

This was published 3 years ago

Tennis pros should save their moaning for the court

Maybe those overpaid and self-entitled tennis stars whining about being in lockdown (‘‘‘This is insane’: Players fume over hard quarantine’’, January 18) should contemplate the relative COVID-19 rates in Australia and their home countries before blurting about the alleged insanity of confining them. Australia must be doing something right if it has not yet experienced a massive new wave of the virus, as have most of their countries. What did they think was going to happen if fellow passengers tested positive? James Mahoney, McKellar (ACT)

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Feeling sorry for those in reasonably luxurious quarantine? Not likely. Perhaps rooms are a little small to hit tennis balls against walls and windows, but everything possible is being done for this elite group. Pity youngsters on their own, as reported by Carrie Fellner (‘‘Children forced to isolate on their own’’, January 18), or those stranded overseas unable to pay exorbitant airfares. Perhaps the unhappy tennis elite should have read the fine print before heading Down Under. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach

Why are we pandering to these elite sports players? Why are we even reporting their grievances? They are professionals, they are paid handsomely and are still able to travel the world. So what if they have to stay in a room for 14 days and watch Day of our Lives. Get real. Be grateful you are alive and well. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Australian Open tennis players think they’re doing it tough in hotel quarantine? Imagine being an ordinary citizen stuck in a room beneath one of them as they practise whacking balls against the windows and the walls. Ross Duncan, Potts Point

We are not privy to the amount of planning that has gone into the running of the Australian Open, but it seems that even the best of preparation in mitigating this virus can go awry. We know that lax attitudes, prevalent in Britain, Europe and the US, are a recipe for mayhem, and I feel for their health workers who are bearing the brunt. The social media rantings of a few privileged tennis players are understandable but should be viewed in the context of our nation being one of the safest right now. Brian Jones, Leura

The Australian Open players should stop complaining – they are on a good racket. Alison Sweeney, Randwick

The Victorian government is defending its bizarre decision to allow the Australian Open to go ahead, and the tennis players are regretting their decision to come. That’s a double fault. Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

Well, at least the grunts, groans, shouts and petulant squeals of the players will make more sense at this year’s Australian Open. Catherine Hoskin, Gloucester

The sportspeople from overseas seem to think that because Australia has low rates of COVID-19, they should be exempt from quarantine as they are unlikely to contract the disease here. Could the relevant sports bodies please tell them that the quarantine is to protect Australians from the sportspeople, not the other way around? If they are not willing to follow procedures, they should be sent home. Jackie Allen, Faulconbridge


Miners’ political ‘donations’ aren’t altruistic; ban them

So the resources industry paid $136.8 million in political donations over the past two decades (‘‘Miners flex fiscal might and power’’, January 18). No wonder Prime Minister Scott Morrison lovingly took a lump of coal to Parliament and has proven to be a prime impediment to climate action. Yet, according to Statista, 79 per cent of Australians believe climate change is real. Maybe the Labor Party should take notice. Larry Woldenberg, Forest Lodge

We need to drop the use of the term ‘‘donation’’ from political parties’ balance sheets. Fiscal supply, income, grant, sweetener, even bribe, more accurately reflect the two-way nature of the moneys received. Nothing altruistic about it. Helen Lewin, Tumbi Umbi

Your correspondents (Letters, January 18) address Sean Kelly’s article on the Uluru Statement from the Heart (‘‘PM tiptoes his way forward’’, January 16-17). Interesting that one of the front page articles in the same edition relates the $136 million political spending spree of our mining industry. The combination says pretty much all that needs to be said about the current state of the Australian political system. John Hinde, Millers Point

There is a simple fix for this insidious issue, if only politicians and the public had the will. 1: Ban all political donations. 2: Ban all political advertising (who would miss it, or believes any of it). 3: Mandate each main media outlet carry (strictly regulated) election messages from all parties. 4: Publicly fund elections. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

As we all know, mining companies are altruistic corporations that give philanthropically to various political parties, but are often accused of trying to influence agendas. Distraught executives fervently deny this, but the problem persists and, sadly, some of that mud has stuck. I propose that to solve this dilemma and to empower miners to continue their good works, all donations be placed in a central pool of funds to be distributed proportionately, as is public election funding. To establish, fund and operate such an entity, I propose a tax of 0.01 per cent on miners’ pre-tax revenues, a figure I believe is close to the amount they donate at present. This will ensure mining companies can continue with their generous altruism while eliminating unfair accusations that they are trying to weight the scales to benefit their own objectives. Wayne Duncombe, Glebe

Democracy: of the people, by the people, for the miners. Political donations make a mockery of the institution. How can Mr and Mrs Joe Average’s votes make a difference? Barbara Watt, Frenchs Forest

Rates system needs an overhaul

Councils provide essential services (‘‘Suburbs split by rate hikes plan’’, January 18). A more efficient way to pay for such services is to calculate the total cost council needs to provide services and divide it by the number of households. Everybody should pay the same as services are the same for all. Land value is irrelevant. Kieran Newton, Paddington

The acrimony within Sydney neighbourhoods as a result of rate harmonisation has exposed a downside of the forced council mergers. But even before rate harmonisation, an inequitable subsidy existed. Whatever algorithm was used to determine rate levies meant that free-standing residences paid up to 10 times the rates paid by unit holders for basically the same services. Clearly this algorithm needs tweaking, if not an overhaul. Cornelius van der Weyden, Balmain East

Should council rates be a progressive or regressive tax or user pays? Don’t we all use council facilities and services pretty equitably? Apartment dwellers have had a relatively free ride compared with house owners, so if the former paid their fair share we’d have greater equity. Just because I live in Birchgrove doesn’t mean I’m on a high income. Lewis Kaplan, Birchgrove

History lesson

Comparisons between Hitler and Donald Trump are not far-fetched (‘‘US cannot ignore lessons of history’’, January 18). Trump shows repeatedly he will not lie down. His fanatical supporters, including neo-Nazis, smashed the Capitol, endangered lives and now foreshadow further violence throughout the US. How blind must the top politicians of a shattered Republican Party be, and high-profile conservatives here, not to see what the democratic world perceives: that Trump, unlike Hitler, must be silenced and made to pay for fomenting the armed violence that threatens his nation’s future. Ron Sinclair, Bathurst

Thank you, Dennis Glover, for a cogent well researched opinion. Not only does it prosecute a cogent case for acknowledging the portentous parallels between contemporary US politics and those leading up to World War II, it also successfully sidesteps something of a long standing media taboo in expressing opinion. Any reference to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany is deemed highly questionable and potentially inappropriate or simply bad taste. In this case, the writing is writ large on the walls of history. Our elected leaders would be blind to ignore the repetitive script. Cleveland Rose, Dee Why

We are inundated with television programs about Hitler and World War II, but these are viewed more as ‘‘legends from a past age’’ than possible future happenings. As Dennis Glover says, ‘‘We have been warned, twice.’’ Marjie Williamson, Blaxland

Curse of inequality

I agree with Tim Soutphommasane (‘‘Callous underbelly of COVID-19’’, January 18), who states ‘‘we’ve grown relaxed by inequality’’. I presume that’s why we ignore the increasing number of people sleeping in the street and the ever-present beggars that have appeared during this COVID-19 period, not only in the CBD but in our suburbs. As a child growing up in the 1960s and ’70s I never saw beggars in Australia and thought I never would. We now seem to accept them as part of life, as we have the homeless. We shouldn’t. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

The real culprit is the ugly sounding neoliberalism. Who you know in life has always played a large role in success, but wealth-based inequality is the curse of the 1980s, and history tells us that building ever-bigger palaces ultimately ruins everyone. Peter Farmer, Northbridge

Heartless logic

It is not just fishing spots (‘‘Western norms may be accidentally harming elderly’’, January 18). Essential bus stops on key routes are being removed. The old and infirm need bus services and well-located bus stops. Closing them promotes social marginalisation and exclusion of the elderly and the weak. Is this war against the aged, the frail and the lame an expression of ‘‘Western values’’? Or of the new managerial logic? For the system planners, the old and other ‘‘surplus’’ members of the public will always be taking space and services away from now productive and hence, to their way of thinking, more deserving citizens. Theirs is an inhuman logic. Clive Kessler, Randwick

Gas anomaly

Morrison’s plan to expand Australia’s gas industry is akin to buying cigarettes for a newborn (‘‘What is the role of gas in a green economy?’’, January 18). Using public money to prop up multinational gas companies will only cruel our chances of fending off the worst effects of climate change. Alison Orme, Marrickville

Natural gas should have no role in a green economy. Basin gas and fracked gas are both methane, a fossil fuel that liberates prodigious amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere when burnt. Most of Australia’s basin gas is already earmarked for overseas customers. That leaves fracked methane, which is expensive. If it is used in power stations, then power prices will rise. Also, fracking damages and destroys good farmland. A cheaper, short-term option would be the cleaner burning of coal combined with sequestration of CO2, since no expensive modification of power stations would be necessary. In the long term, hydrogen is the best source of fuel for power stations. Using electrolysis of pure rainwater, it may be created cleanly from solar and wind farms. When burnt in power stations, it creates only water, which may be added to cooling water discharged. Geoff Black, Caves Beach

Cure for insomnia

What about the Bible, which starts at the Beginning and goes on forever? Robert Ballinger, Pymble

Most of the books mentioned so far seem to be of times long past. I would like to add two contemporary ones to the list, The Natural Way of Things and Lincoln in the Bardo.
Both of these were award winners but I found them impossible to read, let alone understand. Couldn’t get past 20 pages in them. John Munro, Toowoomba (Qld)

I have never read the Gregorys from cover to cover, only dip into it occasionally, but I always find it gives my life direction. Leo Sorbello, West Ryde

While studying electrical engineering at UNSW, I occasionally found it difficult to fall asleep. My textbook on thermodynamics was a marvellous soporific, I never got past page 2. David Gordon, Cranebrook

The most memorable first line for me (Letters, January 18) is from Rafael Sabatini’s Scaramouche. ‘‘He was born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.’’ Barry Riley, Woy Woy

I read a book once; I think the cover was green. Richard Statham, Kiama

The digital view
Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
‘Highly problematic’: Australian political donations revealed
From Observer: Companies don’t vote so why can they make donations to political parties? Political parties put up candidates to represent the people in an electorate and, supposedly, do not ‘‘represent’’ companies. In reality, until donations are restricted to individuals, restricted in amount and reported in real time, we are all being conned because the larger political parties are owned by their donors, companies and unions alike. Don’t expect any changes, though, because the present system benefits the LNP and ALP and their history clearly shows that neither party is about to change that.

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