

This was published 3 years ago

Phoney phonics 'war' fails to fathom learning truths

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

For Minister of Education Sarah Mitchell to frame reading as a "war" and a phonic test as the winning weapon is a retrograde step and a distraction from the real importance of giving all students equal access to information, enjoyment and opportunity ("It's over, phonics has won reading war", November 30). The consensus is that teachers need a range of strategies to teach reading, including phonics, and that good stories are at the start and heart of that process, or why else would anyone want to learn to read? As a former English teacher and manager of English for the NSW Department of Education, I don't know who wrote the minister's briefing but they left out the best bits: make wonderful stories the centre of your classroom and use valid, school-tested research to inform your judgment to get all those different students engaged and excited by reading and writing. - Deb McPherson, Gerringong

I watched with fascination as my four-year-old granddaughter phonetically sounded out the words in her reading book and uncovered the joys of literature. I also noticed how thanks to phonetics she was quickly able to fill in the gaps in sentences that have a number of so-called

"camera" or irregular words that can't be decoded phonetically. It is clear that ability to read and understand is a combination of phonetics and whole-word recognition and the reading war between proponents and opponents of both is a time-wasting and pernickety exercise. - Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

There never was a "war" until ideologues such as the minister began to raise a false binary – phonics or no phonics – for the acquisition of reading skills. To just focus on and test phonics, one of a huge range of reading skills, at such an early age – particularly if the test involves nonsense words – is detrimental, not helpful. Mass testing conceals the fact that most public schools are disadvantaged in their lack of resources for delivery of individualised learning programs for those students who take longer, or are challenged more, by learning to read. - Vanessa Tennent, Oatley

Illustration by John Shakespeare

Illustration by John ShakespeareCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

Comparing people who believe that the whole-language approach to teaching reading with anti-vaxxers is disingenuous. I was a primary school teacher for 40 years and I know how important teaching phonics is in the reading process. I also know that teaching some children to read is really difficult and requires a number of strategies, including a systematic teaching of phonics and of phonemic awareness. - Christiaan Goudkamp, Murwillumbah

A one-size-fits-all approach to the teaching of reading, as advocated by the minister, is unlikely to promote the interests of all early readers. And no, Ms Mitchell, I'm not an anti-vaxxer. - Annette Johnson, Brighton Le Sands

The problem starts with "phonics", which sounds more like "fonix". - Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

I remember being surprised to discover when I worked in various unskilled jobs after arriving in Australia in 1960 how many of my co-workers were illiterate. Back then, phonics was the only method used to teach reading in NSW. - Norm Neill, Darlinghurst


Most educators were unaware that a fight was occurring because reading has always been taught in a balanced manner, in which phonics and meaning from context were complementary, not anti-thetical. - Trevor Somerville, Illawong

Sarah Mitchell says "phonics has won" the reading wars (November 30, 2020). Which phonics? Does she mean "intensive systematic phonics", teaching all the rules of phonics in a strict order to all students? There are strong arguments against this position. For instance, scholars have not even described all the rules of phonics. Many of the known rules, however, don't work very well. Studies also show that intensive phonics study pays off when reading tests only ask children to read lists of words out of context. Phonics knowledge does not contribute to comprehension. The real problem in the reading wars is that supporters of intensive systematic phonics have not studied the research, published in respectable academic journals and books. They are free to disagree but not to ignore. - Stephen Krashen, Professor Emeritus, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California

The Minister for Education is to be congratulated and applauded for her article. As a school principal of several large schools, prior to "retirement", and then as a Registered Psychologist/School Counsellor for a further sixteen years in government and non-government schools, I have seen, at first hand, the despair, disappointment and grief of children and parents as they have faced failure and loss of hope because of reading difficulties. In the vast majority of cases it wasn't the student's fault. But you couldn't always blame the teacher. Most weren't trained to teach phonics and were following a flawed methodology. The Minister is right to assert that we need to strengthen phonics programmes if we are to ensure children have a better chance to successfully read with accuracy and full understanding. - Dr Lyle Dudley Whan, Campbelltown

I was horrified to see our NSW Minister for Education use the abomination "get-go" in her opinion piece. Where did it come from? What's wrong with "beginning", or even "start" if she thinks "beginning" is too hard? - Judith Finney, Blackheath

If Minister Mitchell is so concerned about enforcing the phonics-heavy reading approach in public schools then she also needs to consider its likely consequences – the further reduction in students' exposure to quality literature. Under her watch, we have seen the continued erosion of both school libraries and the position of qualified teacher librarians. - Sharon McGuinness, Thirroul

We demand more than mediocrity

Amanda Vanstone thinks the McKinnon Prize, which recognises excellence in political leadership, should encourage us to decide what we want from our leaders (“Credit where it’s due at the top”, November 30). It’s abundantly clear what we want. We want honesty, integrity, vision, respect and protection for the forgotten members of society. We want an end to rorts, misuse of taxpayer funds, abuse of power and jobs for the boys. But apparently Amanda hasn’t been listening any more than they have. The things she claims we should appreciate more are simply what governments are elected to do. Just getting it right occasionally does not compensate for what we often witness — an appalling lack of ethics and morals. - Graham Lum, North Rocks

Vanstone should have read Jacqueline Maley's piece ("The enduring motto of the Morrison era: never resign", Sun-Herald, November 29). The former asserts that our country enjoys great political leadership, with leaders who make strong decisions and who "listen to community sentiment’’. But Maley gives numerous examples where our leaders’ actions and inactions have clearly failed the pub test, as your correspondents assert (Letters, November 30). - Tom Meakin, Port Macquarie

Forget the pub test; these days, Gladys doesn't pass the Qantas Chairman's Lounge test. - John Bailey, Canterbury

Following suit

I really can't see what all the fuss is about if a council spends more on a block of land that it is valued at ("Council spending under fire", November 30). It's quite in keeping with the ethics and behaviour of the current government in NSW. - Keith Murray, Thornleigh

Same as it ever was

I prefer truth to lies or cover-ups – you know where you stand. I had a long career in local government, and for many years I had to prepare annual grant applications. Regardless of the quality of the application, the outcome could be fairly accurately predicted. If Labor was in power, most grants would go to Labor-held councils; if the Liberals held the reins of government, Liberal councils would be the winners. It was also important to predict the flavour of the year to steer the application towards the projects that would make good news stories. So, thanks, Premier, for telling it as it is — "always was, always will be". - Nora Hinchen, St Leonards

Feed the watchdog

Indeed, adequate funding of the Auditor-General’s office should not be subject to political whims ("Labor wants PM’s hands off audit office", November 30). It is an investment, not so much a cost. An effective watchdog greatly helps to scrutinise and uncover financial scandals often occurring in government and public agencies. - Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

State addicted to gambling

Both the minister responsible for gambling and the chair of the NSW Liquor and Gambling Authority acknowledged the magnitude and seriousness of criminality associated with laundering the proceeds of crime through poker machines owned by licensed premises and a casino ("Large rise in money 'washed' through pokies", November 30). If the crime is so well-known and widespread, why haven’t successive governments effectively intervened with decisive police action to address the criminality at its source, rather than relying on a proposed cashless gambling card that will unlikely prevent or reduce high levels of gambling addiction? - Tony Brown, Newcastle

Net zero the only goal

While any reduction in emissions is good news (“Pandemic’s restrictions cut emissions”, November 30) let’s not forget we are still adding excess CO2 to the atmosphere, making climate change worse. It’s like an obese person celebrating the fact they are only putting on 5 kilos a month, because previously they were putting on 6 kilos a month. That’s why “net zero” targets are so important. Only then will we have reached the point where we have finally stopped making things worse. It’s a very long road ahead. - Brendan Jones, Annandale

Seeing red over lack of green

Thelma Frost (Letters, November 30) wonders why we continue to chop down so many trees in our very hot climate. The answer could not be simpler. It is to keep costs low for the housing developers and to widen roads so more commuters in cars can travel to their air-conditioned boxes. Yes, these activities create jobs, but the absence of any intelligence operating on a political level is plain to see as you travel from Sydney down the south coast – masses of large houses on small blocks with not a tree to be seen with the excavation and unnecessary expansion of roads scarring the once beautiful agricultural land and green vistas. To be kind, perhaps these politicians are not aware they can actually mandate conditions for developers. - Lyndall Nelson, South Turramurra

Avenue of broken dreams

Rob Stokes is right ("From scar to star: chance to heal a Sydney artery", November 30). Parramatta Road could work as an active transport, tree-lined avenue. A bike super-highway with light rail and shade. More people will venture to the businesses and cafes than ever got there by car on a noisy, hot and polluted clearway. - Mora Main, Waverley

Birpai greetings

A number of people quoted in Helen Pitt’s report ("Language of the Lands", November 28-29) remind us that the use of Indigenous place names can be an important starting point for respecting, understanding and appreciating Indigenous languages and cultures. And your correspondent Glenys Quirk (Letters, November 30) suggests installing road signs advising which country you're entering as a way to help. Australia Post is recognising original names in postal addresses. Perhaps the Herald could also include Indigenous country names in its letters pages. - Tom Ledden, Port Macquarie, Birpai Country

Give me reason

Politicians, especially leaders, take note: “Everyone does it” is an excuse, not a reason ("Patching over our culture problem", November 30). Parents and teachers discuss this with children from a very early age. As we mature we understand that reasoned debate is the answer to making choices and compromise. I find it unbelievable that every time the issue of sexism in Canberra is raised, it’s quickly rushed past, then forgotten. We are still waiting for action on climate change and a federal ICAC. Show us reasoned debate in these three issues so we can believe and trust politicians are working for the good of all citizens. - Bea Hodgson, Gerringong

A real demolition job

Taking the government to task on its faux-discussion about both architectural merit and the need to conserve existing building stock is timely for the historic town of Murrurundi ("You're half right, Dom. Now to my demolition job on you", November 28-29). Not content with building a new hospital that has all the welcoming and healing presence of an industrial unit it now intends to demolish the distinguished existing 100-year old building – for a car park! Its architect, George McRae, also designed the Queen Victoria Building, itself once cited for demolition on similar fallacious arguments of deterioration, costs of maintenance and parking needs. The existing building was constructed during the hard times of World War I with support by the local community on donated land. The local community is again willing to step up to the mark and assist in providing additional health-related activities. Demolition would be grossly disrespectful of both these past and present community initiatives. The existing Wilson Memorial Hospital building goes well with the many other equally distinguished buildings in Murrurundi which have been retained and which with little effort could together become an additional drawcard to the town and locality – to its economic benefit in these again hard times when such visitation is greatly needed.

Greg Paine, Erskineville

Home for Christmas

The PM said he wants citizens wanting to return to be home by Christmas. The government said lack of quarantine facilities limited citizens returning so they opened up Howard Springs to increase the numbers able to return. Now I see they are taking up 70 places at Howard Springs with overseas students for Charles Darwin University, and the university is paying for quarantine. How is this acceptable when 35,000 citizens are really struggling to come home? - Craig Duckmanton, Birchgrove

Crass wharf-fare

It is mind numbing to think any NSW government would consider dumping Sydney’s Manly ferries (Letters, November 30). If it’s all about cost, then raise the fare. Everyone knows a trip on the Manly ferry is a bargain, and the most relaxed way to capture Sydney’s sublime essence. It isn’t all about speed. The Society of American Travel Writers ranks the Manly ferry trip in the top 10 ferry rides in the world. Let’s hope they never have to rate a trip on an Emerald “crass” class ferry. - John Matyear, Kiama

Makes perfect sense. The scuttling of ferries off the NSW coast more than makes up for the deregulation of marine sanctuaries along said same coast (Letters, November 30). Perhaps the resulting wreck reefs could be named the Marshall-Constance seamounts. - Steve Dillon, Thirroul

Duel in the crown

Yes, The Crown is fiction but then, the royal family is a fantasy ("Fact or fiction? British government says The Crown should be clear",, November 30). Not sure who wins that epistemological poo fight. - Keith Russell, Mayfield West

If The Crown needs a disclaimer that it’s a work of fiction, then surely so, too, does the royal coverage in the tabloid press. - Peter Fyfe, Enmore

The Clinton years: Socks, sax, sex

Much has been said about the Clintons, but I am appalled to discover that they had a cat with white feet and had so little imagination that they named it Socks ("Biden cat to end 12-year pause in history", November 30). - Barbara Rogers, Freshwater

The Bidens want a cat in the White House? Now that’s my kind of president. - Della Strathen, Bowral

Fly Tie Airways

I was delighted to learn of the wonderful initiative of employing clip-on ties as an anti-hijacking measure (Letters, November 30). Clearly, it works — not one of the three hijackings of Australian aircraft in the past 60 years has involved the strangulation of flight crew by necktie. - Bruce Hulbert, Lilyfield

Sound the Trumpets

Recently I heard someone say “he is doing a Trump”. So I nominate “Trump” for the word of the year. There is so much conveyed in that one word. - Graham Russell, Clovelly

The Digital View

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
"Fantasy and failure: Trump’s quest to steal the election". From Middle aged and cynical: ‘‘Damn those Democrats, they cheated by influencing the voters to believe that Joe Biden would be a better president of the USA than Donald Trump. Where do they get off?’’

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