

This was published 3 years ago

Tournament's COVID risk an Open and shut case

Illustration: Leunig

Illustration: LeunigCredit:

Overseas tennis players who earn $100,000 for a first-round loss in the Australian Open have their noses out of joint for being forced into two weeks' quarantine as a COVID precautionary measure ("Tennis red carpet ignores those stuck overseas", January 16-17). Poor dears. We have a son who is enduring temperatures of -25 degrees in northern China, from where he has been unable to obtain a flight home since April. The treatment of pampered tennis players is just another example of the confused priorities of politicians. Ray Alexander, Moss Vale

A message to the contestants in the Australian Open. If you can't stand being locked down for 14 days I will be willing to take your place. I will replace you in hotel lockdown, compete in the first round for you; get thrashed and walk away with $100,000. It'll be tough but I'm willing to do it for the team. Laurie Dicker, Buderim

I am a tennis fan – Roger Federer gets my vote for world's most gorgeous man – but I think the Australian Open should have been cancelled. The current arrangements are importing positive cases into Australia. In addition it will hardly be a level playing court if a percentage of players are confined to hotel rooms for two weeks unable to train or practice. Stephanie Edwards, Roseville

As usual, it's all about the money. The health of the Australian people comes a sad second ("Minister slams reprieve for stars but not NSW", January 16-17). Ruth Dickman, Pymble

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

It is time politicians realised their credibility is in total tatters over their inconsistent approach to COVID restrictions. It's OK for more than 20,000 people to attend a cricket match, and four times that to attend an NRL grand final but only 50 people can attend a private function at home? What they ask us to swallow is that we are at greater risk mingling with people we know than bumping shoulders with thousands we don't know.

It is apparently less dangerous to allow people to travel from the UK, Europe, USA and other countries where infections rates have been out of control but those from within Australia where infections rates have been consistently lower over the same period and are essentially nil now must not dare cross borders for fear of infection risk. It is simply bizarre. Gary Bigelow, Teralba

I support Tennis Australia and the Victorian government in their endeavours to have the Australian Open proceed. There will not be a sudden overnight ending of this pandemic. The spread of vaccines will attribute greatly, however, governments will need to proceed slowly with the return of large sporting, social and cultural events. The return of the different football codes and cricket has demonstrated that it can be done. Yes, bringing hundreds from overseas is a risk but it can be done safely.

Australia should be proud of its record in dealing with COVID-19. A successful Australian Open will demonstrate to the world that we are a country that can re-introduce major sporting events. We will be an international leader in this process. Ron Brown, Wallsend


It sounds like we should have called it the Australian Closed. Peter Fyfe, Enmore

Trumpian sensibilities crop up closer to home

Accountability is as important as the concept of "freedom of speech" ("America's fate could be our own; so choose wisely", January 16-17). It is the role of the US Congress to make the first amendment not a licence to lie without penalty, but to make misuse of the amendment accountable through its impeachment process. It is similarly the role of the government to make lies and untruths promulgated by its number, accountable in the short term.

The theory that liberty is freedom from restraint is very one dimensional. It encourages a lack of transparency and truth. It will lead to despotism and unaccountable power. Examples of this, in today's world are multifarious. Liberty, equality and accountability are the three pillars of the freedom we have today. If you take away one of those pillars, freedom collapses. Peter Hickman, Maloneys Beach

As Trump's presidency ends in ignominy, it's worth recalling views of Trump from three senior Liberal Party figures who were never reticent in their praise ("From 'dropkick' to a quiet abandonment", January 16-17).

John Howard, a former prime minister, has said Trump was a man Australia could trust, and that just his "style" was different. Alexander Downer, a former foreign minister, publicly endorsed Trump for re-election last year, and dismissed "poor old Joe Biden, bumbling along". Joe Hockey, a former Treasurer, said there was "absolutely" fraud in the election. The incoming Biden administration will not have to deal with these three. But it will have to deal with the governing party they represent, where their views would hold considerable sway. Robert Milliken, Rushcutters Bay

The Prime Minister is being disingenuous when he states that Craig Kelly and George Christensen have the right to free speech when it comes to spreading blatant misinformation (Letters, January 16-17). Public servants, including politicians, have a code of conduct they must adhere to. By not publicly denouncing or admonishing Kelly and Christensen, the Prime Minister is implicitly implying he accepts the misinformation they are espousing.

We have all witnessed in the US what that can lead to. The PM's lack of action is divisive and unbecoming of a leader. The acting Prime Minister is just as bad. There is no accountability with this government. Laura Beaupeurt, Callala Bay

Though it has become clear to all but the totally blind where the path of "Trumpism" has led the USA, Australia's leadership remains silent to its danger. Neither the PM nor his National party sidekick have the guts to declare Trump the enemy of democracy he has proven himself to be. Henry Spirek, Orange

Calls for a true Voice are deafening

We should all take Sean Kelly's advice and read or reread the wonderful Uluru Statement from the Heart written four years ago ("PM tiptoes his way forward", January 16-17). What a mistake our government made then, and continues to make, in virtually dismissing this powerful yet respectful address to us all in the mistaken idea it would create division and unrest. On the contrary, it has the capacity to both empower and inspire us all to be the best humans we can be by its sincerity and plea for unity. Judy Finch, Cedar Party

I wish I shared Kelly's view about the PM's mindset for reform and accountability to First Australians. If Morrison's perception of public concern were not so inward looking he could act as a conservative and respond to the Australian mood for accountability for the illegal dispossession with a Voice in the constitution.

The antithesis between fossil fuel and Indigenous affairs is structural in Scott Morrison's office and government. Powerful members in his department are former mining and business council executives. Repeated mining violations of cultural heritage are approved by his government. This structural oppression is inconsistent with a sincere and honest approach to reform. Anne Eagar, Epping

Kelly's excellent summary of the state of play in Indigenous affairs leads me to conclude, with great sadness, that the Voice as envisaged by the Uluru Statement is dead. A Voice in the constitution by referendum was always a big ask, bearing in mind the inevitable opposition by the conservatives on the lines of "we are all equal now – why should one group have a special voice?".

We won't get anywhere without a truth and reconciliation commission to confront us as a nation with the terrible treatment of the first Australians and a process for treaties. Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

Superior system

The impact that COVID has had on our nation inclusive of employment, mental health, relationships, family and economic prosperityis a factor that needs to be considered carefully in the context of the current dialogue about changes to the legislated increased superannuation guarantee ("With super choice comes retirement consequences", January 16-17).

Your article poses the dilemma as possibly becoming a personal one for employees between immediate take home pay and super invested for the long term. What is needed instead is a committed government prepared to make tough decisions for the long term in a climate of international uncertainty and reaffirm the compulsory nature of the super guarantee and its movement to 12 per cent by 2025. Rod Leonarder, Roseville

Burn after reading

I read with dismay the facts and figures on skin cancer in Australia ("Like a car accident in your skin", January 16-17). As the incidence of melanoma is so unacceptably high, surely this indicates a problem in the communication of information to the public?

I turned to the weather page and was attracted by coloured maps showing temperatures and a series of synoptic charts. I searched hard for any information on the UV Index and finally found it in small type on a grey background. Is it any wonder Australians are ignorant of the role it plays in causing melanoma?

Until it is given the prominence it deserves, people will continue to base their decisions mostly on temperature alone and our rate of skin cancer will continue to increase. Colleen Burke, Drummoyne

No parking

The National Parks "cash splash" cannot come soon enough after years of obvious neglect ("Cash splash for national parks to boost access, aid recovery", January 16-17).

The parks are like the proverbial bus that cannot stop for passengers. As there are so many closures, particularly in regional areas, there is no point in going to them. Many North Coast parks are either completely closed (Wollumbin and Guy Fawkes River, for example) or the roads are closed. Perhaps the government could publish a list of where this money will be splashed or should we just colour code with Coalition electorates and councils? John Gibson, Ballina

Children under fire

NASA's report stating we've lived through the equal hottest year on record in 2020 makes me fearful for my children's future ("Another heat record drops despite double cooling effect", January 16-17). I wonder how they will suffer through the heat, food and water shortages that are inevitable with our trajectory to 3-5 degrees of global heating.While I do my very best at home to safeguard their futures by being sustainable, it is not enough. Our leaders need to take urgent, meaningful action to act on this ecological crisis. We have no more chances and time. Helen Cameron, Tamworth

Chinwag music

Greg Chappell writes a wonderful account of the consequences of an unfortunate incident that occurred on a cricket field 40 years ago ("Dear Tim, I learnt from my mistakes as captain and I have no doubt you will", too, January 16-17).

I speculate that hardly a day goes by without the former Australian cricket captain thinking about the events of that day. He makes a couple of telling points. How the national team behaves sets the standard of how patrons behave. Also, the actions of elite cricketers cascade to lower levels of cricketers who are nowadays prone to engage in meaningless chatter designed to distract and annoy opponents. The second point is sportsmanship. The memory of John Landy assisting a fallen Ron Clark in the 1956 Australian one mile event is remembered in perpetuity. Riley Brown, Bondi Beach

United under threat

As an archipelago with 270 million people, Indonesia faces a multitude of complexities in dealing with the pandemic ("In the defining year of his presidency, Joko Widodo faces an incredibly difficult challenge", January 12). Yet the government is committed in safeguarding its citizens: elevating Indonesia's testing capacity to reach 96.35 per cent of WHO's target in December 2020; distributing social assistance transparently; and planning to inoculate up to 181.5 million people in the next 15 months.

Indonesia also co-operates closely with partners such as Australia, which continues to support Indonesia in these difficult times. It is better to offer solutions and help out a close friend, as Australia is doing, than criticise as your article did. Billy Wibisono, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia

Brilliant read no escape from purgatory

In 2013, I purchased Clive James' brilliant translation of Dante's The Divine Comedy. Now, in 2021, I'm still in purgatory, wiggling towards heaven (Letters, January 16-17). Louise Seale, Cremorne Point

My contender for funniest opening line of a book goes to the preface of Shaun Micallef's Smithereens: "I've always wanted to write a book – not this one, obviously – something more like Catcher in the Rye". Jan Robins, Alstonville

The opening sentence of JM Coetzee's Disgrace made me chuckle: "For a man of his age, fifty-two, divorced, he has to his mind, solved the problem of sex rather well." John Grinter, Katoomba

The worst and most unreadable book I have every come across was The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia by the Samuel Johnson. I battled to page 20 four times and never did finish it. Ann Smith, Tweed Heads West

I once started to read the White Pages, Helen Robbilliard (Letters, January 16-17). As you say, lots of characters, not much by way of plot, so I went to the last page to see who dunnit – some bloke named Zzolinsky. John Ure, Mount Hutton

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
‘I’m still the same person inside’: Olivia’s journey coming out as a transgender teen
From Fred: ‘‘Thank you for educating me and sharing your story. Your bravery, courage and humanity shine, Olivia.’’

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