

This was published 4 years ago


When it comes to detection, leave it to the dogs

Dear Mum and Dad,

It’s your dog, Clancy, writing from the city. Yesterday in the park, an old fellow bent over and scratched me behind my right ear. So far, so good. The experience was quite pleasant. Then he turned to Man and said the most absurd thing: “Dogs like to be scratched behind their ear, because it’s the only part of their body they can’t reach.”

What a load of bunkum. I scratch myself behind the ears all the time. Why would evolution, that marvellous system, have created a safe, un-scratchable haven for fleas, that natural enemy of the all dogs?

This notion about scratching is not the only piece of disinformation that circulates about dogs. Some people say we’re colour blind, which also makes no sense. Show me a serve of chicken, and then show me a serve of paprika chicken, and believe me, I can pick the difference, using sight as well as smell. (I prefer the non-paprika chicken. I say let the main ingredient sing!)

Why do humans invent this sort of rubbish about dogs? It’s not as if we make up stories about human incapacity. You don’t find me saying, “Oh, apparently, Man can’t reach his own bum”, or, “Whenever a human scratches themselves, it means they definitely have fleas” or, “You can’t teach people anything new once they get past about 43”.

Humans would be wise not to turn this into a competition, especially since dogs are – in nearly every aspect of life – superior to people.

People, for example, are always singing their own praises when it comes to technology. They say: “We’re so clever, we can invent anything. We invented the internet. And we invented Wi-Fi.” Fair enough, but if they are so good at high-tech, why can’t they develop a machine, deployable at airport security, that can detect the presence of illegal drugs, gunpowder or — here’s the Australian preoccupation — fruit?

Answer: they can’t. Otherwise they would.

Instead, the whole edifice of Australian Border Force is piled on the shoulders of one overworked beagle called Terry. Terry can instantly pick out an ISIS bomber, an ice-dealing member of the Triads or a bloke with a pineapple up his clacker, all while hardly breaking his stride. If you could patent that dog’s nose, you’d be richer than Bill Gates.

Terry, don't get distracted by the pickled eggs.

Terry, don't get distracted by the pickled eggs. Credit: Peter Morris


Same thing with medical science. Science has spent billions on cancer detection systems, and yet in recent experiments, they have resorted to training dogs to sniff out cancers. These canines are saving lives as surely as if they had jumped into a freezing river and swum a rope to a drowning child. One study has revealed that the medical dogs get it right with accuracy of about 97 per cent – hardly surprising when you consider our sense of smell is rated as 10,000 times better than that of humans.

In fact, some experts offer this analogy from the world of sight: if humans can see half a kilometre away, a dog could see nearly 5000 kilometres. Even further if the thing we’re examining is a bowl full of chicken.

It’s not just the nose that’s superior. The ears are pretty good as well. They can hear higher frequency sounds, as well as distant sounds. One expert says dogs can hear sounds four times further away than can be heard by humans. It’s why I rush around jump under the bed when a thunderstorm is approaching, while Man dithers around saying, "What’s wrong, Clancy? Has something spooked you?"

Five minutes later, the penny drops and it’s a case of, "Oh, I get it. It’s a thunderstorm". By which time, of course, I’ve grabbed the safe spot under the bed. Too late, old boy, you’ll have to find your own hidey-hole.

Humans and dogs share 84 per cent of their DNA, which is surprising when you think of how different we are. Obviously, dogs dedicate our unique 16 per cent to important skills in the area of smelling, hearing and loyalty. The question is: what are the humans doing with their unique 16 per cent?

Presumably, there’s a chromosome or two for getting stressed over how they look (we dogs never bother with looking in mirrors), a chromosome for doing their tax (even rich dogs let others handle their financial affairs), and probably whole sections of the brain dedicated to getting stressed over things they can’t control (a human speciality, it always seems to me).

Are there activities in which a dog is less adept than a human? Of course. We are unable to pick up dog hair, despite shedding it each day. We’re unable to operate anything but the simplest washing machine. In terms of literature, we often wait for the movie.


Give a dog a mobile phone and he’ll be hard pressed to make anything but the most basic call. Dogs, generally, aren’t that interested in fashion. We often wolf our food — then again, we evolved from wolves.

The point is, we can do most things that are worth doing. And that includes scratching behind our own ears.

So give yourself a scratch from me.

Love, Clancy

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