lower northern beaches: mayor”, December 28). Having spent nine days under local lockdown restrictions, he must be going stir crazy. Imagine the torture of being allowed to shop only at one of the largest malls in Australia, being able to swim, surf, walk or jog only along some 15km of world-class coastline, or to walk through hundreds of kilometres of pristine bush. Come on, get real! Unless you want to go into a lockdown situation rivalling Melbourne’s, you and the retailers of the northern beaches will put up with a little short-term pain. Five months is a long time, even in paradise! - Peter Cooper-Southam, Frenchs Forest

It’s hard to logically argue against the northern beaches mayor’s request to ease restrictions in the southern zone. If the state government is going to be consistent, either tighten the whole of Sydney or ease local restrictions. - David Vale, Cremorne Point

I was curious as to the word “backpacker” gradually making its way into reports of non-compliance with COVID-19 restrictions in Sydney’s eastern suburbs beach areas. Our international borders are closed, aren’t they? Some 10 months into restrictions and a party looking for backpackers can still erupt. -Brian Jones, Leura

My 96-year-old mum, like many other elderly people, is stuck in her aged care facility, unable to join our family over Christmas and potentially for many more weeks. Why? Because our esteemed Premier – against the advice of health experts and epidemiologists and against the wishes of many voters – doesn't want to mandate masks on public transport and in public places. I hold the Premier responsible for the psychological damage done to these elderly people, who are being isolated at the time of their lives that they most need the support and closeness of their family and friends. - Judy Christian, Castle Hill

Oratory is dead, witness our politicians


Martin McKenzie-Murray laments the passing of wizardry from the words of our current leaders ("Pen is flightier than the sword", December 28). The elegance of artful alliteration and phonemic fantasia is now reduced, feeble and lame, a noble skill of the past. Personal qualities of potential representatives have been filtered and compromised by the factional parlour games of our major political parties, resulting in total lack of oratory content. Our current leaders are incapable of tailoring a coherent, inspiring vision for our future, let alone articulating one. Sadly, as McKenzie-Murray concludes, nothing from nothing. - James Laukka, Epping

McKenzie-Murray is so right. It is a sad state of affairs when the only thing that defines our prime minister is a lump of coal. Churchill and his speech-writers brought strength and encouragement, Marin Luther King's words from the heart brought hope to his followers, Keating with the help of Don Watson decided to do his opponent slowly. We may not need the charisma of a James Bond-style prime minister, but it would be reassuring to have some thoughtful and uplifting statements rather than three or four marketing cliches. - Patricia Slidziunas, Woonona

It was once part of parliamentary tradition that politicians did not resort to dull, staff-prepared speeches. It was a matter of pride to speak extempore, with reference if necessary to a few hand-written notes. The ability to speak coherently, grammatically and wittily on many subjects was a way that striving backbenchers could draw attention to their potential. While McKenzie-Murray mentioned memorable off-the-cuff speakers of the past such as Whitlam and Keating, there have been talented exponents from all parties. Sadly, we Australians are generally abysmal at any form of public speaking. Perhaps the poor quality of speech-writing and in speech-making can be sourced to a shortcoming in our education system? - Gillian Appleton, Paddington

McKenzie-Murray’s article on the decline of oratory was most apposite as a friend has just given me a birthday gift of Don Watson’s speeches and articles. Just dipping into a few pages is enough to show how good he was at this craft. None of our current crop of politicians, with a few exceptions, seem capable of articulating much or rising above platitudes or banalities. - Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights

In mourning the current lack of memorable political speeches, McKenzie-Murray ascribes it in part to the lack of the fireside today and also blames social media. In reply, I would like to argue this is why the letters to the Herald page is so important. Many readers' submissions contain not only informed thought, well-argued opinions but also humour, an essential ingredient of memorable oratory missing since Paul Keating departed politics. - Louise Dolan, Birchgrove

Predictably, McKenzie-Murray sees only political speeches from the recent past, when he and his buddies were kings (and queens?) as commendable, where some found that Gillard speech excruciating. Unsurprisingly, the writer sees Scott Morrison's speeches as inferior in every way. However, donning a footy scarf and watching the Sharks has Morrison at plain people level, not elitist, inner-city level. Therein lies the PM's success, and why would he change? - Rosemary O'Brien, Ashfield

Bitter harvest for stingy growers

There is no “labour shortage” for fruit picking. What exists is the inability of fruit growers to attract recruits with the wages and conditions on offer (“Plan to bring in foreign fruit pickers falters”, December 28). This is hardly surprising given the reported history of subsidence wages (as little as $3 an hour), widespread wage-theft through massively inflated charges for expenses, as well as cases of physical and sexual abuse. The business model of fruit growing in Australia is based on having a supply of labour willing to work under Third World conditions in a First World country. When that labour supply dries up, as with any other business, growers have no right to expect the government to bail them out. - John Slidziunas, Woonona

There are plenty of people in Australia who would do this work if they were paid adequately. The supermarkets screw farmers on price and this flows through to the workers. JobKeeper allowances could be used to boost these wages. Time is running out and some creative thinking is required. - Greg Thomas, Annandale

If Coles and Woolworths continue to use their market power to force down farm-gate prices, perhaps the government should place a levy on these fresh goods at the point of sale to recompense farmers for paying a decent wage and providing decent accommodation. - Alan Carruthers, Artarmon

Take a skill pill

Thanks to the Auditor-General for letting us see how badly TAFE is managed (“TAFE merger failed to meet savings target”, December 28). Government is short-changing stakeholders such as staff, students and the businesses relying on them to provide tradies and skilled workers. - Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Who and when was it decided that our TAFE system needed to be “competitive”. Competitive with who? Private colleges that cherry-pick the most high-demand courses in popular locations?
Can these politicians and bureaucrats please acknowledge and accept that we have a national skills shortage and high youth unemployment and underemployment. Our highly regarded and respected TAFE system is a vital and necessary part of the solution and needs proper funding. - Eric Sekula, Turramurra

Neoliberal reform is always about cost savings and smaller government and not about better services or improving social and educational outcomes. The current Berejiklian regime must bear much of the responsibility for the continuous series of failures over the past decade. - Tony Heathwood, Kiama Downs

Write it off

It’s not surprising that many firms are reluctant to do what the government wants (“Most firms not planning to use instant asset write-off”, December 28). They’re smarter than that. Firms have to spend money in order to get the tax break. That’s money that most of them don’t have, especially given the effects of the recession. As the research shows, those most likely to use the tax write-off are recent starters who were likely to spend the money anyway. And it isn’t actually a benefit, just bringing it forward. In future years, the tax benefit will be reduced by the same amount. - David Rush, Lawson

Love lessons

No doubt students at schools like James Ruse do take their studies “seriously and put their all into it”. But let’s not forget the words of Aristotle: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” Education, after all, is not a sport (“Schools closing gap on James Ruse”, December 28). - Edward Loong, Milsons Point

Tough cell

Obviously prisons as a deterrent are not working. Why build more? (“Major jail planned for site near Parramatta”, December 28). We need to go back to the drawing board and reassess the relationship between crime and punishment. We need to find new ways of modifying behaviour that do not punish the community with prison ghettos that become social cancers. - Bill McMahon, Lennox Head

I have an idea on how to ease pressure on the NSW prison system – stop jailing people for non-violent crimes, people who are no threat to protect the public, people who will not be helped by being jailed, and children. Saves money too. - Andrew Taubman, Queens Park

We choose to spend a lot of money on building new jails and incarcerating people when we could spend less money on early intervention, education or treatment for drug, alcohol or gambling addiction and the other causes of crime. We have failed the victims of crime and failed society as well as obviously failing many of those imprisoned. When will we stop reverting to inefficient punishment after the crime scenario, so loved by the self-righteous? - Howard Clark, Ryde

Public housing options

The plan by the NSW government to bulldoze the public housing in Glebe will no doubt be catastrophic for many of the residents (“Tenants in limbo over plan to bulldoze Glebe public housing”, December 28). The government should take note of what occurred when public housing tenants were relocated from Millers Point and the Sirius Building. The displacement had devastating impacts, resulting in enormous stress, depression, the loss of social ties and support. Clearly the NSW government needs to call a halt to the cruel policy of building public housing by cannabilising existing public housing and relocating the residents. - Alan Morris, Eastlakes

With thousands of workers opting to operate from home, and many office buildings becoming deserted, why does the government see the need to bulldoze existing housing? Surely there are hundreds of offices that could be easily converted to comfortable living, and most in the CBD, making commutes short. - Don Leayr, Albury

Now this is visionary! Build a new jail out at Camellia (I'm sure some developer will be happy to sell their toxic site to us for an outlandish sum) and knock down a housing estate in Glebe (I'm sure some developer is licking his lips). This will create more social disadvantage and crime, hence the need for a new jail. - Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

Departures terminal

Yes, Trumpeting to the very end (“Trump in push for airport in his name”, December 28). Some locations spring to mind: any of those remote desert airfields where old jumbo jets go to die. The planes' huge cargo holds could be large enough to store his ego. - Joan Brown, Orange

The thought of an airport named after Donald Trump does not fill me with joy. I would not feel confident landing there and no doubt it would be tacky, overpriced and chaotic. - Richard Keyes, Enfield

Of course, it wouldn't occur to Donald Trump that eponymy is something that's earned, not pursued. The man's vanity is as shameless as it is boundless. He should be content with sharing his moniker with nominated suits in bridge hands and think himself lucky. - Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Plane silly. - Don Carter, Oyster Bay

The facility more fitting for his legacy is a sewage treatment plant. - Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

His much-trumpeted controversial Mexico-US border "big, beautiful wall" is enough testimonial for his grandiose, narcissistic and disagreeable presidential legacy. - Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Holiday reading. Not

With so much great literature available, how cruel to recommend Silas Marner to anyone (Letters, December 28). It is the embodiment of tedium. - Rob Phillips, North Epping

The digital view

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
"Labour shortages begin to bite agricultural sector"
From Luminol: Farmers needing help harvesting? Send in the politicians. No one is better at cherry-picking or plucking low-hanging fruit.

  • To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email Click here for tips on how to submit letters.

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