

This was published 3 years ago


Morrison should heed his own advice - and fix his culture problem

Since ABC's Four Corners broadcast an episode exploring entrenched sexism in Parliament House, and more specifically within the Liberal Party, male politicians have said very, very, very little about it.

Ordinarily, the task of a columnist is to be topical. The episode in question was broadcast three weeks ago. It’s old news. But in this case that’s the point: every time the issue of sexism in Canberra is raised, it’s quickly rushed past, then forgotten (by men). Nothing happens.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison must work with Labor to address the culture problem in Canberra.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison must work with Labor to address the culture problem in Canberra.Credit: Joe Armao

The conversations I had immediately after the episode aired were divided (several women have noted this too). The men – yep, this is a generalisation, you’ll live – tended to say, "Well, where's the smoking gun?" They focused on the possibility of individual resignations, and, when these seemed unlikely, decided there wasn’t much to see. The women were more likely to view the program as a whole – the second half dealt with individuals while the first dealt with broader issues – and say, "We've seen this show before, and when women are saying these types of things about a workplace, then that's the tip of the iceberg: the culture is rotten."

This isn’t surprising. It happens in every environment: those who are not adversely affected by a situation are less likely to think the situation is a problem. So it wasn’t surprising, either, when the Prime Minister, in his comments immediately afterwards, barely touched on the broader culture. Instead, he focused on saying his ministers hadn’t committed a sacking offence; that the ban on sex between ministers and their staff was good; on the principle (noble, but hopelessly vague) that everyone should feel comfortable in their workplace; and the fact that Four Corners hadn’t spent more time on Labor.

Each of these is at least arguable, and we could spend time arguing over them, except that this is what always happens. Someone finds a way to drag us into another debate, as we miss yet another opportunity to debate the actual thing that matters, which is the sexism. Some former female staffers knew the moment they saw the show that nothing would happen, because there wasn’t a crime at its centre. (Of course, if there had been a crime at its centre, this would have become an excuse as well, to ignore everything except the crime.)

This is awful, because the issues around sex itself, while hugely significant, are only one part of an intractable problem, in both state and federal politics. Female staff are often treated with less respect. There are blokes’ clubs, and blokes’ jokes. There’s no pathway back after pregnancy; women with children are asked why they aren’t looking after their kids. They are overlooked for jobs they clearly deserve. These things happen everywhere, but women are often surprised, when they leave politics to work in business, at just how much they had to put up with in their old lives.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

I have been struck, recently, by the reporting on the atrocities alleged to have been committed by our troops in Afghanistan: specifically, by the suggestion that the rotten culture had been there for some time. There were warning signs; those signs were not given sufficient attention. And I was interested, too, in the Prime Minister’s comments on Friday that there should be accountability not only for individual acts, but also for those in the chain of command who had responsibility.

I am comparing very different things, I know, but there are three features in common. The first is that institutional culture is very difficult to change. The second is that, when a culture is left to fester, a disaster, eventually, is inevitable. The third is precisely what the Prime Minister implied: a culture cannot be fixed at an individual level. Change must come from the top.


It is likely Scott Morrison thinks he is delivering just that, by saying that his ministers know his standards. But we are not talking only about ministers; nor are we only talking about the narrow rule involving ministers and their staff. The idea that Morrison is some mystical leader who can change entire cultures by his mere presence ignores the way that culture works. And Morrison is no doubt right when he says there are similar issues in Labor (though Labor has done a much better job of increasing its number of female MPs). But if there are similar issues on both sides – and there are – then the answer isn’t to say, "we all do it, let’s leave it alone". It means the parties should work together to fix the problem, in all its forms.


Morrison could do this. He has more women in his cabinet than any previous prime minister. When a preselection came up for a byelection, early in his first term, he backed a woman. While he has been leader, the Liberal Party has adopted a new code of conduct (though it has been severely criticised). Acting in any meaningful way, though, would risk upsetting his colleagues, something Morrison, for all the talk of his authority within the party, reflexively avoids.

Nothing I’ve said here is original. Women have made these points for years – some in the past few weeks, like those who featured on Four Corners, as well as my former colleagues Maggie Lloyd and Fiona Sugden, or the journalist Angela Pippos. Right now, a man leads the Liberal Party, and a man leads the Labor Party. It’s time for them to listen – properly – and act.

Sean Kelly is a columnist for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald and a former adviser to Labor prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.

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