

This was published 4 years ago

PM finally puts science before politics

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding Credit:

I’m not usually a fan, but well done to Scott Morrison for taking action to contain the COVID-19 virus and getting ahead of the game (''Virus emergency plan activated'', February 26). The government has obviously learned a few lessons from its inept response to the bushfires. Oh, and a serious outbreak might kill tens of thousands.

The PM has listened to the experts, devised a comprehensive response based on the science, even though it may cause problems in the short-term. I wonder how he got it through the Coalition party room and the National (and many Liberal) troglodytes who ignore science and experts? Surely they believe it isn’t happening, and if it is it’s carried by humans and we are such a small country and our worldwide contribution so small that it's not significant - so we should do nothing. Ian Morris, Strathfield

The government has activated its emergency response plan to the coronavirus. I hope they ran the science by Craig Kelly first and got his okay.  Bill Gillis, Hallidays Point

I think we have now moved beyond containment of COVID-19. Now the expeditious development of a vaccine is our best chance at reducing casualties. At least the government is listening to the experts on this issue. Denis Goodwin, Dee Why

The Prime Minister says that no one could have foreseen the coronavirus, yet within a month plans have been drawn up to deal with varying levels of the emergency. This is a truly remarkable response and congratulations for heeding the advice of the experts. However, the same PM has ignored the advice of experts in climate science who have called on action for decades. What is true for one crisis is surely true for another. Manuela Epstein, Pyrmont

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

The fact that the PM is taking responsibility for containing the coronavirus is considerably more worrying than the prospects of a pandemic. I hope he improves on the fire response. Michael Payne, West Pymble

The news that the PM will take charge in the event of a pandemic should make us all think; where will he go for his holiday this time? Warren Nicholls, East Blaxland

I’m very glad someone gave the federal government a blueprint to follow. Imagine if they had been left to their own devices - like the recent bushfires. Meredith Anderson, Macmasters Beach


Now that we have major coronavirus outbreaks in countries such as South Korea, Iran and Italy, is our government going to send planes to bring back any Australian citizens who happen to be there? Victoria Heffernan, Walcha

It's not only hygiene but also manners, friendliness and security (Letters, February 26). For example, in airport terminals immigration fingerprinting devices should be wiped after each use. Instead of handshakes, gentle knuckle-knocks, and how about a photo-badge worn near one’s face mask so we recognise each other? Let's have more friendly greetings and expressions of gratitude - and eat out at Chinese restaurants. Margaret Hogge, North Curl Curl

For those you have pushed for a “one world” - this is what you get with globalisation: spread of infectious disease, an economy that responds to international markets, reliance on overseas students to prop up universities, foreign ownership. Brexit anyone?  Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill 

Free of politics, Turnbull can speak climate truth

It is such a pity that citizen Malcolm Turnbull was not able to convince his colleagues of the virtues of a net emissions target by 2050 when he was in office (''Turnbull shows zero patience with former party emissions'', February 26). It is now easy to make speeches and statements that are clearly, not only sensible and correct, with respect to climate change. Unfortunately ex-PM Turnbull lacked the political muscle to win over in the Canberra bubble. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Turnbull has pulled Scott Morrison’s knife out of his own back and retaliated with a masterly jab. Keep it coming, Malcolm. Julius Timmerman, Lawson

Whenever the Labor Party and others want to aim for zero emissions, the Coalition comes out with loss of jobs as the reason against doing anything (Letters, February 26). We have lost thousands of jobs over the years and the government allowed it to happen. Why should it be any different with the coal mining industry? Like all the others who were made redundant, they will have to find alternative employment. Perhaps the renewable energy sector could become a new major employer. What's better, saving jobs and destroying our environment or losing some jobs and saving it? Sandy Mackenzie, Bundanoon

Your correspondent is right when she asks what it will cost to do nothing. The onus always seems to be put on those advocating ambitious targets to provide the cost, not only of their own plans, but also the more difficult to cost economic and environmental price of a business-as-usual approach. Instead of just letting them bleat about how expensive action is going to be, it’s time to put the heavies on the do-nothings to tell us the comparative economic and environmental cost of their business-as-usual alternative. Fact-checked, of course. Mark Fraser, Randwick

The decision by the Norwegian energy company Equinor to abandon plans to explore the Great Australian Bight for oil reserves is good news indeed (''Dumped: plan to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight'', February 26). It is now patent that raising subterranean substances to the earth’s surface and then burning them has never been safe. In fact we have ample evidence now that the continuation of this activity is becoming dangerous. Julian Bowditch, Croydon

Frank Jotzo points out that “the new investment is invariably in wind and solar plants” (“The end of coal can be managed or messy”, February 26). These are well suited to regional areas, which can provide an immediate energy cost advantage over Sydney. Providing regional areas with direct rail access to a container port is a profound stimulus to regional economic development. Greg Cameron, Wamboin

Wealthy nation where the poor suffer

Ross Gittins provides the evidence that for all our woes Australians live in a wealthy country (''The bright side of our economy'', February 26).

Why then are we so reluctant to share that wealth? Why is there so little political will to pay those struggling on Newstart an allowance that would allow them to live with dignity? Why are there so many cases before the courts of workers fighting for wage justice? Is it simply greed that allows so many of us who are well off to ignore the plight of those locked in poverty? Surely sharing the wealth of our country would improve the wellbeing of all Australians and it could provide the stimulus our economy needs. Ray Morgan, Maroubra

Finally someone has acknowledged that Australians are better off than previous generations. Gittins’ article should be essential reading for every university student, school child, millennial and Gen Z person. For that matter, it it should be read twice by every journalist, academic, teacher and social justice warrior who regularly indulge in the “group think” fake news that things have never been tougher. Riley Brown, Bondi Beach

In reading Gittins' paean to the economy one has to wonder if he is damning with faint praise or has fallen for the common notion that if most of us are better off, we all prosper. On the Central Coast, many people don't have a safe place to live, can't find a job and have lost hope for a better life. Early in the morning you can see them wandering around, lost and wondering what is going to happen next. It is heart-breaking and no amount of pie in the sky economics is going to help them. The only solution is concerted action by local, state and federal governments to provide the basic necessities of life for all of us. It is not happening now. Chris Moe, Bensville

On the right track

Before Infrastructure Australia even considers building a new rail line to Canberra it should prioritise the upgrade of the Sydney to Melbourne route, which is much more highly patronised and has been neglected for many years ("Agency targets faster Canberra rail", February 26). Peter Mahoney, Oatley

Going underground

How good is infrastructure ( “Fires show infrastructure ‘needs bolstering’”, February 26)? Instead of favouring driverless trains and private toll roads with unfiltered exhaust stacks, how about making a priority of putting underground the overhead power and telecom cables?

The arboreal and aesthetic benefits, fewer poles for cars to crash into, and the improved safety during extreme weather conditions mean that a progressive implementation of under-grounding would be a good use of infrastructure spending. Evan Bailey, Glebe

End this gong show

When Bettina Arndt barged in to exploit the Brisbane family slaughter, she went too far (''Senate condemns men's advocate Arndt amid calls to strip her of AM'', February 26). Even Kerrie-Anne Kennerley is appalled. I’m confident Arndt will lose the gong. It’s meant to be for “outstanding service" to the community – not yourself. But how did we get to here ? Who found it politically “amusing” to nominate an out-and-proud career apologist for female deference and male violence? How could that nomination get past a council including our former Sex Discrimination Commissioner? Why would the council chair pass the nomination to the governor-general? Why was it endorsed? These two men should come clean about what they were thinking and what they think now. Stephen Saunders, O’Connor ACT

Arndt’s comments were injudicious to say the least but attempts to strip her of the Australia Day honour is beyond the pale and goes a long way to explaining why liberal democracy is under threat. George Fishman, Vaucluse

TAFE's time is here

Are we expected to have such short memories ("Private sector to play bigger role in TAFE”, February 26)? The last experiment in letting private providers compete with TAFE ended in disaster for many students and harm to TAFE. Chilling words from the Premier “if industry also wants to be involved in new courses, we would be open to that”. Now is the time for TAFE to flourish, not be sidelined. Much of Australia needs re-building and re-planting and many young people in country areas need work. Surely re-invigorating TAFE in rural areas would mean the skills needed for renewal could be developed and young people find a secure future. Better than stop-gap measures of using back-packers. Judy Sherrington, Kensington

Victims of war

The editorial gives an honest and balanced picture of what needs to be achieved (''War crimes report needs to bring closure to veterans", February 26). The nature of the war was ill defined and outcomes vague. Many of our soldiers involved in the conflict have mental scars which will never heal. Their families and partners have a lifetime burden. Life and death decisions had to be made under difficult circumstances. Hopefully we can assist this healing process by skilful counselling and adequate financial support. Bill McMahon, Lennox Head

Older and wiser

Caitlin Fitzsimmons’ article should really be titled: “The experience (in older workers) employers don’t know they have” (“The rights older workers don’t know they have”, February 26).

The valuable, untapped resource of experience and “corporate“ knowledge, which can be shared with “younger” employees – who can benefit from and also build upon that accumulated wisdom and experience – is often overlooked by supervisors/employers who cannot see that self-evident fact, beguiled and blinded, as they are, by the shimmering, but empty promises of “perception”. Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga

Winning ways

The erstwhile founder, captain/coach of the renowned Gallagher’s Internationals, Mick Gallagher would be disheartened by correspondent Col Shephard’s news of "chalking up a lot more losses than wins”. Mick led his team to the finals in 1968 and 1969 for his Page College, Armidale, team (Letters, February 26). Bob Warren, Forster

The great escape

Please, please, no puns about the three baboons on the loose around RPA Hospital being mistaken for a bunch of politicians arriving to make some health announcement (“Baboon break: giving the slip to avoid the snip”, February 26). Joan Brown, Orange

If baboons could read, I’m sure they would be offended by the NSW Health Minister’s statement that ''they were behaving far better than we would expect of baboons”. Bruce Maiden, Castle Hill

So they hung out in a "quiet location". It is quite obvious then, without the need of too much research, that buffoons can learn a lot from these baboons; common sense being one. Bernadette Scadden, Earlwood

Mrs M: "Any last requests before the operation dear?" Me: "Yes, two females, just to keep me calm." Mrs M: "Oh, don't be such a baboon." George Manojlovic, Mangerton

A slip in time saves mine. Geoffrey Williamson, Woollahra

More baboon stories please. They take our minds off the antics of so-called homo sapiens. John Flint, St Leonards

Alive and kicking

Name in the Herald (Letters, February 26)? But not in the death notices or anything by Kate McClymont. Michael Size, Allambie Heights

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