

This was published 3 years ago

Mixed messages blur pandemic priorities for New Year's Eve

If a gathering of a few hundred on Christmas Day at Bronte Beach is condemned by Health Minister Brad Hazzard as irresponsible, how irresponsible is it for the government to plan to allow gatherings of thousands on New Year’s Eve (“NSW Health Minister fears Bronte gathering could be a super-spreader COVID event",, December 29)? It is impossible to ensure social distancing around the harbour. Listen to our experts, take the tough decision and cancel the fireworks now. Then we can all get on with living under the restrictions the government has rightly asked of us. No one will thank the government if New Year’s Eve proves to be a mega-spreader event. Save celebrations for when we really have something to celebrate. - Peter Thornton, Killara

Illustration by Matt Golding

Illustration by Matt GoldingCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

What a disgusting joke this is (“'Absolutely appalling': Hazzard slams backpackers partying at Bronte”, December 26). How can any minister of this government condemn people who have done just what his Premier has been recommending - made their own decisions as to whether they will behave responsibly or not, ignoring medical advice, in response to the COVID-19 crisis in NSW?
Anyone with more than half a brain could have told him this would happen. - Ian Usman Lewis, Kentucky

Hazzard rightly called out the Bronte Christmas party as a possible “super-spreader”. Even more likely as the unmasked police couldn’t feasibly enact social distancing. What will he then call this scene repeated on every harbour vantage spot as our “seven minutes of fireworks” are viewed? - Cathy Davitt, Waverley

The backpackers illegally gathering on Bronte Beach should have been moved on straight to the airport and ordered home. They have thumbed their noses at Australian hospitality and have become unwanted guests endangering the livelihood and well-being of many Sydneysiders. - Tony Re, Georges Hall

It's time to get serious about masks. Someone needs to tell the Premier her strategy isn’t working. The message isn’t getting out to the masses. We counted only 1 in 14 people wearing masks at our shops and the local Westfield centre. Maybe they trust the PM, who believes in miracles to protect them from the virus. Likewise, the backpackers in Bronte are probably thinking about another party after few, if any of them, got fined. Incredible. Let’s get real. - Beth Powell, Sans Souci

I have just witnessed an RBT crew working on Parramatta Road and noticed that not one of the police officers is wearing a mask. Each of the five or so officers leans in to talk to each driver, who is in an enclosed capsule (their vehicle), and this happens at least 30 times per hour. The supervising officer explained to me that it is not compulsory to wear masks, so police officers don’t wear them. Do I need to explain why this has baffled and enraged me? Our Premier needs to make sure that the people entrusted with the safety of the public adopt practices in the interests of public health. - Maria Ieraci, Summer Hill

I would like to thank and acknowledge Transport NSW staff for handing out masks at Turramurra station this week. It was great to see this initiative at this challenging time. I’m sure it would have been appreciated by many passengers. - Jane O’Donnell, Turramurra

'Unprecedented' year was to be expected

Waleed Aly says that the two most common words that people used to describe events of 2020 were "unprecedented" and "s--t". He notes that environmental scientists have been warning of unprecedented droughts, bushfires, floods, hurricanes and pandemics for decades. But we have become accustomed to ignoring these warnings since "nothing has happened" ("Time for reckoning is upon us", December 26-27). I suggest that there is another factor at play here: human greed. We choose to remain in denial, and to believe those who say that global warming and pandemics are myths or conspiracies. Let nothing get in our way of us making a dollar! Aly alludes to the paradox that, as we destroy wild habitats, we are coming into contact with more exotic animals and the nasty zoonotic viruses they carry. In other words, expect more pandemics as we inexorably clear land. There is some good news, however. When we destroy the last wild habitat and the last exotic animal becomes extinct, we will encounter fewer nasty viruses. But will we? - Geoff Black, Caves Beach


My wish for 2021 is that our governments will expand their horizons beyond the simple economic ones and start listening to the experts. Waleed Aly explains clearly and succinctly how ignoring certain facts – because they are inconvenient and difficult to remedy – has led us to where we are with COVID-19 today. We need a massive re-calculation of how we measure our economic success to include socio-cultural, environmental and technological criteria – it is time to truly capture everything that adds value to our economy not just the hobby horses of big business. - Jan Kent, Farmborough Heights

So refreshing to read such an insightful column that seeks to go beyond the symptoms of COVID-19 and the superficial responses. Increasingly I find myself thinking about the collective choices that are made by capital and the negative implications this has for people. Choices that have been the hallmark of the industrial revolution which elevate our risks, rarely seem to be factored into investment decisions. The industrial age choice by capital that the world's primary source of protein would be animal flesh, along with destroying forests and making species extinct, created a system which fosters the virus jumping capability from animals to humans. The fact that a part of the global community chooses to eat some types of animal flesh that, in our culture we deem as inappropriate (bats), is not the underlying cause of the pandemic. Capital's choice to industrialise animal flesh production as the worlds primary source of protein set us on this path long ago. - Grant Kelly, Sydney

From my standpoint, all's good

“Perspective” is my nomination for one of the top 10 words of 2020 (Letters, December 26-27). We had a range of serious problems in Australia this year but when you put it into perspective against the rest of the world, we have not done too badly. There is no place I would rather be right now than right here. Graham Russell, Clovelly

Fawlty thinking

Anyone who criticises our democratic system should first study how the UK handled Brexit (“Big deal: Britain and EU reach Brexit agreement”, December 26-27). Almost 13 million registered voters did not bother to vote, while 17.4 million voted leave and 16.1 million voted to remain. England and Wales had majorities for leave while Northern Ireland and Scotland voted to remain, which has stimulated movements for their independence. Some of the Brexiteers are claiming the last-minute deal as a victory, but it will disrupt the UK economy, and many will remember the UK’s long struggle to join Europe. I blame Basil Fawlty and his supporters for the debacle. - James Moore, Kogarah

Two faces exposed

A respectful, law-abiding and well-respected family languishes in isolation on a faraway island detention centre against the wishes of most Australians (Letters, December 26). The sole purpose seems to be a forlorn and petty attempt by Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton to justify a sad Liberal party ideology. Disrespectful, law-ignoring backpackers flagrantly disregard the direction of authorities and party on a Sydney beach with total disregard, putting all Australians at risk. The revellers attract limited condemnation from authorities and return to their abodes and live their lives unhindered. The family from Biloela incarcerated on Christmas Island attract little attention, but they also attract none of the love and goodwill our leaders espouse in their Christmas messages; rather, they wallow in ongoing mental anguish. The penalties appear disproportionate to the crime. The governments duplicity is palpable. - Bob Cameron, Coffs Harbour

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our PM could issue New Year pardons to the poor folk locked in hotel rooms or held on remote islands for years, and release them to become the good citizens they really want to be? Of course there are reasons why this can’t happen. First, they can’t be pardoned because they’ve done nothing wrong. Also, cruel people see compassion as weakness. - David Catchpoole, Bangalow

Story most telling

Reading Ross Gittins' article on the effect of COVID-19 on work practices (“More working from home will transport us back to the future”, December 26-27) and his references to past work experiences sent me to George Eliot's 1861 novel Silas Marner, in which the protagonist's life depends on his ability to provide services to a community from his home. It was a great way to spend the day. I recommend the novel to any economic rationalist who thinks literature has nothing to tell us. - Margaret Little, Willoughby North

Don't balls it up

Entertaining suggestions from correspondents who think football should be more like basketball. The beauty of the game is in its strategies (Letters, December 26-27). The rarity of goals is what makes them magnificent. If you can't see that, perhaps it's best you stick to the less evolved codes. - Tom McGinness, Randwick

Protect the babies

One critically important omission in your otherwise informative article (“How much booze is too much?”, December 26) is mention of fetal alcohol syndrome. This is a spectrum of physical, cognitive and behavioural symptoms. There is no treatment for affected children and our prisons have a disproportionate number of inmates who suffer from FAS, so prevention is paramount. An informed adult can choose to accept the risks of drinking, but babies have no choice. - Ruth Ratner, Northbridge

True gift of giving

Continuing the theme of gratefulness raised by the editorial (December 24) and commented on by Mark Porter (Letters, December 26), I would like to add my new perspective. On Christmas Eve, I was taken by ambulance to the emergency department of our local public hospital, where I remained for the first hours of Christmas Day. I was treated with efficient and loving care by all the health workers. I also witnessed the calm way those workers dealt with those who were troubled and abusive. Here was a whole world of activity I'd never even considered when I was celebrating Christmas in other years. - Zeny Giles, New Lambton

Resurrect triple joy

For a few minutes, my mind flashed back to the ‘50s (yes, I am showing my age) as I pictured myself at the counter of Betty Webber’s shop on Mann Street, North Gosford (“Ice-cream of the crop: ranking Australia’s classic frozen confection”, December 26-27). There I was, asking for a Streets Triple Treat! If Menz can bring back the Polly Waffle, surely Streets can reprise the vanilla, marshmallow and chocolate; it would go to No 1 and the overrated Monaco Bar would peter out. - Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

The writer stuff

Congratulations to the letter writer of the year, Attaullah Wahidyar, and all the finalists (“Postscript”, December 26-27). One hopes our leaders take time to read and act on the breadth of concerns expressed by your correspondents throughout the year. The letters page is a piece of political and social history in the making. - Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Don't ask, do.

The most unprecedented utilisation of “Irksome words and meaningless phrases” (Letters, December 26-27) would have to be Gladys Berejiklian’s constant request for permission to communicate with the people of NSW. “Can I thank the health workers?” “Can I ask the residents?” Gladys, please simply take the opportunity “to thank … and to ask”. You got permission to be premier at the last election. - Peter Allen, Castle Cove

“Revert back” has been rife lately. The Premier has even uttered this terrible tautology several times, but I’ll try to forgive her. After all, as any crypto-cruciverbalist will attest, she’s a lady at heart. - Graham Meale, Boambee East

My favourite is barristers appearing in court who begin sentences with “I would like to submit...”. Our judges are the very model of restraint when faced with such outrages. - Eva Elbourne, Pennant Hills

Pardon me

Sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking for a pardon. When I was five at Sunday school I emptied a pot of clay glue into Heather Featherstone’s long blonde hair. Still struggling with the guilt. - Richard Stewart, Pearl Beach

Lobsters rock

Thank you Xi Jinping. The lobsters we had for Christmas lunch were delightful. - Michael Longhurst, Woolooware

The Digital View

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on, "How NSW tested 300,000 people for COVID in just six days"
From Dame Magstar of the Order of the Hot Pink Garter: My son’s COVID-19 test results (two days prior to Xmas) came back in less than 12 hours. Sadly we still couldn’t spend Christmas Day together as he is in lockdown but he had a better day knowing he wasn’t sick. Thank you to the frontline health workers who stepped up and did a fantastic job (again).

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