

This was published 4 years ago

If universities are to be truly valued, they must be properly funded

The Australian higher education sector desperately needs a vision for its future, but it also requires clear demarcation of “ownership” (“Lack of higher education vision will ‘kill’ universities: vice-chancellor”, June 27-28). Ties between higher education and government have become inextricable. Though the federal government might fund Australian universities, Professor Brian Schmidt’s ANU is the only one that is Commonwealth-established. In other cases, it’s the home states and territories that confer the title of “university” and oversee institutions’ reporting, auditing, by-laws, corporate governance and land title. Having once worked in this environment, at a time when universities’ commercial enterprises, as well as their interstate and international campuses were rapidly expanding, it’s clear to me that the historical arrangements governing higher education in Australia are obsolete. State and territory governments, in particular, should now decide whether they value their public universities. If they do, they too, as in times long ago, will have to back this commitment with public money. - John Williams, Balmain

Illustration: Michael Leunig

Illustration: Michael LeunigCredit:

Right now, Australia should be investigating ways to reduce university fees across the board. Online learning can be offered at a much lower cost of delivery than face to face. Globally, our university model is under threat. Universities in the US and Britain are building campuses throughout Asia on a massive scale to capture the international student market. Meanwhile, Australian universities continue a funding model of overcharging international students on a teaching method based in the past. Isn't it time Australian universities looked at becoming the regional leader of tertiary education? Many of our neighbours are poor. Through education, we can improve the prosperity of people in our region. It starts with mass delivery of cheap education and through that model, our own students can benefit from reduced student debts. - Greg Adamson, Griffith

The government’s attack on critical thinking through the ABC, the arts and the universities diminishes us all (“Bring in the Barbarians: the Morrison government is marching us towards anti-intellectualism”, June 27-28). Over the past few decades, our political centre has moved sharply to the right, so much so that genuinely good investigative journalism, university courses that encourage critical thinking and the arts in general are denigrated as being “left wing”, while conscientiously even-handed institutions such as the ABC are labelled “socialist”. As a result, the global breakdown in the democratic process which is engulfing the world is threatening to infect Australia. - Bruce Spence, Balmain

Thomas Keneally's anguish in finding so much in government funding for an extension to an existing war museum is so justified ("The economics of cultural cringe", June 27-28). Surely, all those lives lost during wars were to give us a better understanding and a more fulfilling life. With funding cuts to galleries and the ABC, it is so necessary that these institutions continue to thrive and enrich the lives we are living right now. Lives lost in wars were for this very reason. Will I want to go to Canberra to experience further exploration of man's inhumanity to man through a war museum? I think not. However, I would certainly venture anywhere to hear a symphony concert or enjoy the blockbuster art exhibitions that Canberra does so well at the National Gallery. Enrichment of the mind through an artistic experience is just impossible to measure. - Greg Vale, Kiama

Powerhouse move gives voice to outrage

John McDonald's detailed expose of the venal plan to move the Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta clearly details the corruptness of this lose-lose proposition (“Silence won’t save the Powerhouse; speak up now!”, June 27-28). It will destroy the museum in any practical sense and Parramatta will see the last vestiges of its Victorian cultural heritage torn down for a tasteless recreation centre. And we, the taxpayers, will foot the bill. There are so many bad angles to this plan. What possible motivation can there be for Gladys Berejiklian to carry it through, except to keep sweet with the only winners: the developers eagerly waiting to get their hands on prime Ultimo real estate. We must stop this vandalism now. - Jeff Donovan, Bermagui

McDonald makes a powerful argument for saving the museum. There’s also an educational perspective: when my kids were little, their favourite outing was to the Powerhouse. They loved the interactive games that taught scientific principles and were fascinated by the historical items showing humanity’s innovation in applying science and technology. My son has gone on to university maths and computer science and has started research in artificial intelligence. It’s mystifying that the NSW government should be closing this down at the same time as the Australian government is radically changing university fees to promote STEM courses for “jobs of the future”. The Powerhouse is a national treasure and a tourism drawcard. We need to inspire kids at age eight, not bribe them at 18. - Kevin Fell, Cooks Hill

McDonald’s article gives voice to my outrage. This protest is not a cause just for lefty progressives: where are the historians, art lovers and conservatives? Relocation of the Powerhouse Museum from Ultimo is reminiscent of the near destruction of The Rocks in the 1960s, a historical area almost destroyed but now much valued and an important icon of Sydney. What's next? Move the Museum of Contemporary Art? The harbourside location could make a wonderful hotel/apartment block. - Shirley Cameron, Birchgrove

Is this another case of a government selling a site to developers and justifying its decision solely on the basis that it will boost treasury coffers? The government should examine its consciences and ask: “What will it profit NSW if it gains millions but forfeits its soul?" - Nan Howard, Camden


It's a shame that McDonald marred his otherwise excellent case for saving the Powerhouse Museum by resorting to blind hyperbole. Calling the government's project "the greatest cultural crime in Australian history" overlooks the destruction of indigenous culture. - Janet Burstall, Lilyfield

All political influence should be scrutinised

The exposure of yet another member of one of our parliaments being allegedly influenced by a foreign government has resulted in a call for an inquiry into the way in which foreign governments interfere in Australian public affairs ("Labor suspends MP targeted in ASIO raid", June 27-28). But the issue goes deeper than this. Voters, whose only influence on the democratic process is to number a square every few years, should be appalled at the many ways in which powerful and often anonymous forces influence our decision-makers. The lobbying industry and political donations come to mind as not so subtle processes that potentially subvert the will of the people and the independence of our parliamentarians. Our political parties might have a strong interest in not pursuing such an agenda, but if at all possible, a wide-ranging inquiry into all forms of political influencing might create a more transparent democratic process. - Laurie Wilson, Allambie Heights

I agree that Australia should not allow foreign governments to influence our government. So when are we going to close down Pine Gap? Or stop the use by the US of RAAF facilities in Darwin? What about the NASA-funded Deep Space Network in Tidbinbilla, ACT? I mean, who knows where such things could lead? We might end up joining the US in some endless war somewhere. - Henry Spirek, Orange

Under the hand of Andrew Robb, and the auspices of the federal government, Australia leased the port of Darwin for 99 years to an enterprise tied to the very country which looms as our most serious security threat. I’m confused. - Ian Muldoon, Coffs Harbour

The ALP was very quick to expel one of its MPs after his office and residence were raided by the federal police, ostensibly because ASIO has accused him of being a Chinese government agent of influence. What has always made us different from the authoritarian states is that the bedrock of our legal system is the principle that an accused person is innocent until due process proves otherwise. The ALP and the NSW Police Minister should be reminded of this. - Richard Vielie, Hunters Hill

Fight with Ita for ABC

What a wonderful ABC chairwoman Ita Buttrose has turned out to be, bravely speaking out against the latest cuts ("All Australians suffer from cuts to a broadcaster that connects us all", June 27-28). Under the guise of being necessary budget measures resulting from the heavy costs of the bushfires and virus pandemic, these cuts are just the first and irreversible steps to leave us, as Buttrose says with “a balkanised and parochial bunch of broadcasters that are in danger of being compromised by profit, and more intent on dividing than unifying”. No matter what anybody in the government says, the move against the ABC has started, and it behooves those of us who value it, to fight tooth and nail with Ita to stop it. - Dick Honor, Bowral

The Prime Minister may have thought he had installed someone who would be compliant and who would abet the Liberal Party's continued evisceration of Aunty ("ABC proposal to expand regional footprint ignored'', June 27-28). It appears he was wrong. Go Ita. - Brenton White, Mosman

The ABC proposes to expand its coverage of remote areas and to hire more journalists in exchange for retaining indexation, the loss of which is to cost it $84 million over three years. And this at a time when regional journalism is bleeding from the ears. So what does it get? A line of federal ministerial waffle about preserving "a mutually respectful and trust-based working relationship". - Max Fossey, Oakville

The Morrison government wants to spend nearly half a billion on supersizing the Australian War Memorial. How to pay for it during a pandemic and job crisis? Just cut funds to the ABC and the National Gallery, who will be forced to shed jobs. It's important to commemorate them but I wonder what the old Diggers would think ("War Memorial expansion draws ire as National Gallery forced to cut staff", June 26-27). - Paul Doyle, Glenbrook

Privilege and accountability

Dyson Heydon had everything going for him: ultra-conservative pedigree to die for, academic brilliance and a stellar judicial career, none of which guarantee decency. He has many great qualities but it seems that none of these have prevented him from allegedly abusing his position on numerous documented occasions (Dyson's 'dirty deeds", June 27-28). People who are granted the privileged status he has achieved must be held to the strictest accountability. It remains to be seen whether this will happen. - Frank Trent, Mudgee

Legal publishers should not cease to publish Dyson Heydon's texts on account of the recent high court administration inquiry findings against him ("Legal publisher 'reviewing relationship' with Dyson Heydon", June 27). The buying and reading of a legal text and a publisher's making a profit from such books should not be seen as an endorsement of the author's personal actions. No one in society is blameless. Indeed, we allowed SS uniform maker Hugo Boss to have stores in Sydney long before that company apologised for its Nazi past. - Polly Seidler, Darlinghurst

Julia Baird's excellent opinion piece nails so accurately the complicit nature of serial sexual harassment in the legal profession ("Blind eye turned to powerful predators", June 27-28). She has experienced it herself. Her final comment, "Shame we'll never know how excellent those women would have been" is so sad in its summary of the lost hopes and careers of many excellent, clever young women who fled the alleged predator. - Selwyn Glynn, Paddington

Please ex-plane

I had a return Sydney/Melbourne flight last weekend, for good reason. It was almost funny: gate lounge signs and staff urged us to social distance. Then on to the plane, totally full, not one vacant seat. Very few people wore masks. So what’s going on? Is it ignorance and complacency? Whatever the reason, it was unsettling to be trapped in a potentially quite dangerous airborne can of sardines. - Rod Anderson, Earlwood

Your call is impertinent to us

Like Grahame Marks (Letters, June 27-28) I don’t have the PM’s phone number either. However, he has mine, as does the Premier of NSW and several candidates standing in the Eden-Monaro byelection. No permission granted and I am on the Do Not Call register, which seems to exclude fewer calls than it allows. - Janet Reynolds, Greenleigh

Young ones, take note

There has been much talk about the death of cash. Twice now in the past six months, I have experienced a time when I could not use anything but cash. First was at the beginning of January when the fires swept through Cobargo. And again recently when it seems my debit card became ‘'compromised'’. There will always be a place for cash and my advice for any young one: have a $50 note in your wallet for emergencies. -Louise Brown, Wandella

Looking for Laura

Anyone know what happened to Laura Norder, born late 60s or early 70s, same time as a state election. May also be the mother of Jobson Grothe. - Ian Brennan, Wareemba

Part dog, part banana

Clancy the dog shouldn’t be too surprised that humans and dogs share 84 per cent of their DNA ("Talking down the qualities of canines truly a dog act", June 27-28). After all, we humans supposedly share 50 per cent of our DNA with bananas. - Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

Quantum of solstice

The Gold Coast's AFL and NRL teams, unusually, have both just won on the same weekend. Maybe because the solstice was a week late due to daylight saving. - Tony Doyle, Fairy Meadow

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