Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:
It is comforting to learn that North Sydney pool is actually a regional facility (''Country lanes: North Sydney mayor defends $10m pool grant'', February 27). This allows the fly-in-fly-out workers of North Sydney to claim a number of benefits, including the diesel excise rebate, zone tax offset, remote area allowance and, of course, a claim for the isolated children’s allowance for the disadvantaged students of Wenona. Grahame Marks, Manly
In supporting the regional grants fund to obtain $10 million for the North Sydney pool, our local member is simply being a true blue member of the government. John Truman, St Leonards
Now that North Sydney is being regarded as a regional centre through the funding for its swimming pool, Cobar should become an outer suburb of Sydney. Tony Re, Georges Hall
If Orange is rural, and North Sydney is regional, where can I find metropolitan? Bill Young, Greenwich
All the voters in the far-flung rural areas should be celebrating. They have learned that their local pool received a $10 million upgrade. The only problem is the pool is in leafy North Sydney. Maybe the government will consider subsidising their travel and accommodation when they visit their pool, which according to the mayor has always been a regional facility. Tony Ryan, Carlingford
It is unfortunate that the money found to restore North Sydney pool came from regional "pools" of funding. Our local tidal sea-pools in the Northern Illawarra are also iconic for our region and severely need restoration. Suffering concrete degradation, seaweed infiltration (and often smell), poor pool painting resulting in pool slime, and accompanying public facilities all suffering from age and lack of cleaning. From Coalcliff to Wollongong these pools offer free access, community camaraderie, and memories of yesterday's era. Their fate is often overlooked and our iconic sea-pools sadly deteriorating. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer
Talk about a pox on both houses ( "PM's office in email blitz on grants", February 27). While the Morrison-led government is wallowing in the mud of meddling in attempting to influence votes via its sports grants, you get the feeling Labor isn't beyond behaving totally above board. Here is a clear cut case for the independents, like our member for Warringah, to exercise their influence and instigate a permanent anti-corruption authority that has teeth and is fiercely independent. Go hard the independents! Cleveland Rose, Dee Why
If the PM really wants to clear up the overpowering stench issuing from Canberra all he has to do is release the 136 emails between his office and Senator McKenzie's office. Otherwise, the team from the PM's office continues to fail the pub test. Nick Franklin, Katoomba
With the original white Australia largely composed of petty criminals, and the wide acceptance of doubtful business practices throughout our commercial history, it is to be expected that financial inducements are part of doing business. These inducements were once called “bribes”, later they became “slings”. Today they are called “grants” by the government and “sports rorts” by the press. Call them what you may, they are mainly used when the transaction is doubtful, suspicious or dishonest. Tony Lyons, Lithgow
Religious freedom bill promotes discrimination
Michael Kirby's forensic rubbishing of the government's religious "freedom" bill ends with a plea for a "comprehensive charter of rights" ("Religious 'freedom' bill will divide, not unite us", February 27). The need for this is blindingly obvious. Not only would it put religious freedom in the context of other rights but it would bring us into line with comparable countries. Andrew Macintosh, Cromer
I agree that social cohesion is important, however, it was evident well before the proposed religious freedom legislation that there is no longer any unity on the issue – and that respectful discussion is becoming more difficult. A concerted secular campaign to muzzle and demean people of faith is well under way despite the fact that our constitution guarantees freedom of religion and of speech. If it has become difficult for members of our majority religion to speak in the public square without facing ridicule and sometimes abuse, it is little wonder all people of faith are feeling set upon and derided. Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh
No one in teaching, nursing, aged care and social work thinks the government should be allowed to discriminate against employing Christians or Muslims because their religious beliefs are inconsistent with the secular ethos of our government. But under the draft bill, for occupations where one's religious beliefs are irrelevant to the performance of that position in the public sector, a religious organisation could take secular government funding to preferentially employ religious "mates" over equally qualified persons who hold no, or different, religious beliefs. A bill to counter religious discrimination appears to entrench it instead. It needs to be rejected. Alan Garrity, North Narrabeen
Thanks to Michael Kirby for alerting us to the serious harm the so-called "religious freedom" bill will do, not only to social coherence in Australia but also to religion itself – fostering religious extremism on the one hand, and anti-religious hostility in response. As this is a serious moral issue, all members of Federal Parliament should be given a conscience vote on this bill. Members should ask themselves is this bill in the interests of all or is it just pandering to the demands of religious groups who want to enhance their power. John Challis, Elizabeth Bay
The proposed religious discrimination legislation is simply not required in modern, peaceful, pluralistic Australia. It is plainly bad law. If it is enacted in its current form, let's hope that it sits on the shelf and is never invoked by those who are the supposed beneficiaries. The only thing worse than bad laws is their implementation. Ian Waters, Surry Hills
Australians deserve a more inclusive honours system
The brouhaha over the awarding of an Australian honour to Bettina Arndt highlights the urgent need for an overhaul of all aspects of the honours system, including the composition of the selection panel and the criteria that currently apply to the awards choices (''Commentator Arndt pleads for help'', February 27). The complex process of nomination rules out many people deserving of awards who work tirelessly in their own communities, often as volunteers; and the gender imbalance remains striking. The awards are seriously skewed to prominent people able to attract influential referees and/or people being awarded for simply doing their job or running their business. The possibility of undue political influence is a matter of concern. Australians deserve better. Gillian Appleton, Paddington
I would bet that 95 per cent of Australians have never heard of Bettina Arndt. Why such a nondescript individual should be awarded an Order of Australia medal in the first place astounds me. If such awards need to exist at all they should be given to a select few people each year who have achieved something truly outstanding that has been to the benefit of all Australians. This would exclude many of the current recipients, including many actors, singers, commentators, media personalities, ex-politicians and mates of politicians. Phil Peak, Dubbo
I, too, think the call to remove Arndt’s AM because of her expressed view about the murder of Hannah Baxter and her children is going too far (Letters, February 27). What Hannah Baxter's husband did is unforgivable, as he himself realised, but what is so evil about asking what drove him to it? I thought understanding his actions might be a help in preventing similar ones in the future. Stephen Wallace, Glebe
I wonder how firmly Arndt had her tongue in her cheek when she told her email group that the awards are not political. Are we to believe that her nomination was not made to keep Pauline Hanson on side in the senate? Don Firth, Wooli
I wear my medal with great pride, but that is diminished at the thought of sharing it with the likes of Bettina Arndt. She should be stripped of such an honour. Dianne Gaddin, Bondi
Virus wars
Instead of panicking the public with visions of stadiums filled with the diseased and armed guards protecting medical supplies from a riotous rabble, perhaps our politicians and media should be teaching people the basics of hygiene ("Virus stadium plan", February 27). Andrew Scott, Pymble
Information regarding China is usually reported or portrayed negatively and the COVID-19 has driven a sinophobia in many urban centres. It is refreshing to read this comment given by the assistant director general of the World Health Organisation after the completion of a mission to China: "It is staggering. Every person you talk to there has a sense of responsibility; they are mobilised like in a war against this virus." Helen Ho, Milsons Point
It appears that some correspondents persist in criticising the federal government for its perceived “inept response” to the recent fire crisis (Letters, February 27). Fighting bushfires is a state and territory responsibility, not a Commonwealth one, and so defined by legislation. The Commonwealth is responsible for funding and resourcing the states; it is interesting to note that the NSW RFS Deputy Commissioner is on the public record as saying that the federal government is "fully supportive” of the NSW RFS’s needs. Greg Partington, Quakers Hill
Nats divided
Jeff Kennett is right to say that Michael McCormack is “cut from the same cloth” (''Kennett hails McCormack as a 'great leader''', February 27). As a proud member of the Young Nationals it is absolutely appalling to see Barnaby Joyce and others undermining the federal parliamentary leader in the pursuit of power. The spill in early February against the Deputy Prime Minister reveals that even though there are no formalised factions in the Nats, there are still deep divisions within the party over the future direction of regional Australians. Asher Barnham, Belconnen
Positive energy
I read that Angus Taylor admits that the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is running out of funding for its future operations (''Morrison government mulls ARENA’s future as funding starts to run out'', February 27). Has it considered moving its headquarters to the Sydney CBD, somewhere near the bridge? It appears to be a magnet for government funds. Maybe they could request girls’ change rooms just to seal the deal. Lorraine Hickey, Green Point
Having just returned from a trip to Scandinavia I am so impressed by Norway. This small country gained massive amounts of money from its oil resources and instead of wasting it they have set aside the majority into a futures fund for the benefit of its people. They have free education, including university and heavily subsidised health care. Ninety-nine per cent of its energy is generated from renewable resources. Can our short-sighted politicians note this and look further ahead than three years? Pauline Paton, Centennial Park
Never forget
It was wonderful to hear that the Australian Parliament held a candlelight vigil for Hannah Clarke and her children murdered recently ('''How does such evil happen in our land?': Parliament pays tribute to slain Brisbane family'', February 27). Our Prime Minister has said that they should not be forgotten. I hope this sets a precedent - not just for such a major tragedy. Every woman who is murdered by her partner should be accorded this same level of respect and acknowledgement.
Patricia Dunn, Gerringong
Lucky for some
Others and I may never have had it so good (Letters, February 27), but the classes of people quoted by your correspondent and the poor, the marginalised and the homeless have never had it so bad. You only need to look at the work of the welfare agencies, employment agencies, charities and government statistics to know that something is not right. As St Paul said: "There but for the grace of God, go I." Sev Milazzo, Maroubra
Back to basics
How does it happen in this supposedly whizz-bang age of computing that people are underpaid (Letters, February 27)? We should go back to pay slips, with cash, and reintroduce bank books. Genevieve Milton, Newtown
Sooo last century
We know we are getting old when we read of "rules stuck in the 20th century" ( ''Commercial stations increase pressure to scrap children's quotas'', February 27). John Dawson, North Parramatta
If the commercial stations are not getting viewers for their programs perhaps they should look at the quality of what they are producing. You cannot produce poor quality for children. They and parents are a very discerning audience and deserve the best. Augusta Monro, Dural
All in this together
I can only presume that correspondent is joking when her response to what she perceives to be the evils of globalisation is "Brexit anyone?" The natural response to that is "North Korea anyone?" In reality, earth is only a tiny speck in the vast ocean of space and we're all in this together whether we like it or not (Letters, February 27). Andrew Kanachowski, Darlinghurst
And what exactly do you propose the alternative to be? Tom McGinness, Randwick
Just sharing
By nicking off, that baboon destined for snicking off, was surely demonstrating a 98 per cent sharing of his DNA with human males (Letters, February 27). Trevor Somerville, Illawong
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