

This was published 1 year ago

No justice in a system that victimises the accusers


Credit: Badiucao

Australian justice perpetuates the victimisation of women in rape trials, a process which is sadly well established around the world as inevitable in the adversarial justice system (“Women are furious about the Lehrmann trial outcome. Men should be too”, December 3). It’s cruel and unnecessary. Countries with inquisitorial justice, like the Netherlands, do not victimise the victims in this way.
In Dutch rape trials complainants don’t have to confront the defendant, nor give evidence in public, nor have to undergo live cross-examination. They can give evidence by video and in writing. What’s so sacred about the Australian legal system that we can’t have the same type of protective justice as is deemed good for the Dutch nation? Caroline Atkinson, St Ives

After the trial of Bruce Lehrmann was aborted because of one juror’s actions, the complainant, Brittany Higgins, made the pointed comment that she found the justice system to be “asymmetrical” in how she was treated compared to the accused. Following a week in the witness box and intense cross-examination, Brittany Higgins described how she was made to feel that she was the one on trial. The severe requirements placed upon her were not matched by Bruce Lehrmann’s treatment. Is it not time for law reform authorities to revisit whether the rights of accused and complainant are appropriately balanced ? As it stands, this case appears to present a strong disincentive for a rape victim to come forward. Grahame Hackett, Bowral

I spent the final 32 years of my working life as a lawyer, directly involved in the prosecution of serious (indictable) crime in NSW. As with all prosecutors, I have known the disappointment, indeed the frustration, in hearing the words “not guilty”. As with most prosecutors I’m sure, I have known the regret in hearing an alleged victim (more correctly known as a “complainant”) say that she or he cannot go through the ordeal of reliving the attack and facing the attacker from the witness box. But the fact remains that under our system of criminal law, it is for the prosecution to prove the guilt of an accused beyond reasonable doubt. This applies to all contested cases brought under the various criminal law provisions in this state be it before a magistrate, a judge sitting alone or a judge and jury. Is it time for our society to remove the presumption of innocence from a person accused of a criminal offence? I very much hope not. And it’s not time, in my view to have a different system with a different presumption depending on the nature of the charge. The unfortunate reality in nearly all sexual assault cases is that the case comes down to word against word. It is only the tribunal of fact, be it magistrate, judge or jury, who can make an assessment of the complainant in the witness box which often speaks volumes in determining the case one way or another. So often, however, the tribunal of fact does not get the opportunity to make an assessment of the accused in the witness box. If there is one change which could be made in our criminal law, perhaps that is it. Brian Roach, Westleigh

Some commentators have missed the salient point that Higgins’ ongoing trauma was not just due to the stress of further cross-examination but to intense personal attacks being endured by her. The failings of legal system are compounded by people not minding their own bloody business. Mark Porter, New Lambton

Surely, if this heart-breaking, now-unresolvable episode teaches anything, it is that journalism needs to learn when to be quiet. Jack Robertson, Balmain

The extensive publicity surrounding the Higgins’ case prior to trial indicated that the case should have been heard by a judge alone. Now, no one will get their day in court. Carmen Fenech, Frenchs Forest

Voice negativity based on fear of facing brutal past

Nick Bryant proposes reasons why the Voice referendum might fail – misinformation about a “third chamber”, historical difficulty in passing referenda, falling victim to the ongoing “culture war” (“Yes or no, Australia’s soul on trial”, December 3). But he omits to mention another possible deterrent – fear. Many Australians are simply afraid of confronting our brutal past and prefer to ignore or deny it. Historian Mark McKenna summed up this dilemma in his 2016 book From the Edge: “No matter how much our present-day sensibilities may wish to ‘move on’ from histories of violence and oppression, it remains a perpetual obligation to remember the way in which the land was conquered”. John Ure, Mount Hutton

We still have a way to go before the referendum is held, but I have been astonished by the negative response building on many channels of social media, most of which can be boiled down to the conviction that it will divide Australians. Yet here’s the thing: even the most cursory search on the internet will reveal that we already have hundreds of advisory bodies and committees at every level of government, all designed to ensure that those most affected by proposed policies and legislation will be properly consulted and heard. The disabled, children, men, women, public health, aged care, education, rural affairs, farming, ethnic minorities ... the list goes on. Why is it so difficult to envisage a similar right to consultation by Aboriginal people? Kristina Vingis, Church Point

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

The Voice to parliament is the outcome of the coming together of Indigenous elders from all over Australia to talk through what is needed to make a difference to them. It represents a huge shift in the psychology that is needed toward proper substantial respect which can then inform our culture and lead to ground shifting on closing the gap. Those who call it divisive do not understand the way it can function to alter and heal the Australian psyche so we can move forward as one with the inclusion of the First Peoples of this land in vital decision-making as should have been at the start.Gordana Martinovich, Dulwich Hill

I’m intrigued that among all the ongoing brouhahas on the proposed Voice to parliament, I have yet to see any comment on the long-standing myriad of existing non-Constitutional voices to parliament: lobbyists. They act on behalf of industries, professional associations and other interest groups. Unlike the proposed Indigenous Voice to advise parliament in the open, these other lobbyist voices seek to influence parliament behind closed doors on proposed specific legislation. For the majority of us, the only voice to parliament that we have is exercised every three or so years on a plethora of proposed and past policies. Chris Wilkinson, Turramurra.

How to justify exorbitant salaries?

It’s always interesting to see the value placed upon executives through their salary packages (“$1b payday for top state staffers”, December 3). There is negative rhetoric around increasing the wages and salaries of our hands-on public servants – teachers, nurses, police etc – and constant referral to productivity gains being a required payback to the public purse. What justifications have been provided for these executive salary increases of around $100,000 per year? These various executives have not been able to organise their departments well, especially the shortages of teachers and nurses. How are their salary increases justified if services are not being provided efficiently?Executives staff in the private sphere gain salary and bonuses dependent upon productivity measures of increasing profits and share prices. What do public servant executives have as a base for justifying their increase? Very little, it seems, in today’s economic climate. This is not a good look, Premier, especially with staff shortages and front-line workers leaving their professions through lack of financial support. Robert Mulas, Corlette

Indigenous centre overdue

Not giving the new Sydney Modern an Indigenous name is a missed opportunity (“Sydney Modern’s lack of Indigenous name a missed opportunity”, December 3). However, an Indigenous name for the gallery will never compensate for the opportunity we are missing to build a national centre for Indigenous art and culture in Sydney. Infrastructure NSW identified it as a priority in 2016 and still we wait. Proposed centres at Barangaroo and Blackwattle Bay, which both present ideal and culturally appropriate sites, have been rejected.

 Exterior view of the Sydney Modern.

Exterior view of the Sydney Modern.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Sydney is a major entry point to our country. We have the opportunity to present the oldest living culture to the world. We need a beautiful vibrant place of international standing, developed in consultation with Aboriginal people, staffed and governed by them. It should be a keeping place to preserve cultural artefacts and to showcase art, dance, storytelling and events to all Australians, and the world. Adrienne Tunnicliffe, Pyrmont

There are two ways of getting a high green star rating. One is to build a sustainable building (“Lights on”, Spectrum, December 3). The other is to spend large amounts of money on green technology and expensive materials with a very high embodied carbon to compensate for bad design. The new Sydney Modern, which is the worst public building in Sydney, does the latter, squandering a lot of its $366 million spend of public funds.

Facing north is a glass wall without overhang – inexcusable in Australia – which ignores lessons from architectural greats such as Louis Kahn and Rafael Moneo on how to admit indirect natural light into gallery space. Inexplicably, the entry logia has an undulating glass roof, glinting and blinding those who approach nd requiring that large sums of public money be wasted on special glass to prevent it becoming a solar cooker. There is no shade, no cool respite. Everywhere is white steel and glass, collecting dirt and dust, and requiring a large amount of public money be spent to be keep anything like clean.

The aesthetic? At best, it is a glass box in the soulless, placeless international style that Kenneth Frampton decries. There are no references to Australian vernacular, none to the Sydney sandstone next door, none to the gracious buildings on nearby Macquarie Street, and none to the Woolloomooloo wharf it overlooks. At worst, it is a discordant, hodgepodge of glarey, shimmering shapes and a migraine scotoma. Annie Godfrey, Kensington

Subs not priority

Finland is deemed the happiest country in the world, so I was surprised that Finland’s progressive PM, Sanna Marin, advised Anthony Albanese to build military defence (“Finish PM warns Australia against Putin’s ‘dark agenda’”, December 3). Climate change, not military invasion, is considered by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum to be the biggest global security threat. Absurdly, Australia is already spending up to $171 billion on eight nuclear submarines while regional and Indigenous Australians, like those in and around Lismore, continue to suffer from climate impacts. Our priorities are terribly misaligned. Amy Hiller, Kew (VIC)

Where the heart is

I too have a good story to tell when asked where I come from (Letters, December 4). I invariably reply: Wahroonga. I’ve lived in this Sydney suburb continuously for 23 years, before that in another Sydney suburb for the first 23 years of my 46 years in Australia. You can see the discomfort in the questioner’s face. Undeterred, they would pursue the question inserting the word “originally” as if this would somehow dilute the severity of the offence. Not wanting to be labelled a rude immigrant, I naturally oblige. “I come from the Philippines,” I say, hoping that would be the end of the inquisition. But no. There’s always a comeback. “So tell me how often do you go back home?” I reply slowly, savouring every second of this gotcha moment: “Except when family and I are on holiday, I leave home in the morning and I return home at night.” Shuts them up every time. Felix Orcullo, Wahroonga

Why is it such a crime to want to know the origin of so many of the most fascinating and inspirational people who happen to cross our paths? In this age of multiculturalism, shouldn’t we all be learning how to broaden our horizons by learning from what other diverse cultures can teach us.
Rosalind Winterton, Maroubra

My late partner was of Aboriginal/Chinese heritage and was often asked where he was from. Having been asked so often, he didn’t take exception and on one occasion answered Brewarrina. The questioner then asked “in which province in China is that?” Christine Tiley, Albany Creek (QLD)

We could have beaten Argentina, but ...

Don’t cry for us, Argentina. The truth is, we almost beat you. Things went the wrong way, but not a long way. And losing bravely is our best feature. Don’t worry, we’ll be back (“Messi genius and a Ryan mistake: Argentina end Socceroos’ World Cup”, December 4). Peter Fleming, Northmead

Abbott portrait

A suggestion for a caption for Tony Abbott’s portrait: “Much ado abbott nothing” (Letters, December 3). Nick Walker, Suffolk Park

As a tribute to Abbott’s service to the RFS, my caption is “I hold a hose”. Neville Turbit, Russell Lea

Flipping heck

I’ve changed my mind. The word of the year should be “flipped” (Letters, December 3). Tony Biddle, Greenwich

Is anyone else annoyed by the tautology “lived experience”? One lives, one experiences life, events, interactions. Is there any experience one can have that is not “lived”? Please, just stop it. Alan Stanley, Upper Corindi


Your correspondent is wrong about the quip attributed to Dorothy Parker (Letters, December 3). It was the critic Walter Kerr whose brief and funny response to the 1951 play, I am a Camera by John van Druten was “Me no Leica”. Elisabeth Beech, Mascot

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Dutton concedes Liberals in an ‘identity crisis’, willing to deal with teals
From Tevi: “On one hand Dutton seeks to distance himself from the Morrison government and yet when asked to hold Morrison to account for his appalling behaviour in appointing himself to multiple ministries he did not not. Just because you only want to be in opposition for one election cycle won’t make it happen.”

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