

This was published 1 year ago

Fresh focus on grammar will boost career options


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

Thank goodness there is a return to common sense (“English syllabus set for overhaul”, December 5). It is a bit like teaching anything in primary school and then not continuing it in high school – students forget and do not progress in their knowledge and understanding. Primary schools have been focusing on grammar for several years now. Teachers who missed out on grammar in their own education are being given in-service training. When issues like this arise, it highlights the need to ensure high school students have a broad-based education instead of narrowing down. It is that which makes for a well-educated society that benefits everyone and will allow future workers the ability to be flexible in their work choices. Augusta Monro, Dural

There is no doubt that grammar, punctuation and sentence structure are important elements in writing, but knowledge of these skills alone would not advance a student’s ability to explain, say, the El Nino phenomenon or any other complex topic. The key to writing about complex ideas at any age comes from a mastery of the concepts, vocabulary and factual knowledge of the field about which you are writing. Without a grounding in the subject matter, all that will be achieved is a product with the surface structures of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure perfectly presented, but the reader will likely be still left in the dark about what ideas the writer was seeking to convey. If you doubt the importance of subject knowledge, just try to explain, in writing, the difference between Newton’s physics and the physics of quantum mechanics. Trevor Somerville, Illawong


Credit: John Shakespeare

The reported focus on reading for pleasure in the new syllabus will be welcome. Research shows that students who have time at school to read widely and write daily, that have some choice over what they read, and see themselves represented in the stories they encounter are more likely to become engaged and successful learners. I look forward to seeing how reading for pleasure has been embedded in the new syllabus when it is released to the teachers in the system who will be implementing it. Deb McPherson, Gerringong

There’s always a cohort that misses out when a syllabus change occurs. Take, for example, those young learners who commenced kindergarten in 2020 and will go into year 3 next year. They have experienced disruption in those crucial first years and will not be taught the new syllabus as it will be introduced in 2024. What does the minister plan for them? What will their grammar, punctuation and sentence structure be like in 2027 when they start high school? Lyn Langtry, East Ryde

I’m not sure if the changes to the English syllabus will improve student outcomes or not, but surely one of the concerns must be that a fair percentage of those teaching English are either not trained English teachers or were not taught correct grammar themselves. Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

“Grammar will be a focus” of the new NSW English syllabus. This curmudgeonly old pedant is available for recycling, ready to teach the teachers. Viv Mackenzie, Port Hacking

It’s not a crime to wonder about another’s origins

I think many people ask the wrong question, or ask it in an insensitive way (Letters, December 5). I like to know about my fellow people so, after a brief introduction to show that my question to come is based purely on my inquisitiveness and is not designed to be offensive, I ask of the person’s heritage. I ask that because even if we are all now Australian, we are generally aware of and proud of our non-Australian heritage (I’m the son of 10-pound Poms). Where the person’s heritage is not Indigenous Australian, I then ask why, out of all the countries in the world, they or their forebears, like mine, chose Australia. That’s when the conversation gets interesting. Peter Butler, Wyongah


While it’s not a crime to ask about one’s country of origin, the question is: how often are white Anglo-Saxon folk asked the same question? I’m guessing rarely. Ashley Berry, Toolijooa

A strange new world: Italian migrants arriving in Australia.

A strange new world: Italian migrants arriving in Australia.Credit: Staff photographer

I was first asked where I was from in the early ’90s, by a fellow parent at my son’s school. I told her I grew up in Collaroy, intrigued by why this woman with a Portuguese accent wanted to know this banal information. “No,” she persisted, “where did your people come from?” Nobody had ever asked me this before. For it seems the lot of the Australian is to feign a sense of belonging in a country where, apart from the Indigenous people, we have all come from somewhere else; and the question about our origins should not be seen as a source of offence, but rather appreciation for someone’s curiosity and interest in us. Lyndall Nelson, Goulburn

To avoid giving offence, I’ll politely ask: “What’s your ancestry?” There’s no need to assume that just because someone is a different shade, Australia isn’t their birthplace and home. Richard Abram, Bexley

With the name Pasquale, I am sometimes asked, “What nationality is that?” I reply, “Irish.” Some continue, “Which county?” I proudly respond, “County Calabria.” Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga

In trying to be friendly towards strangers, when I’m in a taxi if it looks as if the driver is from overseas by their accent or, yes, their skin colour, I’ll usually try to engage in some sort of geographical conversation. The driver has usually been delighted to talk. Subsequently, I’ve learnt a lot about Sikhism, how Bangladesh came about, and the real reason for political instability in Pakistan. It now seems as if I’ve been behaving as a racist all these years, and I’ve got the message. From now on, all conversations will be about the weather. Ross MacPherson, Seaforth

Government’s ferry bad ideas

How farcical that the government agency Transport for NSW has to hire a private engineering firm to tell it whether Transdev, its private ferry operator, knows what it is doing about repeated failures of Chinese-built ferries (“Extent of steering faults exposed”, December 5). This is hands-off government gone to dysfunctional extreme. How about we have engineers permanently employed by the government who can impartially declare that a contractor is unfit to run the ferries, then get rid of the private operator and run the ferries properly? Maybe, even, we build the ferries here, so the builders’ legal accountability is within the same jurisdiction as the owners and operators? Barry Laing, Castle Cove

To raise funds to build new ferries that work, why not run a tontine? Punters could vote on which overseas-built ferry will be the last to be pulled from service. As the pool diminishes, it could become very exciting, as long as you are not a passenger on a Manly run when the steering cuts out and you end up on North Head. Nola Tucker, Kiama

Gough the Great

As a former Liberal government minister, is George Brandis the most objective person to be critiquing Whitlam’s legacy (“Was Gough Whitlam a great man?”, December 5)? Whitlam believed the role of government should be “to reduce fear, not raise it”, and strove to reduce the fear of unemployment, poverty in old age, the cost of necessary health treatment and the fear of educational disadvantage. His government ended conscription, withdrew Australian troops from Vietnam, implemented equal pay for women, established a separate ministry for Aboriginal Affairs and instituted Aboriginal Land Rights, established Medibank (which Fraser tried to revoke), increased pensions, abolished tertiary education fees, passed the Family Law act with no-fault divorce, passed laws banning racial and sexual discrimination, and introduced One-Vote-One-Value to democratise the electoral system, to name a few of his big achievements. Generations of Australians have benefited and still benefit from his short time in office; he achieved more progressive, social change in three years than successive Conservative governments have in decades. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Gough Whitlam on the Great Wall of China in 1971.

Gough Whitlam on the Great Wall of China in 1971.

Regardless of prime minister, the curse of the Timorese people is surely to have been so geographically close to Australia. A fascinating sequel to George Brandis’ opinion piece would be a dissection of the avaricious Australian espionage against the Timorese in 2004 and its attendant greed, lies, sleight of hand and cowardice. Gough’s “tepid” approach to the Indonesian invasion set in train 24 years of Australian complicity in Timor’s suffering, culminating in the disgrace of the spying. Ordinary Australians continue to reflect on the history and are grateful that our small and very close neighbour is so magnanimous. Susan Connelly, Lakemba

Sympathetic hearing

Sean Kelly has demonstrated over time that he is an astute journalist who has a heart (“Should we feel sorry for pollies?“, December 5). Politicians are people and have some of the same needs and wants as other people, but will be judged by their words and actions, as are we all. Sean, it’s OK to have a little sympathy for someone like Morrison but that does not excuse what he has done. His “friends” in the Coalition only supported him in the censure motion because to do the right thing would have shown their own culpability. To answer the question, we should only feel sorry for politicians when they are treated badly for doing the right thing. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

Sean Kelly is right. Experience can mould people, but in different ways. Anthony Albanese seems to have turned his upbringing into a social conscience. He could equally have turned it into scorn for those who cannot rise above their humble beginnings. Become a believer in the dog-eat-dog world. Scott Morrison seems to have picked up the infallibility part of religion. The blind faith unchallengeable by reason. Fortunately, it was so blatant that people saw it and rejected it. Neville Turbit, Russell Lea

Flash in the pan?

My mixed Sydney Modern experience on the weekend tallies with John McDonald’s first impressions (“The Modern Age”, December 3), but equally disappointing was his ranking of the AGNSW collection as fourth in Australia, despite the building doubling in size. Perhaps there’s truth in the cliche about size and quality, and it begs questions about our gallery’s humble position after 150 years in the nation’s oldest and wealthiest state capital. Flashy new buildings and installations are one thing but, like firework displays, they quickly fade alongside Shirley Hazzard’s words, “Art is the only afterlife of which we have evidence.” Here’s hoping we’ll feel this way at Sydney Modern over the next 20 years. Peter Farmer, Northbridge

Sydney Modern Museum

Sydney Modern MuseumCredit: Flavio Brancaleone

What a perfect description your correspondent (Letters, December 5) has given of her underwhelmed reaction to the new Sydney Modern gallery. Approaching from the gardens, one is first confronted by a huge bank of fire extinguisher/hydrant outlets – maybe it’s an “art installation”? – followed by a building that resembles a regional airport or, at best, a 1970s suburban council chambers. It is far from attempting or achieving any Utzon/Gehry wow factor, and this location cries out for it to generate such an initial response. I suppose we’ll get used to it, just like the weekly visit to a shopping centre. Greg Vale, Kiama

Independent study

The data shows your chances of winning a popularity competition are greatest if your opponents are Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce (“Pro-teal vote sharply anti-Coalition”, December 5). Was there really a need for a study? Lyn Savage, Coogee

Inter-net service

The “lived experience” (Letters, December 5) that make me giggle is the “live-streaming” of funerals. Technology or not – the dead remain dead. Judith Fleming, Sawtell

Clown prince?

Will Netflix categorise the Harry and Meghan docuseries (“Sussex v Windsor missile incoming”, December 5) as a comedy? Margaret McCabe, Bawley Point

Words and wisdom

Letter writers are such glorious educators. Another word to add to my literary knowledge: scotoma (Letters, December 5). Sally Spurr, Lane Cove

Last dance for Sykes

Bravo, Jill Sykes (“Urgency of young love lives on”, December 5). Take a bow. A half century of reviewing dance is worthy of a standing ovation. Sarah Johnson, Sandy Bay (Tas)

Oh, no! Who will make me think about dance now? Philip Smith, Waterloo

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
High number of steering failures involving new Manly ferries revealed
From Elyahu: ″⁣Getting these boat, trains and trams built overseas was supposed to save money. All have had serious problems that has increased their cost significantly. Also, how much tax do the builders of these things pay in Australia? How much money do the workers who built them spend to improve the Australian economy? These transport items are not cheap and are costing us all big time. They should all be built here.″⁣

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