

This was published 3 years ago

Of course, close golf clubs: developers might chip in

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

This rant against golf will be music to the ears of our rapacious developers ("Give golf the boot: there's no space for a sport that offers so little to so few", December 15). A piece of public foreshore or park has only a loosely organised public to defend it. Not so a golf club whose membership is organised and motivated to repel government and developer attempts to convert more green spaces into high-density apartment zones. And does the problem of inadequate green space not come from poor decisions by state government in the first place? Michael Britt, Macmasters Beach

Councils have been stealing land off golfers for years. It does not matter that the land would never be there except for the efforts of golf clubs in the past. Recently there was a council attempt to reduce Marrickville Golf Club to nine holes. Marrickville Golf Club would not have been there if it hadn't been for the efforts of wharf labourer golfers reclaiming the land from its garbage dump origins around 1940. Otherwise it would probably now be factory sites. So much for "elitism" of golf. Stephen Wallace, Glebe

I am in complete agreement about city golf courses: shut them down. The demand for golf has nose dived, if the Blue Mountains is any guide. Lawson has been shut for years, Katoomba for the last few years. Does anybody care anymore? Nicholas Triggs, Katoomba

Closing a city's golf courses because of falling membership is like pulling down churches and
cathedrals because of dwindling congregations. Worse actually, because golf courses ensure green space. They are the lungs of a city. Close them and developers will put buildings on them. There is a case for opening existing golf courses to the walking public. Properly organised, there is no reason why golfers and walkers shouldn’t share the facility. David Ransom, Wangi Wangi

In the 1950s, the powers-that-be wanted to open the Long Reef headland to housing development. Thankfully, there was such an uproar that now instead of private houses and unit blocks there is a beautiful golf links where anyone can play for a modest fee and admire the spectacular vistas. Lyndall Nelson, South Turramurra

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Your writer appears OK with golf courses, provided the clubs adequately accommodate the needs of working women. Now that's an argument nearly all golf clubs will agree with. They're doing just that, albeit a bit slowly. So rather than argue to boot golf courses out of the cities because they aren't including women adequately, how about focusing on how and why the other recreation spaces have disappeared. Peter Graham, Merewether

Jenna Price properly observes the inequality inherent in the use of limited public space that is given to clubs, and to male-dominated sports organisations. The way sport is managed and the resources allocated to sport urgently need to be reviewed so that we meet the social and health needs of all of us – not only the sports obsessed minority (like me). Colin Hesse, Marrickville

Come on: if you got rid of Moore Park Golf Club, that would only leave 56 courses in the Sydney metropolitan area. Todd Hillsley, Homebush


Thirsty cotton farms misuse our precious water

Water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource ("Food bowl dries out as climate heats up", December 15). The question is: what is the best use of what has now also become a valuable commodity. Do we produce food or fibre? Since water has been decoupled from the land, a water licence can be transferred to the acreage which gives the greatest financial return. In many cases this is cotton. Ninety per cent of our cotton is exported overseas, some of which comes back as cheap clothing. Twenty per cent of our irrigation water is used to produce cotton: would not this be better used to produce something we can eat? You can eat a bowl of fruit, but you can't eat a T-shirt. Chris Moe, Bensville

Water allocation within the Murray Darling system has been a rort for decades as small-scale farmers compete with agribusiness, with townsfolk who just want water to drink and, of course, with environmental needs. The Nationals want to build and enlarge dams but we have no business case, no idea of just who will get the water stored, no idea of effects downstream, no idea about who will own the dams and little interest by the Nationals in any environmental issues. The NSW Liberals seem to be in cahoots with their allies, the Nationals, and also with large-scale cotton producers who will siphon off all that they can. The adviser who suggested that "discretion" is needed when applying rules gave the game away as it is tantamount to allowing what the big boys want despite the rules. Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights

Monsoonal rains can be diverted into the Murray Darling Basin with today’s technology, not only solving that problem but reducing sediment flow off to the Great Barrier Reef . A zero emissions target and a move to total renewable energy is essential to avoid a three degree rise by 2100, but there is also the projected global population for 2100 of 11.2 billion people. We need to take the big picture into account and bickering over dams and the distribution of an ever-diminishing water supply is very narrow minded. Steve Johnson, Elizabeth Beach

As the Murray Darling basin dries up due to climate change, the NSW government is about to hand out billions of dollars of water licences while a thousand illegal dams are built to harvest water for irrigators. We can't continue to steal from the environment while cooking the planet. We want our government to safeguard the environment and serve the public good, rather than prop up vested interests. Brian Hastings, West Ryde

Coal ban must push Coalition towards renewables

Perhaps China's ban on coal is the bomb our federal government needs to get real about renewables ("Beijing blocks Australian coal indefinitely", December 15). The east coast weather is the latest costly reminder. Our targets are nowhere near what is necessary and any efforts aimed at amelioration have been taken by state governments and individuals installing solar. Jill Stephenson, Woolwich

Matt Canavan has it all wrong in suggesting that Australia tax iron ore exports to China as retaliation for their banning Australian coal. This only achieves an acceleration of China looking to other markets in Brazil and West Africa to fill the void and initiate the permanent loss of China as a destination for our iron ore. A similar hamfisted approach to the Chinese regarding COVID-19 and human rights is a significant reason we find ourselves in this situation. If the government wants to send a clear message to China with a real "sting in the tail" it could always deploy a ban on baby formula products to China. That will really hit them where it hurts. David Sargeant, Jannali

Our PM, with his recent actions in China, can now rightly claim some credit in this case for "stopping the boats". John Slidziunas, Woonona

Cruelty is cruelty

It's good to know that this barbaric practice has been exposed ("Birds seized in alleged cockfighting ring", December 15), but does it mean that cruelty to chickens is still deemed acceptable when they are crammed into batteries to lay eggs or produce drumsticks? Meredith Williams, Northmead

Race to the bottom

Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter's response to Labor's warnings that workplace changes will drive down wages is to declare that the wage share of national income would rise if more people had a job, by presumably converting from JobSeeker to a minimal wage ("Workplace changes will drive down wages, savings" , December 15). Wages too low to support a minimal lifestyle epitomises the "working poor" model the government has been covertly encouraging by a failure to effectively tackle blatant wage theft, with wages as low as $7 an hour. This race to the bottom is the surest recipe for a lose-lose scenario. We will all be the losers. Alan Carruthers, Artarmon

Easy street

So Mathias Cormann will soon be down and out in Paris and London. It looks like he'll have to settle for a cabinet minister's pension. Aw, shucks ("Cormann's top OECD rival pledges global rollout of carbon price", December 15). John Grinter, Katoomba

Dying with dignity

Throughout history, more death, suffering and misery has been caused by the beliefs and dictates of organised religions than any other factor in human affairs (Letters, November 15). No matter what facile arguments are put forward, such as protecting the vulnerable, if we dig deep enough we will find religious beliefs at the heart of the resistance to passing assisted dying legislation. One prominent example is Kevin Andrews, who in 1996 sponsored a private members bill which over-rode the Northern Territory's progressive Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995. Because of the teachings of his religion, Andrews made a conscious effort to deny the terminally ill a humane death. The prolonged misery of countless people can be blamed on those who blindly accept the arbitrary rules of their religion, rather than listening to their hearts. It is long past time we had humane assisted dying legislation. Richard Keyes, Enfield

Flat argument

Your correspondent says that less than 5 per cent of energy produced worldwide is from renewable sources (Letters, November 15). His figures are out of date. Worldwide, all types of energy are made up of approximately 30 per cent renewables, with this now expected to be well over 50 per cent by 2040. As for his argument regarding sunshine, contemporary solar panels are extremely efficient and generate effective power even on the rainiest days. This technology is also improving and therefore only becoming more effective. Anecdotally I can assure him, our battery is fully charged by 10am, even on a very cloudy day. Marie-Louise Dreux, Dulwich Hill

Insanely expensive nuclear is the last refuge of right-wing denial. Graeme Finn, St Peters

Future in phonics

At last, a story about the success of synthetic phonics in supporting the development of reading skills in an initially poor reader ("Nothing phoney about phonics: just ask my son", December 14 ). Let's be clear on this: the systematic teaching of phonics, where the sounds and words flash quickly from a smartboard while children sit in graded rows cradling whiteboards, markers and rubbers, responding to programmed questions (including nonsense words) and guided by skilled teachers, is transforming education. It works. Don't let the "debate" be hijacked by well-meaning but blinkered educators who fail to grasp the importance of this pedagogy and its place in a modern classroom. As for sceptics who feel it all happens at the expense of developing a love of books and literature, they can be reassured - it is a very small part of well-rounded literacy program. Dorin Suciu, Eleebana

QR problems

I admire Stephen Miller's persistence in struggling with the QR code for 20 minutes (Letters, December 15). But it is not only people on the spectrum who have difficulty. In my experience, wi-fi connection may be poor or non-existent and some phones don't like some QR code recognition software. Some venues are happy for only one person from a group to sign in - and some, but not all, software lets you do this. On other occasions, everyone is required to sign in individually (making social distancing near the entrance impossible). Lastly, some businesses have the QR code displayed but don't really expect you to use it. Once again we are facing inconsistencies and difficulties, which make it challenging for those who want to do the right thing, while encouraging those who don't to decide it is all too hard. Sally James, Russell Lea

Going batty

And there I was thinking that bouncers worked in pubs (Letters, December 15). It’s just not cricket. Ross Leighton, Gwynneville

Wendy Young: if we have fielders, bowlers and wicketkeepers, then surely we have batters? For more clarification, maybe we can ask our world champion Australian women's cricket team as to whom of them are batsmen. Clare Raffan, Campsie

Given that women are prominent in cricket these days, I would have thought that the term "batter" rather than "batsman" would be entirely appropriate. Max Redmayne, Russell Lea

Smoke and mirrors

Will US President Donald Trump use "alternative facts" to explain the Electoral College affirmation that US president-elect Joe Biden is the election victor and not him ("Electoral College confirms Trump's defeat and proves American democracy's strength", December 15)? Rod Tuck, Katoomba

Top of the class

Just before the annual HSC media circus begins, may I applaud every single candidate who overcame incredible odds to get through the year, to say nothing of their amazing teachers who guided them through the COVID[-19 crisis. You all deserve to be on the merit lists. Michael Fischer, Coogee

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Australian coal blocked indefinitely by Beijing
From Country Observer: ‘‘Regardless of China’s actions, our government should have developed a plan to transition away from coal, but their refusal to acknowledge that the world market is changing, and now with China’s ban, there is no backup plan.’’

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