

This was published 4 years ago


The workplace right older workers don’t know they have

If you’re 55 and over, there’s a workplace right you might not even know you have.

Most people know that parents have the right to request flexible work if they are caring for a child school-aged or younger.

But the Fair Work Act also extends this right – with certain conditions – to other groups of people: carers, people with a disability, anyone experiencing family violence ... and people aged 55 and over.

A quarter of Australians view age as the biggest opportunity hurdle, followed by financial status and a difficult jobs market, a LinkedIn survey found.

A quarter of Australians view age as the biggest opportunity hurdle, followed by financial status and a difficult jobs market, a LinkedIn survey found. Credit: Getty

Now, I believe that workplace flexibility should be offered to all employees if possible. We all have lives outside of work and offering the benefit to everyone inspires inclusivity and collegiality.

But the legal right to request flexibility – which can only be refused on reasonable business grounds – is given to particular groups because it’s needed to foster good social outcomes and encourage workforce participation.

So why do 55s-and-over need it and how can they use it strategically? Consider this. What age are you going to retire and what do you mean by "retire" anyway?

Working full time until your 65th birthday and then stopping work one Friday afternoon, never to return, is no longer what retirement looks like for most people. It’s also one of the worst things you can do for your mental health.

Physically demanding jobs are hard to sustain past retirement age.

Physically demanding jobs are hard to sustain past retirement age.

Too much work is bad for your health – it keeps you sedentary and stressed and stops you ticking off life dreams outside of work. But too little work isn’t great either.


A number of studies show that work – in moderation – boosts your mental wellness, giving purpose and structure to your day and alleviating loneliness.

Working is also financially beneficial, an important consideration given the longevity factor. Australians have an average life expectancy in their 80s but some people will die relatively young, while others live past 100. I don’t need to look any further than my own family to see the truth of that – both my grandfathers died young and my grandmothers are now in their 90s.

Many Baby Boomers are wealthy but many are not. There is a safety net in the form of the age pension but many people rely on their personal funds too and fear it will run dry too soon.

I don’t buy into the fearmongering by superannuation funds by the way – they’re talking their own book because they want more funds under management. As the Grattan Institute has pointed out, the super industry definition of a "comfortable lifestyle" in retirement is far more comfortable than most people experience in their working lives when they are paying tax, paying for housing and possibly bringing up children.

But plenty of older workers could find they don’t have enough saved to fund what they consider to be a comfortable lifestyle. The age pension is not exactly generous and many people will run the numbers and decide they want to keep working beyond retirement age.

Another bogeyman is structural changes in your industry could leave you out of a job sooner than you planned. Age discrimination is real and the unfortunate truth is that being unemployed and job-hunting in your late 50s or 60s is usually a dispiriting exercise.


Or perhaps you simply fancy the idea of  a "portfolio career" in retirement – a bit of this, a bit of that, using your skills, experience and contacts in new ways, consulting, coaching and controlling your hours, but nothing too arduous. You need to start planning much earlier than you think.

In fact, I was given a rather confronting piece of advice the other day, when speaking to Sarah Cotton, an organisational psychologist at Transitioning Well. She told me you need to start in your 40s. Yikes, that’s me!

She said the workplace right for 55-year-olds and over to request flexibility is designed to allow a transition to retirement, rather than a sudden stop, but most older workers don't know about it.

People aged 55 and over might need flexibility to stay on top of their health, or care for an elderly parent, or do volunteer work. But equally, they can use it strategically to prepare for a second career or careers.


Of course, there’s always the gig economy – PR people often pitch me stories about how Baby Boomer retirees are using the gig economy to supplement their retirement income. They say it like it’s a good thing, yet every ride-share driver I ever meet tells me how little money they make after running costs, tax and the platform’s cut.

Working on the non-retirement retirement plan a little earlier in your career will ensure you have other options.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is a senior writer for The Sun-Herald and a regular columnist on our lives at work.

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