

This was published 3 years ago


Surprise, dear Treasurer! I agree with half your hit-list of ugly buildings. Now for my demolition job on you

Children, children. Please! It’s not about icons. State Treasurer Dom Perrottet and Planning Minister Rob Stokes – apparently we’re all one-syllable chums now – can have their cute little back-row bromance, architectural icons at 50 paces. I’ll trade you my demolition jape for your friendly insult. But Dom’s little listicle of 10 pet hates he'd bulldoze cuts no ice. Nor, indeed, do Stokes’ retaliatory gems.

Buildings I'd bulldoze: Treasurer Dominic Perrottet

Buildings I'd bulldoze: Treasurer Dominic PerrottetCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

Glorious cities are not just collections of icons. You don’t beautify things by demolishing your latest irritation, be it Blues Point Tower or the Sydney Aquarium. Such demolition whimsies are dangerous – especially when, as shown by Perrottet’s pirouette over White Bay power station, this week’s pet peeve might be next week’s greatest amour.

NSW Government Architect Abbie Galvin is grateful that anyone’s talking about architecture at all. “We should be thanking” the Treasurer, she says, for encouraging public debate. That’s understandable, if a little sad. And even from so low-level a "debate" – if this public exchange warrants the title – some insight can be gleaned. But in truth, Sydney’s current self-destructive bent is due in large part to the idea that a city comprises lumps of built significance – icons – set in an aspic of ugly.

This particular solipsism, fostered by a driving lifestyle and therefore held by virtually all ministers, undermines even the loveliest of cities. And yes, Sydney, in its fine yet crooked little heart, is one of those.


Back to the Rob-and-Dom show. Of the two, Rob is clearly better advised. Dom’s hate-list aims hard venom at soft targets. Populist to the core, he proposes to demolish buildings he thinks everyone already hates. Two public housing developments, two Seidler towers, a Philip Cox (the Aquarium), Michael Dysart’s much-maligned UTS Tower (whose ground floor atrium was a very handsome public space until the university got neurotic and flossied it up), some minor post-war additions and, naturally, what the comrades call “Joe’s Road”, the 1957 Cahill Expressway. Basically, Dom hates anything Modernist, Brutalist or socialist.

Rob is more sophisticated (rather a liability for a neo-Lib), making his a love-list not a hit-list and passing it first through the collective design-mind. From fine colonial (Greenway’s St James’ Church and Macquarie Street Mint, beautifully adapted by Richard Francis Jones, John Verge’s Elizabeth Bay House, William Hardy Wilson’s lovely Eryldene) he moves through mid-century modern (John James’ Readers Digest Building in Surry Hills) to Angelo Candelapas’ handsome Punchbowl mosque and the ugly but ethically acceptable timber-structured EY building by FJMT. Something for everyone.

Perhaps surprisingly, I agree with roughly half of each list. I've always thought Federation Square clumsy and faux-intellectual, and wouldn’t especially grieve over Blues Point Tower, the aquarium or the Hospital Road annexe. The Cahill Expressway, although ugly, is fun to drive across and perhaps the world’s most exhilarating rail station. Equally, it would make a fine aerial park, a la the High Line in New York – and Perrottet should know that the 1964 Reserve Bank Building, however austere, is neither brutal nor Brutalist but a serene and gentlemanly exemplar of its type. Of Stokes’ gems, all the old buildings and most of the new ones (excepting EY) are also pretty good.

But by their omissions shall ye know them. Neither list, nor the discussion, credits the architects. Why not? We wouldn’t talk about the sunflowers without mentioning van Gogh or The Handmaid’s Tale without acknowledging Atwood. So why is it OK to have entire public “debates” about architecture with no recognition either of the formative ideas or the minds from which they sprang?


Ideas are everything. Here Perrottet is on very thin ground. He rails against “utilitarianism” but proudly drives motorways through entire neighbourhoods in order, he told a 2017 Infrastructure Partnerships Australia conference, to “help small business get product faster to market”. He slams “ideology” and promotes “beauty” but shamelessly flogs as “asset recycling” our finest public treasures – selling James Barnet’s breathtaking Lands Department building, with its glorious domed and tiered plan-room, and more than 200 noble terrace houses in Millers Point.

Attacking utility, Perrottet invokes the philosopher, aesthetician, writer, theologian and arch Tory Roger Scruton. Unlike Perrottet, Scruton was a true conservative. He wanted to conserve things: the social order (patriarchy, monarchy and papism), which is of course repugnant, but also canons of beauty, traditions of thought, grand institutions and, of course, buildings.

Dom quotes Scruton opposing “utility” as a dominant design determinant – for which very reason Scruton would never have countenanced “asset recycling” or such horrors as WestConnex, the Northern Beaches link or the current proposal to drive a dual carriageway from Lithgow to Katoomba, threatening the Explorer’s Tree on Pulpit Hill.

Here Scruton’s understanding of beauty, developed over a lifetime of books and lectures, comes into play. Whether in people, nature or buildings, Scruton argued, beauty is the sacred incarnate. It’s a love thing, a “reaching through the tissue of objects to the thing that they mean … finding subjectivity enfolded in the world around us”.


Beauty invites us to relate to our buildings and cities not object-to-object but subject-to-subject, open to the meaning behind the facade. This immediately takes the emphasis off the building as object – from Dom’s listicle to Packer’s Pecker – and puts it back where it belongs, on the spaces between, where we the citizens create our collective meaning.

Certainly, governments should preserve and, if they’re up to it, produce icons. By all means, build and protect theatres, museums, opera houses. More importantly though, they must champion the theatres of our collective civic life: the streets and squares, parks and porticoes of public pleasure, curiosity, anger and dissent.

“In a world wounded by ugliness and misery, beauty is what we yearn to find and, better still, create,” says Dom. I mean yes, absolutely. Yet every new motorway project, every relinquishment of control to a developer, every sale of public land or assets, every removal of (already weak) environmental or heritage protections to speed approvals and every destruction of a Willow Grove or a Powerhouse stomps upon this yearning with brute hobnail boots.

Elizabeth Farrelly's book Killing Sydney is due out on January 26.


An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the Reserve Bank Building was built in 1934.

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