

This was published 3 years ago


Australia must reopen lines of communication with China

Managing Australia’s diplomatic standoff with China will rank alongside COVID-19 and the threat of climate change as one of the great challenges of 2021.

If relations with our main trading partner are to improve, however, it is crucial that both sides start listening more closely to each other.

That is why it is worth taking seriously Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s brief comments recently at an online Asia Society event where he said China “wanted the relationship to come back on the right track as early as possible”.

It is welcome news that a senior Chinese official wants to improve relations which have sunk to their most hostile in decades. China has arbitrarily imposed punitive tariffs on $20 billion a year of Australian coal, wine and wheat exports.

But there are many caveats about this off-the-record interview moderated by former prime minister Kevin Rudd which the Herald obtained and reported on Thursday.


It is hard to know what China wants as the price for better relations and whether it is a price Australia is willing to pay.

Mr Wang did not refer specifically to a list of 14 Australian policies which China said in November had “poisoned bilateral relations”.

The gripes range from Australia’s push for an inquiry into China’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic to foreign interference laws and Australia’s ban on a Chinese company taking over Australian food maker Lion Dairy.

It will be hard for the Morrison government to compromise in many of these areas without sacrificing vital national interests.


In any case, even though Australia has offered to talk about the list, for the past month China has refused even to answer the phone to Australian officials.

China appears to have chosen to make Australia an example of how it can use its economic might to further its foreign policy goals. China takes 40 per cent of Australia’s exports.

Mr Wang did not offer direct talks in London either. He said he was “kicking the ball back to Australia” and wants us to show we view China as a “partner” rather than a “threat”.

Trying to unpick this diplomatic double-speak, Mr Wang seems to expect some unilateral concessions on Australia’s part as the price for restarting relations.

Some hawks in Australia, especially on the right of the Coalition, will dismiss Mr Wang’s remarks out of hand. Some of them, such as Senator Jim Molan, who this week recklessly predicted a war was likely with China in the next decade, see China as an existential threat.


They say Australia should consider it a badge of honour that we have drawn China’s ire and the costly trade sanctions.

The Herald is very aware of all that separates Australia from China but it believes that Australia should not view China primarily as a threat. We should take Mr Wang sceptically but seriously and look for creative diplomatic solutions to our stand-off with China. Mr Wang’s remarks suggest that detente is possible.

We should stop worrying about Chinese provocations, such as the tweet by a Chinese diplomat about allegations of SAS war crimes in Afghanistan, and play the long game.

China may be more willing to compromise next year because its aggressive policies under President Xi Jinping have, over the past year, antagonised countries such as Japan, India and Vietnam.

Mr Wang himself said in London that he hoped the arrival of the Biden administration in the White House creates an opportunity for a reset in relations.

It is too soon to say how the two sides can find a way out of the dead ends in which they find themselves but opening lines of communication will be crucial.

Note from the Editor

Herald editor, Lisa Davies, writes an exclusive newsletter for subscribers on the week's most important stories and issues. Sign up here to receive it every Friday.

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