

This was published 4 years ago

Kirby says religious discrimination laws a 'weapon against non-believers'

By Judith Ireland

Former High Court judge Michael Kirby has warned new religious discrimination laws would support Australians of faith to use "religious belief as a weapon against non-believers" and lead to a rise in anti-religious hostility.

Mr Kirby, who is an Anglican, said the Morrison government's second draft religious discrimination bill would mean all Australians "could be worse off on grounds of religious belief if this bill goes through".

Former High Court judge Michael Kirby says the Morrison's government's second draft of its religious discrimination bill has "failed".

Former High Court judge Michael Kirby says the Morrison's government's second draft of its religious discrimination bill has "failed". Credit: Janie Barrett

"This is not a bill that protects Australians from discrimination on religious grounds. Instead, it
actively facilitates intolerance and will work to divide rather than unite Australians," he wrote in an opinion piece for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Public submissions on the second draft closed at the end of January. The bill is yet to be introduced to Federal Parliament.

"While the government's first draft was seriously unbalanced with the capacity to sustain a toxic atmosphere of nastiness and hostility, the second draft has swung the pendulum even further to support those who use religious belief as a weapon against non-believers," Mr Kirby said.


According to the Attorney-General's Department, the religious discrimination bill would make it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of religious belief or activity in key areas of public life, such as education, employment, sport and goods and services.

Mr Kirby expressed concern the bill would override existing anti-discrimination laws, adding doctors, nurses and pharmacists would be "empowered" to deny treatment to people who did not share their religious belief.

He also warned that a religious school could, for example, refuse to hire a gardener unless they produced a reference from a priest as evidence of their faith.


"I am not someone who has abandoned my religious beliefs. I remain an Anglican. But I am deeply concerned at the potential impact of these laws," Mr Kirby said.

Attorney-General Christian Porter said the bill "simply says ordinary Australians should not be discriminated against because of their religion – or lack thereof – as they go about their everyday lives".

"Part of that is the idea that you don't break the law by explaining what you believe, but only if you do it in an ordinary, decent way."

Mr Porter said this is why there is "very tight ring-fencing around the protections for statements of belief".

"They make clear there is no protection for words that are malicious or said in bad faith, or which are not anchored in religious doctrine. You are not protected for statements that harass, vilify, threaten, seriously intimidate, or urge the commission of serious offence."

Mr Kirby is a patron of the Rationalist Society of Australia, which has formed an alliance against the bill with other "free-thought" organisations, including the Atheist Foundation of Australia and the Council of Australian Humanist Societies.


Mr Kirby's concerns echo those of the 13-member Australian Discrimination Law Experts Group. In its submission on the second draft of the bill, it said the wide definition of "statements of belief" means current unlawful acts of discrimination would "likely become lawful if based on religious belief".

The former High Court judge's intervention also follows a string a high-profile critiques of the second draft of the bill from community, business and religious groups. The Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Australian Industry Group wrote to Mr Porter, saying the current bill was "confusing, inappropriate and unfair", while the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne said it would allow discrimination in healthcare.

A coalition of religious leaders, who threatened in November to withdraw their support for the bill unless greater freedoms were granted for Australians of faith, recently wrote to Prime Minister Scott Morrison in response to the second draft.

Sources close to the group say the letter suggests further refinements to the bill but does not contemplate abandoning the process.

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