

This was published 3 years ago


US cannot ignore the lessons of history

By Dennis Glover

If something can happen once, it can happen again. This is the oft-ignored first lesson of history. The second lesson is that humans usually forget lesson number one. Watching the attempted coup unfold at the Capitol building, those two lessons kept working through my mind. Never have I felt like I was living so intensely in history. Maybe you did too.

Pro-Trump supporters outside the US Capitol on January 6.

Pro-Trump supporters outside the US Capitol on January 6.Credit: Getty Images

In 1923, after almost a decade of economic suffering caused by the First World War, Germany was hit by an intense economic shock – hyperinflation, which destroyed middle class savings and raised the cost of a simple loaf of bread to several billion marks.


Into this turmoil stepped a little known agitator named Adolf Hitler – a man considered an embarrassment to his establishment backers but who had a gift for speaking to the people. On November 8, in a Munich beer hall, Hitler assembled a ramshackle collection of his followers – angry extremists dismissed as uneducated buffoons, and right-wing establishment figures who thought they could easily control him – and convinced those gathered to take over the Bavarian state government and march on Berlin to seize power. In a confused, pathetic fiasco, four policemen and 14 others were killed and Hitler slinked away to later be arrested.

Hitler was charged with high treason, but instead of being given a life sentence or executed, a biased judge sentenced him to just five years in prison and a modest fine. He served only 10 months, during which he wrote a book setting out his intention to take power, murder the Jews and revenge Germany’s defeat in 1918 – Mein Kampf. Soon after his release, his party, the Nazi Party, was allowed to re-form, and 10 years later took power legally. Within weeks of becoming Reich chancellor, Hitler arrested and murdered his opponents and abolished democracy – just as he had planned to do back in 1923.


By now, you’ve probably figured out where this lesson is heading. The events in Washington DC on January 6 have so many obvious similarities: the ranting leader, the ludicrous-looking followers, the hastily planned insurrection that was countered weakly by the state and could have ended up much worse. If history can ever repeat, it did that day. Will the second half of the story repeat also?

To ensure it doesn’t, democracies everywhere need to heed the lessons. First, there must be no leniency. Had Hitler faced the full force of the law, he would not have been around to take power when the German state was shaken by the Great Depression of 1929. Calls to simply ignore Trump in his last two weeks of office are historically illiterate. History backs those who want Trump and his followers to be removed, impeached and prosecuted.

Adolf Hitler in the summer of 1939, just before the start of World War II.

Adolf Hitler in the summer of 1939, just before the start of World War II. Credit: AP


Second, the conditions in which extremists flourish must be addressed. As happened in Germany between 1914 and 1933, democracy is most at risk when prolonged periods of inequality and economic discontent are followed by sudden and devastating shocks. In an America in which blue collar living standards have been declining for decades, creating the discontented army that now worships Trump, how well can democracy negotiate yet another global financial crisis?

Those whose livelihoods have been destroyed by the remorseless amoral direction of the economy cannot continue to be ignored. The redistribution of income is no longer a left-wing cause, it is a democratic imperative. So is finding new ways of connecting emotionally with everyday people’s sense of economic and cultural loss. January 6 was surely the ultimate wake-up call.


Third, read the signs early, because they are everywhere. During the presidential election campaign and afterwards, armed militias appeared openly on the streets, brought their "long guns" into state legislatures, and even threatened to kidnap a state governor – and yet the threat was underplayed. This happened in pre-Nazi Germany too, where militias battled for control of the streets, and the tendency now as then was to ignore it. This behaviour cannot be allowed to be normalised.

And fourth, rid yourself of the idea that it can’t all happen again. If 10 years ago someone had told you that an armed mob would take over the Congress on the day it was due to ratify a presidential election and demand that a right-wing populist demagogue be kept in the White House after losing by seven million votes, you wouldn’t have believed it, would you? Last week told us that such things can and do happen. We have now been warned, twice. What might happen next time? As Donald Trump said to his followers on the day of the failed coup attempt, "our incredible journey is only just beginning". Hitler couldn’t have put it better himself.

Dennis Glover is a Labor speechwriter and novelist. His latest novel is Factory 19, published by Black Inc.

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