I loved being an engineer, and would like to see more young women consider it, but I am dismayed to learn that UTS thinks the answer is to accept lower ATARs for female applicants (‘‘UTS lowers the bar for higher education’’, September 7-8). I know they still expect all students to have an ATAR that indicates they are capable of undertaking the course, but the perception will remain that the women in the course are not as academically worthy as the men, even if they are the best and brightest in their cohort.
At university, as I concluded my studies with high grades for which I worked hard, some of my fellow students (male) told me I only got good marks because lecturers gave me some sort of gender-based preferential treatment. These same young men had often sought me out throughout the degree for help and advice.
In the workforce, while I was generally treated as a valued colleague, I was denied a promotion because my boss expected me to get married and have children. When within weeks I successfully applied for a similar position in a more sought after location, the men who missed out said I had received special treatment.
The last thing women in engineering need is to be offered different entry standards to courses than their male colleagues. It will haunt their university experience and careers. - Ruth Clarke, Springwood
Elizabeth Farrelly details the absurdity of a UTS decision to devalue required entry standards for women into engineering courses while giving an analysis of a higher education sector that has evolved into an edu-business intent on brand management and delivering style without substance. Perhaps a reasons we now have so many defective buildings is that gaining the qualifications associated with becoming a professional builder or engineer may have become far too easy. The objective to become a clever country appears to be headed in the wrong direction if it remains guided by the university sector. - Brett Bates, Glen Thirroul
Universities should have the freedom to try new approaches, evaluate effectiveness, and then change course if needed. If in a few years, UTS ends up with one of the most gender balanced of all the engineering faculties, this will be viewed as a brilliant move. Let them experiment. Isn’t this what universities are all about? - Michael Eckert, Ashfield
Isn’t everyone who complains about UTS lowering the ATAR threshold for female engineering students forgetting the basic fact that ATAR cut-offs reflect market demand rather than skill level? That is, after all, why the threshold for teaching degrees sits so low – a fact that causes no end of hand wringing. - Amanda Wormald, Holder (ACT)
For more than 30 years I taught mathematics to engineering students, male and female, at the University of Newcastle. The overwhelming majority were intelligent, industrious, articulate, courteous and witty. They were not the “yobbos, geeks and yahoos” portrayed in Farrelly’s insulting and offensive words. - Graham Couper, Eleebana
Bravo, Elizabeth! Might I say you hit the nail on the head? - Annie Hawker, Mosman
Teo revelations trigger re-evaluation of his legacy
I, like probably many others, thought of Charlie Teo as the neurosurgeon whose door I would knock on when nobody else could help (‘‘Doctors’ fears if money runs out’’, September 7-8). The revelations about him these past few days have changed all that. I regarded him in the same light as Dr Victor Chang, but after reading about his sexist comments, actions in the theatre and at home and his exorbitant fees, I am sorry I ever made such a comparison. - Frank Adshead, Mona Vale
Kate McClymont’s reporting of Dr Teo relies on anonymous sources. Dr Teo is being vilified unmercifully while the names of these anonymous people are staying protected. - Elizabeth Stewart, Pearl Beach
Back in medical school, my neurosurgery professor said she did not envision doing all the fellowship training only to realise that she will end up as a body mechanic. Not even the best mechanic can turn a Mazda into a Porsche. There is a ceiling to what can be achieved in terms of medical outcomes and while we must recognise Teo’s skills, we must also realise that patients living longer may be attributed to the fact that he offered a commodity that other surgeons in conscience cannot, just for the sake of monetary compensation.
There is a danger in viewing healthcare as a commodity only available to those who can afford it. Patients being dumped back into the public system will undeniably eat up resources that can otherwise be utilised for those with the best prognoses. - Cristina Corleto, Stanmore
Teo’s behaviour is just as disappointing as the systemic injustice of a market-based system of health service. One specialist has alleged that when his patients run out of money they are sent to the public hospital for the care they need. This takes away the humanity of the patient and reduces them to a dollar value. - Mark Porter, New Lambton
Martin McKenzie-Murray writes that ‘‘there is little or no evidence that Teo has superior outcomes to his peers’’ (‘‘‘Like Shooting Bambi’: why Teo critics were gun-shy’’, September 7-8). The ‘‘professional criticism’’ that ‘‘he assumes too high a risk’’ implies that he routinely operates on patients that others deem ‘‘inoperable’’. Teo’s choice of operating on the very difficult (inoperable?) cases would also seem to be anecdotally corroborated. If Teo is routinely taking on the ‘‘inoperable’’ cases and getting no worse an outcome it would follow that he must be better/superior to others in
his field. - Doug Baldwin, Malua Bay
PM must wake up to economy crisis
The PM’s response to the plea of the Governor of the Reserve Bank is typical of his non-engagement with issues and his tin ear ("PM must spend to kickstart slowing economy says RBA'', September 7-8).
To say there is a limit to how much infrastructure can be done is an obvious observation. Morrison needs to engage properly with the problem. So much could be done in this area. For example, there are a great many regional bridges in need of restoration. I can tell him that we have a bridge over a railway line in Armidale on which just one heavy vehicle at a time is allowed to travel.
Also, as well as the suggested pay rise for public servants, an injection by increasing welfare payments would assist. Unlike the recent tax cuts, which have been largely used for saving and mortgage update, welfare money would flow into the economy. This is because its recipients need it desperately for adequate daily existence.
Our PM needs to realise we are confronting a major economic crisis. - Christine Perrott, Armidale
Rural people invisible
While Gladys Berijiklian, Scott Morrison, John Barilaro, Michael McCormack and their water resources ministers fiddle, NSW burns (''NSW faces 'out of control' bushfires'', September 7-8).
Decades of concentrating on major city development has left rural NSW with an ongoing dilemma of little or no water. Many rural and regional NSW dwellers faced with fires have no hope as their rivers and dams have dried up and many do not even have enough "town water" to use hoses to try to combat fires.
No new dams have been built, river waters have been sold off to greedy investors, huge cotton and rice farms have siphoned off more water than needed and yet the NSW and federal governments have ignored these issues.
Rural and regional NSW does not exist in our conservative government's eyes or policies. - Errol Grace, Fountaindale
'Wild winds: Four injured, cars damaged and thousands of homes without power', 6 September 2019. 'Houses lost, residents told it's too late to leave' as fires burn across NSW', 6 September 2019.
And this is 1 degree. Unimaginable at 4. - Amanda Berry, Scone
Own worst enemies
Bill Shorten’s unpopularity was only one of several factors in the defeat of the Labor Opposition (“Morrison’s got nothing but excuses”, September 7-8). The wealthier electorates swung to Labor while poorer electorates moved towards the Coalition. This mirrors the voting pattern for Brexit and the election of Trump. In voting for ScoMo, Boris and Donald and a neoliberal agenda, these voters appear to be acting against their own interests. - Tony Simons, Balmain
Give card a go
As expected, there has been a hail of criticism from your readers and from your editorial over the government’s plans to introduce trial drug testing for welfare recipients and to propose issuing a welfare card rather than give cash benefits (September 7-8). I recognise there are some cogent arguments against drug testing and questions as to its effectiveness. If done it should be universal, and penalising people already under pressure may not help them to kick the drug habit. But why on earth should we oppose paying all or some benefits to people via a card rather than cash? A card which allows groceries to be bought but restricts the purchase of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes seems eminently sensible. Surely this proposal would make feeding their children and themselves their first priority. - Lin Sinton, Killarney Heights
Man's crime against man
When I saw Chip Le Grand’s article, I was hopeful that at last there was going to be some publicity about the high rates of murders against men (“Monstrous killings behind closed doors”, September 7-8). According to the Australian Institute of Criminology, men are killed by strangers at 11.5 times the rate of women. Why no public vigil for any of these men? Are men less worthy of our sympathy?
Violence against women won’t be solved unless we also examine and address the reasons why men are violent against men. - Walter Lee, Ashfield
Abortion still wrong
It may well be that abortion is as popular with the general public, Coalition voters and even religious believers, as Dr Rebecca Huntley’s survey found ("We're remarkably united on abortion, and we're pro-choice", September 7-8). For the best part of a century, pollsters would have found similar levels of support for the White Australia policy. That didn’t make it right, and so the popularity or not of abortion should play no part in the decision that NSW politicians are making. - Roger Gallagher, Merrylands
Last time I checked, a conscience vote was not an invitation to blow up the government. Cast your vote, live with the result, end of story. - Penny Hackett, Willoughby
Sending off Mugabe
Robert Mugabe will certainly be remembered (''Founding father' became Zimbabwe's oppressor'', September 8-9). He made the breadbasket of Africa into the basket-case of Africa. He was so successful in transforming Zimbabwe that he had to go to Singapore to die. He lived so long because he knew he would get a warm welcome on the other side from all the people who suffered and died under his leadership. - David Neilson, Invergowrie
Freedom fighter, liberator, peace maker, butcher, appropriator of once-productive farms and dictator. He pillaged and left his countrymen starving. President Mnangagwa should sue Grace Mugabe for the wealth she stole and ban her from entering politics. - Ingrid Radford, Waverton
Who is going after his ill-gotten assets to return them to the people? - Alastair Browne, Cromer Heights
If anything, Mugabe validated Abraham Lincoln's dictum: 'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power'. - Steve Ngeow, Chatswood
Over-the-counter hype
The results of appropriately conducted research into a bunch of supplements and herbal "medicines" don't surprise me ("Two-thirds of herbal medicines not what they say they are", September 7-8). What, on the other hand, never ceases to amaze me when I go into a pharmacy is the shelf upon shelf of such products, offering hope and hype for every condition one can think of, being sold under the banner of a scientifically trained professional. - Anne Ring, Coogee
Warner’s time up
Perhaps it’s time for David Warner to consider retirement (‘‘Broad leaves Warner in worst career run and searching for answers’’, smh.com.au, September 8). - Doug Johnson, Bellevue Hill
2-8-3-5-61-0-0-0. No, that’s not a Sydney phone number. It’s Warner’s contribution with the bat during this Ashes series. Messrs Langer, Hohns and Paine, isn’t it time? - Fran McKenzie, Torrens Park (SA)
Not good enough
Yes, we should have an Australian singer as the voice of the NRL instead of reprising Tina Turner’s role (Letters, September 7-8). However, as about 45 per cent of NRL contracted players have Pacific heritage, perhaps it’s time to have a singer from the Pacific Islands do this honour. - Tony Moo, North Sydney
A message to some correspondents: rugby league supporters do read the Herald and we have thoughts. - Max Redmayne, Russell Lea
Lost lunar lander
Surprised to read of the failure of India’s attempt to land its unmanned Vikram lunar lander on the moon (‘‘India loses touch with lander’’, Sun-Herald, September 8). I mean, it can’t be too hard, it’s not rocket science! - Don Genford, Granville
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