

This was published 4 years ago


A single question reverberates throughout the Dyson Heydon affair

When something bad happens, repeatedly, to women, so often that they caution each other to avoid someone: not to attend certain lectures, not to accept certain invitations or jobs, not to be left alone with a certain man, then two questions arise. First, why is it that the women are the ones who always need to modify their behaviour, to avoid assault or harassment? Why not the perpetrator? The second is: who also knew what was going on and failed to do anything about it?

People always look for patterns in the behaviour of alleged predators. With former High Court judge Dyson Heydon, we’re told, it was champagne: a moment when women were asked to his chambers, ostensibly for fine French bubbles. But should we not also look for a pattern of protection of predators? Of blind or turned eyes, of the possession of power intimidating people into some kind of complicity, of the normalising of women as playthings or subordinates in a profession where they remain a distinct minority, and of well-connected boys clubs creating a system in which men harass without consequences, and women are repeatedly punished – for avoiding them, rejecting them or – worst of all – reporting them. This reeks of a culture of impunity.

Former High Court justice Dyson Heydon was found in an inquiry ordered by the High Court to have harassed six associates.

Former High Court justice Dyson Heydon was found in an inquiry ordered by the High Court to have harassed six associates.Credit: Ben Rushton

If a woman cannot be safe in the highest court in the land, a place of probity, integrity and rectitude, then where can she be? And if there aren’t women in positions of leadership, will anyone hold the blokes to account? How the hell do these guys get away with this for so long?

When Dyson Heydon was appointed to the High Court by John Howard in 2003, he replaced the only woman judge – Mary Gaudron – thereby restoring an all-male bench on the most illustrious court in the land. There were capable women around, of course, including Susan Kiefel, listed by journalists as potential contenders. But, NSW judge Roddy Meagher told a reporter from The Australian, women just didn’t have enough of that elusive quality men seem to naturally hog: merit. “If you find a woman who is No. 1 in the merit list,” he said, “of course she should be appointed, but there is no such person.”

(Gaudron, it should be noted, ripped into a “willfully unreconstructed” Meagher for his comment that "the bar desperately needs more women barristers [because] there are so many bad ones that people may say that women ... are hopeless by nature”.)

Kiefel is now Chief Justice of that court, and did something no male judge had done before her: seek to establish if what lawyer Josh Bornstein called the “legal profession’s dirtiest secret in this country” – a pattern of sexual harassment by the respected, formidable Heydon, now 77 and retired from the court, was true.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

After receiving complaints, Kiefel immediately acted, commissioning an investigation. When it was found that Heydon had harassed six of his associates, Kiefel was excoriating: this was of “extreme concern” to all at the court, and, she added: “We’re ashamed that this could have happened at the High Court of Australia.” Ashamed.

Heydon has flatly denied “any allegation of predatory behaviour or breaches of the law”. In a statement, he apologised if “any conduct of his has caused offence”, adding that the offence had been “inadvertent and unintended”.


Sydney lawyer Dhanya Mani says she told NSW Supreme Court judge Guy Parker that Heydon had made sexual advances towards her in 2018, but nothing was done about it. Mani says Parker gave her permission to tell Heydon to “f--k off” if he did it again ( although Parker's recollection of the converation appears to differ). Again, if true, the onus is on the woman to contain the man. If a judge knew, why didn’t he act?

In 2005 Rachael Patterson-Collins told Sharona Coutts, a fellow High Court associate, that Heydon had harassed her. Coutts says she told her judge Michael McHugh. ‘‘You have just truly shocked me,’’ McHugh reportedly replied. Coutts says he later told her he had spoken with chief justice Murray Gleeson. What we don’t know is what happened next: Did Gleeson speak to Heydon? Was Gleeson obliged to call in the Australian Federal Police given the gravity of the complaint? Was there any written record of the meeting? McHugh has not spoken publicly on the matter. Gleeson reportedly responded to a series of claims put to him by The Australian Financial Review: "The accounts relayed to you are false."


Courts are meant to exist as a check on power and provider of justice: not a place for the robed, bewigged powerful to exploit their juniors. So will change actually occur now, in the case of a retired judge? The investigator, Vivienne Thom, made several recommendations that the High Court has adopted: to develop an HR policy for associates, provide them with a supervisor, to review the induction process, to make clear that “the confidentiality requirements for associates relate only to the to work of the court” (wow, how this must have been abused), and that “the court should make clear to associates that their duties do not extend to an obligation to attend social functions”. What was missing was instructions that should be blindingly obvious to judges – just don’t harass, be creepy or assault women, or you will be out. Associates should not have to be told not to go out to events. Frankly, judges should be told not to harass women at those events. You’d think, anyway.

Thom also recommended canvassing current associates to find out more about their experiences at the court.

The significance of this finding, and public shaming, cannot be underestimated. I studied law in the 1990s and was harassed a dozen times as a paralegal, by law partners, barristers, solicitors; everyone was. In fact, I don’t know a single female lawyer that hasn’t been harassed. It’s embedded in the hierarchical, male-driven culture, where judges wield enormous power over the entire careers of their proteges. And it will only change if there are consequences for harassment and indecent assault for men in positions of power: sitting judges, sacked; SCs, struck off.

A survey of 2,324 legal practitioners by the Victorian Legal Services Board – released in April – found that 61 per cent of women in the legal sector had experienced sexual harassment, and 12 per cent of men. Most perpetrators were older, male and more senior than their target.


And get this: 40 per cent of incidents of sexual harassment were part of a pattern of behaviour, and, for 48 per cent, the harasser had been known to be involved in similar incidents. This is what impunity breeds: repeat behaviour. It festers and spreads in fertile grounds, unchallenged.
The sluice gates are open now. The High Court has emailed another 100 women who worked there when Heydon sat on the bench, substantially broadening the inquiry.

Reporters Jacqueline Maley and Kate McClymont have been inundated with stories. There are more to come. And throughout their startling reporting, a tumble of allegations of assaults and harassment stretching back decades, is the steady, persistent drumbeat of one, simple question: “Who knew, and failed to act?”

A Sydney barrister, who was a High Court associate and who has sent to Thom his corroboration of one victim's allegations against Heydon, texted me when the news broke: “Rest assured that everyone of any seniority in the Sydney legal community knew all about Dyson Heydon’s predations. Everyone knew, even those of us who were mere minions at the metaphorical coalface. They were all too scared.” Bornstein says “hundreds” knew. Hundreds.

It’s time for a reckoning. Meanwhile, three of Heydon’s female associates simply left the law. Heydon was an “excellent” judge, said former PM John Howard, standing by his man. Shame we’ll never know how excellent those women would have been.

Julia Baird is co-host of The Drum on ABCTV.

Editor's note: an earlier version of this story said that former chief justice of the High Court Murray Gleeson had not spoken publicly on the matter.

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