

This was published 3 years ago

'I'm still the same person inside': Olivia's journey coming out as a transgender teen

By Caitlin Fitzsimmons

For teenager Olivia Stewart, coming out as transgender was one of the best things she has ever done and also one of the hardest.

Olivia, who turns 17 in March, realised almost four years ago that her lifelong feeling of being different from boys her own age was because she was a girl. It took another nine months for her to work up the courage to speak to her mother about it.

"It's quite a hard thing to accept," Olivia says. "Once you acknowledge it, it's a really long path you have to take and quite a tough one so I sat on it for a while. I was just really scared of coming out."

Olivia Stewart (second from right) with her family: father Angus, twin brother Stirling and mother Lyndsay Brown.

Olivia Stewart (second from right) with her family: father Angus, twin brother Stirling and mother Lyndsay Brown.Credit: Louie Douvis

During that time, Olivia withdrew from friends and family and sought refuge in reading books about trans people.

Her mother Lyndsay Brown describes an overwhelming sense of relief when Olivia finally confided in her. "I was very, very worried about her - she was incredibly depressed and anxious," she says.

The notion of Olivia being trans had not been on her radar but "it absolutely rang true". "It was a shock and a surprise but I never doubted it and the more medics we went to see the more it was confirmed," Brown says.

Further confirmation came from the "remarkable shift" in Olivia's happiness when she started living as a girl - changing her name and her pronouns and going shopping with her mother for women's clothing.

"She wasn't happy all the time because she was still struggling with lots of things but she personally was in a much, much better place," Brown says. "As a mother, you can just feel that and know that and it was such a relief. I just knew the truth."

Olivia's father Angus and fraternal twin brother Stirling were also supportive - her brother made a point of introducing house guests to Olivia using the phrase "my sister" to ensure people would not misgender her.


Meanwhile, the family moved from Sydney's Manly to Balmain to be closer to specialist healthcare and because Brown believed the inner west would offer Olivia a better sense of belonging.

Olivia also began an at-times frustrating journey through the medical system, which has been the subject of significant debate over what treatments should be made available to children and teens and when.

Olivia with her dog Serena.

Olivia with her dog Serena.Credit: Louie Douvis

Community support

The Australian community overwhelmingly supports transgender people, according to a national survey of more than 1000 people commissioned by Equality Australia and conducted by YouGov.


Only 3 per cent of survey respondents identified as transgender and fewer than one in 10 said they knew a transgender person well. Yet 78 per cent of Australians - including 75 per cent of religious people - agree that transgender people deserved the same rights and protections as other Australians, the survey found.

Among those who know someone who is transgender, support rises to 93 per cent. Equality Australia chief executive Anna Brown (no relation to Lyndsay) says this does not surprise her.

"Another lesson from the marriage equality campaign was that you don't vote or support a cause because of a 'what' - usually, it's because of a 'who'," Anna Brown says. "It's very much about your emotional connection with people you know and people you at least can relate to."

Ryan Phillips, 41, a trans man and Equality Australia board member, says community attitudes have changed "a heck of a lot" since his childhood in regional Western Australia and since he transitioned in Melbourne in his late 20s.

Phillips says he has built new, more positive relationships with his family now but at the time, some of them found it very difficult.

"There was no awareness of it, and being trans was considered to be very shameful," he says. "I know that there is now support available for families with trans young people and children - this should make it an easier path for families to tread."

Health care hurdles

While Olivia enjoyed her family's support, she faced struggles with health care and schooling.

An anonymous mother recently wrote a controversial opinion column for The Sun-Herald about her struggle to accept her child as a trans boy and her belief that some teenagers were expressing interest in transitioning because it had become "fashionable".

Olivia finds that idea ludicrous, arguing there are no advantages to being trans and that health care treatment for trans children and teenagers was heavily dependent on their age. If anything she believes health professionals are too cautious because of their fear of being sued. "There should be more of an openness to actually believe people," she says.

Olivia had to see a psychiatrist, psychologist and an endocrinologist (a specialist in hormones). With her parents' permission, she was able to access puberty blockers at 13, delaying the onset of puberty and the development of male secondary sex characteristics.

The family had to fight to get Olivia access to hormone replacement therapy but about two years later she was put on oestrogen, and is really happy with its effects. Gender reassignment surgery is not available for minors but she plans to have it when she turns 18.

Olivia has enjoyed the full support of her family, but obtaining medical treatment was sometimes difficult.

Olivia has enjoyed the full support of her family, but obtaining medical treatment was sometimes difficult.Credit: Louie Douvis

Equality Australia found three out of four Australians believe that health services that treat and support transgender patients should be available for everyone who needs them. But only about half believe the cost should be covered by Medicare.

NSW Health said there were two public specialist services for transgender and gender diverse patients in NSW; one for children and adolescents at the Children's Hospital Westmead and one at John Hunter Children's Hospital in Newcastle, which also treats adults. Non-government organisations including ACON and The Gender Centre also provide information, resources and support for trans and gender diverse people.

Disrupted schooling

Meanwhile, Olivia was also facing problems at school. She moved schools four times during year 7 and 8 and she still has nightmares about changing schools.

Her first high school was a selective boys' school - she knew she did not belong but was yet to come out. Next came a co-ed private Anglican school but once she came out as trans, the school made it clear they wanted her to leave, telling the family they did not have the "right" toilets and would feel obliged to write to all families and inform them a trans student was at the school, which could cause bullying.

Olivia says she has found a new normal in her life.

Olivia says she has found a new normal in her life. Credit: Louie Douvis

Olivia started year 8 at a co-ed public high school in the inner west where the staff were supportive but unable to stop awful bullying by boys. Later that year she finally landed at her current school, a co-ed secular private school with supportive teachers, where she has made good friends.

Olivia said it made a big difference that the school explicitly taught students about LGBTIQ+ issues and she would like to see that become more widespread.

Equality Australia found two out of three Australians believe that religious schools should not be able to fire a staff member or expel a student for being transgender. Women are more likely to believe this than men, at 71 per cent versus 60 per cent.

Even among those who identify as very or somewhat religious, 60 per cent believe religious schools should not be able to fire someone or expel a student for being transgender. For those who are not at all religious, this rose to 74 per cent.

Feminist debates

Some feminists - who call themselves "gender critical" and are labelled by others as "trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs)" - argue women and girls are discriminated against because of their biological sex rather than their gender identity and therefore need rights, protections and services - such as women's refuges and group therapy for rape survivors - on this basis.

Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling sparked a furore last year when she argued along these lines.

They argue gender itself is not real but merely a "social construct" and criticise the trans movement for reinforcing gender conformity by supposedly promoting the idea that a boy who likes feminine things is really a girl, and vice versa.

Lyndsay Brown, Olivia's mother, rejects these arguments as discriminatory and also overblown, given transgender people represent just 1-3 per cent of the population.

"I used to believe gender was a social construct but as I've grown older and especially with a trans daughter, I've come to see that it's just really not that simple," she says.


Olivia's view is that gender stereotypes come from wider society rather than transgender people and points out gender identity is not the same thing as gender expression. For example, her interests in carpentry and video games are stereotypically masculine and most of her friends are male.

"Ultimately, that doesn't matter because that's not what gender really is," Olivia says. "I don't have to do stereotypical feminine things to be a woman and the same goes for cis women as well." ("Cis" describes the opposite of being trans, where your gender identity matches your biological sex or the gender assigned at birth).

Nor does she think surgery should be the deciding factor, such as the stance of McIver Ladies Baths in Coogee that only transgender women who have undergone surgery are allowed in. Olivia finds this "a sexist idea because it boils men and women down to their genitals".

Lyndsay Brown says parents are sometimes worried that offering support or affirmation for a trans or gender-questioning child could reinforce a false belief. She believes the opposite is true - that giving a child a safe space to explore their gender identity will help them figure out the truth, as well as boost the child's mental health and wellbeing.

Olivia says her family has been supportive in her journey.

Olivia says her family has been supportive in her journey. Credit: Louie Douvis

She also wants parents to know that there is a "new normal" waiting for them.

"When your child initially comes out, it feels so intense and so challenging but over time that passes and life becomes normal again in a different kind of way," Lyndsay Brown says.

For Olivia, coming out was "removing the first barricade to helping myself become happier and get to a better place".

One of her best moments recently was when her twin told her that it feels like she has always been his sister.

"I'm still the same person inside and my brother told me that he doesn't see me as anything but the sister he loves now," Olivia says.

"That was the best thing I've heard in a long time."

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